Zombie helmet set up


Been playing this game a few years now but still feel like a supreme noob.
I am having immense fun with a skeleton mage necro with zombies as support.

I am utilising a helmet that i stronglgy suspect im not getting the best from.
Can someone with more knowledge than me take a look please and give me some pointers.

(im not even sure ive linked it properly)
My Toon in question is called GodIsAbsent

Thanks for any and all feedback, even if its to tell me im subhuman scum.
GavStJames#6297 님이 2021. 12. 8. 오전 10:05:37에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2021. 12. 9. 오후 7:12:04
Your helmet is fine. If you want to play full fire damage. You can use Triad grip 4 red sockets to convert all damage to fire. Best helmet for zombie is Baron Close Helmet, for strength stacking. You could follow other player builds on Poe.ninja

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