[3.16] HollyPhantom's Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder

FrunkBear 님이 작성:
Trying to make poisson concotion endgame. Invested some items from previous build. DPS feels too low even for microbosses.


Any idea what I did wrong? (build just reassembled from scourge arrow, so mistakes possible)

Same and I don't think my gear is all that bad. The damage just feels so low against anything that resists chaos and all the bosses do. I've done a build pretty similar to the poster above and found respeccing into that was better than OPs.

Katatonic87 님이 2021. 11. 15. 오전 5:26:58에 마지막으로 편집
Katatonic87 님이 작성:
FrunkBear 님이 작성:
Trying to make poisson concotion endgame. Invested some items from previous build. DPS feels too low even for microbosses.


Any idea what I did wrong? (build just reassembled from scourge arrow, so mistakes possible)

Same and I don't think my gear is all that bad. The damage just feels so low against anything that resists chaos and all the bosses do. I've done a build pretty similar to the poster above and found respeccing into that was better than OPs.

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Is your life flask well rolled? Thats a major part of your damage. I'm not into endgame yet but I'm steamrolling so far into yellow maps without optimized gear. Also your links aren't correct in the gear you posted. Split arrow onslaught lmp and volley should be replaced with gmp, greater volley, void manipulation and vicious projectiles.

I hope this build doesn't get nerfed too hard, it will be my league starter going forward. I had some twink gear for this character but nothing crazy and it felt great.
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Hollyphantom 님이 2021. 11. 16. 오후 6:49:52에 마지막으로 편집
I looked at two guides, and they are so bad.
any idea on how to mix this build with the flask-invincibility from PF?

( https://youtu.be/a_bBfJUBKNo )

I know in the video he has no life flask, and he plays melee skill .. but anyone that could help doing a mix between those 2 concepts?
This is my current build, using this guide as the template. I'm not a good/skilled player at all but I've been able to do all content so far.


Here is a TLDR of my progression for this build.

1. Breeze through acts, PC is fast and powerful for league starting
2. Try to max dps through white/yellow maps, tree damage nodes, gear with attack speed and damage over time, I capped out at around 9m Sirus dps with 2 wither stacks.
3. Realized I died too much starting with red maps. Focused on defenses. Switched to Iron Reflexes, focusing on mitigation instead of evasion. 100% spell suppression, 75% attack block, 40k armor, 10k Anomalous molten shell, 77 all resist, 76 chaos resist. Now I almost never died, except to my own stupid mistakes or when the game crashes/lags. Dps lowered to 5m Sirus dps.
4. Gear back up to increase dps without dropping any defenses. About 6.3m Sirus dps, all elemental avoidance, stun immunity (boot enchant). I finally feel the build is in a great place for my (bad skill) playstyle.

Total Investment: I estimate around 10ex. I never had more than 8ex in my stash.
stormbad1 님이 2021. 11. 29. 오전 11:56:12에 마지막으로 편집

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