[3.19] Poison Blade Vortex Assassin | Early To Endgame

is the build updated for 3.17?
Belyiste 님이 작성:
is the build updated for 3.17?

For the most part yes, might still change some things as i play through the league or based on feedback.
Yo! Wanted to get your Pastebin thingy but it keeps giving me and error code.

Any help?
Yo! Wanted to get your Pastebin thingy but it keeps giving me and error code.

Any help?

Are you using the community fork for pob?
hackergooby 님이 작성:
To60Kukata 님이 작성:
I'm pretty new to the game and was wondering how does blade vortex apply poison?

Here you can check out how many times blade vortex hits per second.
So with a 100% chance to poison from ascendancy (Toxic delivery 40%), herald of agony (20% and higher with circle of nostalgia with increased buff effect) and chance to poison nodes from skill tree combined every hit with blade vortex is going to poison targets, and at max blade vortex stacks that would mean 7.5 poisons applied per second.

New to the game, does this build use herald of agony? its not in the gem setups
Wizard943 님이 작성:
hackergooby 님이 작성:
To60Kukata 님이 작성:
I'm pretty new to the game and was wondering how does blade vortex apply poison?

Here you can check out how many times blade vortex hits per second.
So with a 100% chance to poison from ascendancy (Toxic delivery 40%), herald of agony (20% and higher with circle of nostalgia with increased buff effect) and chance to poison nodes from skill tree combined every hit with blade vortex is going to poison targets, and at max blade vortex stacks that would mean 7.5 poisons applied per second.

Wizard943 님이 작성:

New to the game, does this build use herald of agony? its not in the gem setups

Only until poison is capped through other methods, check the pob for info.
Hey man, was wondering is the gem setup finished? You dont use any heralds or other auras right? sorry pretty new to the game
Сan Сarcass jack be used to increase aoe in this build, or will there be too much loss in damage?
Why did you swap from cruelty to efficacy on the BV 6L ? (PoB tells me it deals less damages)
Why did you swap from cruelty to efficacy on the BV 6L ? (PoB tells me it deals less damages)

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