[3.16] Seismic/Exsanguinate Trap Build | Saboteur | Scourge | Path of Exile 3.16

I'm on something fairly similar now. On no gear except Thread of Hope & an anoint:

32k average hit
134% life
116% EV, 55% ES
85% suppression

& Ghost Dance. https://pastebin.com/Vq68Xczn

i toyed a bit with POB. tried to convert my seismic/exsa from last league (could do all content with him) to 3.16. i don't think i am good with POB but i tried.


i focused on evade and spell suppression.
played a bit with Ghost Dance but i don't think it has much value when you don't have much ES (2000+ at min.)
life reg with max Vitality + Pyromaniac + Petrified Blood works good.

i put in Arctic Armour too, but i am still not sure if it is worth it. maybe switch it with Herald Of Purity for more damage and just get freez/chill on a flask.

i thought the Wind Dancer node would be great but i have a bit of an understanding problem with the node itself.
it says "40% more Evasion Rating if you have been Hit by an Attack Recently". but when i spec into it and don't have the "Have you been Hit Recently?" activated, POB says i lose 40% evasion. but there is nothing on the node that says i lose evasion when i am NOT hit recently.
so when i have skilled into Wind Dancer and have for example 100 evasion and i am NOT hit recently, i still have 100 evasion. and when i get hit, i get the 40% more -> 140 evasion (thats how i thouhgt it would be)
is this a POB bug or do i just miss something?

thx for your feedback
Seems likely that a lot of tree stuff doesn't work properly yet in POB.
Looks like the couple of people who have made guides to this build aren't playing it this league, which is a shame as it's nice to have an active thread for the build you play.

I'm on this at the moment: https://pastebin.com/hFbS1719

With the aim of getting ev on gloves/boots/hat, and hopefully Atziri's Step to get to 100% suppression.

I think you can get to 100% suppression, maybe 1.5k ES, 5.5k life, 15k EV without totally crazy gear (which we may well be getting, with Scourge mods - but of course, so is every other build). Also has Ghost Dance, Tinkerskin, ES recovery on kill, a little block, etc. So ought to survive just fine.
NoImagination 님이 2021. 10. 22. 오전 3:42:05에 마지막으로 편집
when i am rich and i feel like it, i will try my version just to see if it still works.
will you start with your version? if so, it would be nice if you keep us updated bout your progress :)
If other people post here too, then yes, I hope so.

I guess if nobody posts anywhere I'll go make a 3.16 build guide for this thread, then at least nobody will complain I'm posting in it all the time. So hopefully, you'll get to this build quickly too.
NoImagination 님이 2021. 10. 22. 오전 8:48:04에 마지막으로 편집

That'll do for day 1. Hopefully Atziri's Step then 6L Tinkerskin tomorrow. Guess I need to fix all my terrible gear after that.

I hit a wall early on from lack of DPS. I tried going Tabula but then died a lot from lack of defence. So sold that, bought this 5L chest for 4c half way through the day, and did Pride to Grace. 5L with decent evasion was good again. And then I went for double weapons, with 7% life on a few jewels until I can get into clusters.

4.1k life, 300 ES, 14.8k EV and a little spell suppression is fine in yellows now.
NoImagination 님이 2021. 10. 23. 오후 4:08:54에 마지막으로 편집
nice progression for the first day hehe
Struggling in T12 ish now. Not enough DPS and not enough survivability.

Missed my first (and only, so far) shot at 6 linking Tinkerskin, krangled a 5l/6s then tainted fusing. Now looking for 4 link recipe to try again, but I imagine that hitting the 6L will help a lot.

But, got a 21/20 seismic trap, Thread of Hope, Atziri's Step, and first double notable medium cluster. Most of my gear sucks of course, so there's plenty of space to upgrade, haven't even done CWDT setup, flasks, or Pride yet yet.

4.7k life, 500 ES, 19k EV and 98% spell suppression not really enough for T12 scourge. Also not enough DPS (7.5k exsanguinate in hideout with auras on and nothing else). After 6L, can do a lot of those easy upgrades.
NoImagination 님이 2021. 10. 24. 오후 5:00:17에 마지막으로 편집
hey, is the build squih?? it is viable as League starter?? and how do i chose when use the Seismic or the Exsanguinate trap??

thx alot

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