[3.19] DO NOT USE - Fuzzy Duckzy's Lightning Strike Raider - Great League Starter

Like this skill but sucks doesnt start until maps/5 link.

Also didnt really enjoy the leveling experience.
wotad#5967 님이 2021. 12. 28. 오전 8:22:41에 마지막으로 편집
i dont know if you can see my character, but im struggling

as i said, that helix skill is awful for me. i havent even been able to do my ascendency.

currently im gonna make my own filter, im used to my own colors.

TA1NO 님이 작성:
i dont know if you can see my character, but im struggling

as i said, that helix skill is awful for me. i havent even been able to do my ascendency.

currently im gonna make my own filter, im used to my own colors.

Everything on build looks fine but a 3 link at this stage is probably going to struggle a bit. Try putting Helix in the 4 link and running:
Helix - Ele Damage with Attacks - Added Cold - Inspiration support

Helix allows you to pre stack on bosses that have an intro animation so against Izaro in Lab you can already have a good amount of Helix up. To beat him in lab you just need to run a circle round him hitting a Helix every now and then. As long as you keep moving it should be fairly easy. Take Forces of nature node next it will up your DPS a good chunk.

I would also run a flame dash/dash as you need a gap clearing skill and link faster attacks to whirling blades it will speed you up a lot between packs.
Is there any reason not to use ele weakness on hit gloves if you have the +additional curse chest?

I had some +strike gloves (no frenzy charge) but switched over and my dps feels really nice.
IGN: SirCritoris
Nahsil 님이 작성:
Is there any reason not to use ele weakness on hit gloves if you have the +additional curse chest?

I had some +strike gloves (no frenzy charge) but switched over and my dps feels really nice.

Sounds like a good idea ele weakness will definitely improve your dps
Hi guys,

first of all many thanks for your build, it was quite some fun playing it. Although it was very expensive, I still somehow managed to grab my equipment and made some changes based on some inspirations.
However, I think I broke my build. Although my equipment should be good enough, my pob damage is very low.
Can someone please help me? What changes are needed to make it work? I think my biggest problem is damage.


D1mka2212 님이 작성:
Hi guys,

first of all many thanks for your build, it was quite some fun playing it. Although it was very expensive, I still somehow managed to grab my equipment and made some changes based on some inspirations.
However, I think I broke my build. Although my equipment should be good enough, my pob damage is very low.
Can someone please help me? What changes are needed to make it work? I think my biggest problem is damage.


I think your biggest problem is not having maxed resistances. Are you dying a lot?
Dirtynecro 님이 작성:
D1mka2212 님이 작성:
Hi guys,

first of all many thanks for your build, it was quite some fun playing it. Although it was very expensive, I still somehow managed to grab my equipment and made some changes based on some inspirations.
However, I think I broke my build. Although my equipment should be good enough, my pob damage is very low.
Can someone please help me? What changes are needed to make it work? I think my biggest problem is damage.


I think your biggest problem is not having maxed resistances. Are you dying a lot?

No, I rarely die because of decent block, decent physical mitigation and almost capped evasion (my resistances are maxed because of the mageblood and additional elemental resistances flask). I also tried replica farrul's fur (for endurance charges to minimize physical damage taken) and the normal one, but that is not the problem.
My problem is a lack of damage. I just can't go beyond simulacrum wave 29, my dmg is just too low. pob says my dps should be around 2-3 million.
What am I missing?
are you using wrong LS? pob says around 7M dmg. dunno if thats enough for sim30?
Micomx 님이 작성:
are you using wrong LS? pob says around 7M dmg. dunno if thats enough for sim30?

uhm sry, you are right. It should be somewhere areound 7M, forgot to check some stuff. However, wave 30 is still not possible. what should I do?
I can upgrade boots (elusive on crit + elevated onslaught), I could change boots enchantment (ele penetration or added dmg (fire/lightning/cold) --> for better boss dmg) well, I could upgrade my rare ring

But all in all those changes seem to have a small effect on my dmg. Am I missing something? What should I do to increase my dmg to fiish wave 30?
Inspired learning?
D1mka2212#0490 님이 2022. 1. 7. 오전 9:13:02에 마지막으로 편집

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