[3.16] LA/iceshot Deadeye by NKO | Clear everything | Videos

PoB and items updated :) also few videos
Awesome build having a lot of fun with it!
Only problem is that I suck with Hydrosphere so I always fork my arrow into it melee range xD
Do you think that bow is going to be good at the start? It cost me only 80c...i know i need a bit more of dex but i think i can manage it with neck and belt.


Do you think that bow is going to be good at the start? It cost me only 80c...i know i need a bit more of dex but i think i can manage it with neck and belt.
that will do for sure
What are we using before we can afford Awakened Fork just regular Fork or something different entirely?
Is bottled faith flask worth having for this build?
Do you have any sort of leveling route to take for this?

I always fail to figure out the best way to path while leveling
Curious why you dont have something else linked to barrage, instead of wasting the spot on lightning arrow? Is there some sort of interaction there im not aware of?
joemoeflo 님이 작성:
Curious why you dont have something else linked to barrage, instead of wasting the spot on lightning arrow? Is there some sort of interaction there im not aware of?

that's barrage support, not barrage active skill
viionc2 님이 작성:
joemoeflo 님이 작성:
Curious why you dont have something else linked to barrage, instead of wasting the spot on lightning arrow? Is there some sort of interaction there im not aware of?

that's barrage support, not barrage active skill

ahhh, didnt even know that was a thing. thank you.
joemoeflo 님이 2021. 11. 5. 오후 7:56:28에 마지막으로 편집

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