[3.18] Chaos Animate Weapon 😈 - Budget to MageBlood💎 88M DPS Unkillable All-Arounder

Jazzhoyt 님이 작성:
I love this build.
Over 4k hours in the game and its one of the best builds Ive played.
Damage is absurd for the budget.

General comments:
-Aul uprising amulet with Envy have no reservation and cost 1ex. This makes it easy to fit in determination which in combination with divine shield makes you a mega tank. (I run mageblood+grace as well which makes you immortal but then the budget is 600 ex instead (10k Es 50k armour 30k evasion).
-Ag with despair on hit and +1 curse on chest/boots lets you have both despair and assasins mark (around 20%more damage)
-Phase run is super fun. Summon your minions and then run with permanent phase, +50% ms and stealth.

This build is stronger than FR totems was last league.

Thats a really nice adaption, thanks for sharing! Tankyness is the only thing I was worried about but this is a really cool workaround to get more EhP on the build, even without mageblood. Nice Job!
if possible to bring us a Life build variant? . really thank u for shared us your build is absoluty fun and OP
This build looking good for league start 3.17?
Vennto 님이 작성:
Jazzhoyt 님이 작성:
I love this build.
Over 4k hours in the game and its one of the best builds Ive played.
Damage is absurd for the budget.

General comments:
-Aul uprising amulet with Envy have no reservation and cost 1ex. This makes it easy to fit in determination which in combination with divine shield makes you a mega tank. (I run mageblood+grace as well which makes you immortal but then the budget is 600 ex instead (10k Es 50k armour 30k evasion).
-Ag with despair on hit and +1 curse on chest/boots lets you have both despair and assasins mark (around 20%more damage)
-Phase run is super fun. Summon your minions and then run with permanent phase, +50% ms and stealth.

This build is stronger than FR totems was last league.

Thats a really nice adaption, thanks for sharing! Tankyness is the only thing I was worried about but this is a really cool workaround to get more EhP on the build, even without mageblood. Nice Job!

Thanks! For 3.17 it would be really cool to try to fit the new "Mending of the flesh" with Aegis Aurora and Purity of cold for 90% allres. With Mageblood it should be possible to get enough ressitances still.

10k ES with 90% allres, 40% less elemental damage taken, 60k armour, maxblock and 2%ES on block should be one of the tankiest characters ever made.
What can AG use if you don't have the listed gear? Don't have the currency at the moment to get them was just curious if there were other things to user and then upgrade to those?
Jotz#3134 님이 2022. 1. 27. 오전 5:38:13에 마지막으로 편집
Assuming no nerfs, three questions..
1/ Will this build get updated for 3.17?
2/ How is it as a league starter- is there a similar guide to follow out there? I usually flail around with my league starts.
3/ How does it compare to spider occultist? Played that in scourge, was super fun but want to try something different/better.

1/ Will this build get updated for 3.17?
2/ How is it as a league starter- is there a similar guide to follow out there? I usually flail around with my league starts.
3/ How does it compare to spider occultist? Played that in scourge, was super fun but want to try something different/better.

no changes in 3.17 so staying largely the same

league starter is okay if you're fine with animate weapon. people will find it slow. i recommend either playing elemental animate weapon or SRS or playing another skill and respeccing

cheaper than spider occultist and better bossing but slightly slower mapping
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Sorry if it's been asked. Gonna give AW another try this league after having 3x100 on cold/phys AW - largest issue on any minion build is clearspeed, largely that is because minions had no way of having explode on kill (besides being summoner occ whish was super meh). So, the question: your thoughts on sacrificing crit immune for explosions (Gravebind gloves and explode chest on AG)?
Jazzhoyt2 님이 작성:
Vennto 님이 작성:
Jazzhoyt 님이 작성:
I love this build.
Over 4k hours in the game and its one of the best builds Ive played.
Damage is absurd for the budget.

General comments:
-Aul's uprising amulet with Envy have no reservation and cost 1ex. This makes it easy to fit in determination which in combination with divine shield makes you a mega tank. (I run mageblood+grace as well which makes you immortal but then the budget is 600 ex instead (10k Es 50k armour 30k evasion).
-Ag with despair on hit and +1 curse on chest/boots lets you have both despair and assassins mark (around 20%more damage)
-Phase run is super fun. Summon your minions and then run with permanent phase, +50% ms and stealth.

This build is stronger than FR totems was last league.

That's a really nice adaption, thanks for sharing! Tankyness is the only thing I was worried about but this is a really cool workaround to get more EhP on the build, even without mageblood. Nice Job!

Thanks! For 3.17 it would be really cool to try to fit the new "Mending of the flesh" with Aegis Aurora and Purity of cold for 90% allres. With Mageblood it should be possible to get enough ressitances still.

10k ES with 90% all res, 40% less elemental damage taken, 60k armor, max block and 2%ES on block should be one of the tankiest characters ever made.

I am fairly interested in your take on this, in sort of creating a supertank version, as the build has fair damage, even if you prioritize defense over offense in the tree. Do you you feel the Whakatutuki o Matua for instance is not needed at all? Why would you not directly replace that with an Aegis Aurora if you wanted more survivability?

Also, fitting in PoE assuming you don't have Mageblood - how would you prioritize that? I'm thinking reservations, jewels, masteries, Enlightenments gems etc.

Your'e all welcome to chime in. I just see a build that has the room to experiment on the defenses, as the damage seems covered.
hamstereater#2970 님이 2022. 1. 29. 오전 12:14:00에 마지막으로 편집
ScourgeWen 님이 작성:
I pity you for playing pseudo-totem builds (looking at you skelly mages) especially when I can do their 150ex worth of damage on a 20ex budget

You prob have a lot of friends...

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