[3.20] 💥 Velyna's Explosive Concoction 💥 Leaguestart | Smooth Clear and Bossing | Deathless Feared

Tabetsy 님이 작성:
Loving the build right now, started reds the other day.

I have a frostferno that also has +2 lightning corr- is that effective +6 in worth it vs transitioning to a skin of the loyal? +2 links but only +1 gem level vs the +6 in frostferno.

You can wait and switch directly into skin of lords instead.

Also, just updated the midrange PoB
This build is marvelous !
easy leveling since we can focus on defensive layers !

Quick question tho, what kind of content i should avoid with this build in map ?

Can i do Harvest or Abyss ?
Hows this build performing in 3.18?
Akshay 님이 작성:
Hows this build performing in 3.18?

Seems good :)
Velyna 님이 2022. 5. 21. 오전 8:45:40에 마지막으로 편집
Luloon 님이 작성:
This build is marvelous !
easy leveling since we can focus on defensive layers !

Quick question tho, what kind of content i should avoid with this build in map ?

Can i do Harvest or Abyss ?

Both of those should be fine as long as the map containing them is appropriate for your gear level.
Hey, in the build video you use GMP as well as Greater Volley (GGGRRB) instead of the current selection of Inspiration (GGRRRB). Is GMP an end-game choice? Or a better set-up than Inspiration? Or has Inspiration been proven better overall? Which works better? :) just wanted to know before I continue on with the build, loving it so far tho!
Hooperrrr 님이 2022. 5. 21. 오후 4:13:33에 마지막으로 편집
Hooperrrr 님이 작성:
Hey, in the build video you use GMP as well as Greater Volley (GGGRRB) instead of the current selection of Inspiration (GGRRRB). Is GMP an end-game choice? Or a better set-up than Inspiration? Or has Inspiration been proven better overall? Which works better? :) just wanted to know before I continue on with the build, loving it so far tho!

I was just testing during the video, normally I run the written setup.
Velyna 님이 2022. 5. 22. 오전 8:43:55에 마지막으로 편집
Hi there, did a brief check-in on leaguestart at your stream and wanted to give an update how its going so far.

Got to level 96 yesterday and just switched some things around to get Secrets of Suffering into the build, cause i got that ailment effect on my amulet. Got a nice damage buff compared to the normal ailments.
Can do the normal uber-content just fine. Can't bother to try the uber-uber though.

Equipment-wise there is probably some min-max going on in the future but i'm fine with where i'm at right now.

For everybody interested, my PoB: https://pastebin.com/B8YP3AZQ
Maybe there are some shenanigans to do in the configuration section, but i'm sitting at around 10-12mil dps i think.

And for anyone asking, yes i'm running voidsphere over wave of conviction in my small cwdt setup. It feels so nice when a pack gets sucked in and u can get exposure on gloves anyway. Also i'm lazy and like to have a slot for my portal gem.

Best of luck to everyone playin'.
Using void sphere here also, it applies my Elemental Weakness, paired with Hextouch and Temporal Chains. It feels nice and can help distract for a moment. I use this because my CWDT setup isnt ready yet.


1) Is the absolute best Topaz Saph flask stat Charge Recovery? Or do we want Gain Charge when Hit by enemy? Video and Written guide each show different stats on the flasks. I have Enkindle Charge Recovery + Charge Recovery for now. How about you guys?

2) Also, do you guys run Greater Multiple Proj? Or the Inspiration gem setup? I find with Greater Proj it saps mana too much and it can be a pain sometimes, granted my GMP isn't leveled up all the way.

Super fun to play, I wish I could use Precision but I'm stuck with Clarity because mana flys by too much without it, I can spam click with Clarity.
cett7777 님이 작성:

2) Also, do you guys run Greater Multiple Proj? Or the Inspiration gem setup? I find with Greater Proj it saps mana too much and it can be a pain sometimes, granted my GMP isn't leveled up all the way.

I'm running Inspiration and recently switched GV for an awakened GMP for the extra Projectile. But thats a rather pricy upgrade. Inspiration + GV did just fine.

Also I'm using charge recovery for my damage flasks. as far as i understood it should give u more charges per second, but haven't tried otherwise, since im not running out of charges on those.
dasuntier 님이 2022. 6. 29. 오전 2:49:46에 마지막으로 편집

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