[3.20] 💥 Velyna's Explosive Concoction 💥 Leaguestart | Smooth Clear and Bossing | Deathless Feared

Okay, cool!

Do we need Quality on the Saph/Topaz flasks at all?

And do we use any of the fancy Flask Orbs for any of our Flasks? They're new from when I was last playing, so, not sure the best use of them.

Edit: Just noticed your characters public so I got my answers from there xD
Zephryl 님이 2022. 8. 22. 오후 9:26:30에 마지막으로 편집
Is there any merit to running Arctic Armour?

I see a lot of different reservation skills on the various PoBs (running Grace, Det and HoA myself) but I snagged 75% reservation for AA on my helm while clearing Uber, but I'd have to change auras still and not sure if it's worth it...
Hey Velyna,

Thanks for the awesome build, so far I'm having a blast. Just a quick question what kind of annointment would you recommend until we can annoint tenacity?

Thanks in advance
Hello! im currently leveling this build, i have a question about your movement skill, i see you only have dash and no silver flask, ¿how do you move fast?
gallon360 님이 작성:
Hello! im currently leveling this build, i have a question about your movement skill, i see you only have dash and no silver flask, ¿how do you move fast?

Early on you'll probably want a Quicksilver, but as you level there are some movement speed from the tree, as well as stuff like "Move speed while using a flask", plus we use 30% boots.
Hi mats,

started a bit late in the league using this build. Can someone link me his gear including the skill gems ? Cant see from the POB what f.e. mark on hit is linked with...
Goggo2000 님이 작성:
Hi mats,

started a bit late in the league using this build. Can someone link me his gear including the skill gems ? Cant see from the POB what f.e. mark on hit is linked with...

It's linked to Sniper's Mark.

You can also look at Vels profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Velyna/characters

I also have a question. Why Stone Golem (linked to CWDT)? I've looked at the VOD on Twitch and it never seems to be up.
daflipp 님이 2022. 8. 28. 오후 2:30:49에 마지막으로 편집
daflipp 님이 작성:
Goggo2000 님이 작성:
Hi mats,

started a bit late in the league using this build. Can someone link me his gear including the skill gems ? Cant see from the POB what f.e. mark on hit is linked with...

It's linked to Sniper's Mark.

You can also look at Vels profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Velyna/characters

I also have a question. Why Stone Golem (linked to CWDT)? I've looked at the VOD on Twitch and it never seems to be up.

Well I checked the PoB on the endgame version and instead of stone golem there is chaos golem
I've been playing this build lately, but i'm struggling really hard on maps, i quite don't understand how survibility works on this build since, as was stated upper in this post, that 0.25 stop to cast concotion is enough for mobs to one shot u. Anyone else having this issue? or what should i be focusing on first as i'm in mapping?

Man heist is nightmare for me, so much time wasted on it by dying on the last mechanic lol.
ZaszJäger 님이 작성:
I've been playing this build lately, but i'm struggling really hard on maps, i quite don't understand how survibility works on this build since, as was stated upper in this post, that 0.25 stop to cast concotion is enough for mobs to one shot u. Anyone else having this issue? or what should i be focusing on first as i'm in mapping?

Man heist is nightmare for me, so much time wasted on it by dying on the last mechanic lol.

invest for a better gear,look for % suppress spell at 100%, up ur pool hp, optimize ur res, there is a lot of upgrade on ur char atm
Leemyungbak 님이 2022. 8. 30. 오전 4:53:58에 마지막으로 편집

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