[3.24] fezz's Toxic Rain Champion - Step-by-Step PoE Build Guide for Beginners & Casuals

Hi Fezz,

Can you help checking my character? I almost cleared all the end game content, but I just found out POB is showing my DPS is just around 700k which means I still have a lot to improve.

Thank you!
zzonci 님이 2024. 6. 12. 오후 10:15:30에 마지막으로 편집
zzonci 님이 작성:
Hi Fezz,

Can you help checking my character? I almost cleared all the end game content, but I just found out POB is showing my DPS is just around 700k which means I still have a lot to improve.

Thank you!

Hey, your character is quite decent already. Here are some comments:

- Your damage is 5.95M at the moment. The reason why you only see 700k damage is because your PoB isn't set-up properly. Check out the Q&A if you want to know how to to set-up your PoB properly.

- Your are way above capped resistances. This is not bad, but it simply means that you should have plenty of options to improve the build by replacing resistance-related mods with other mods (e.g. damage-related).

- You have 41% increased Area of Effect, which actually reduces your effective DPS. Make sure to get exactly 39%. The easiest way to get this is by recrafting the crafting mod on your amulet or your gloves by using the crafting bench.

- Your spell suppression currently is only 99%, at least according to PoB (check ingame to be 100% sure). You want get 100%.

- You can craft another mod on one of your rings.

All in all, good job ;)!
fezz8386 님이 2024. 6. 13. 오전 6:52:19에 마지막으로 편집
zzonci 님이 작성:
Hi Fezz,

Can you help checking my character? I almost cleared all the end game content, but I just found out POB is showing my DPS is just around 700k which means I still have a lot to improve.

Thank you!

Hi zzonci,

in order to compare your DPS to the "reference" POB of Fezz, you need to go to "Configuration" tab of PoB and set the following parameters: "Major God/Minor God", check "Are you Fortified", check "Taunted Enemy Recently" (Totems taunting), "# of Withered Stacks" put to 15, "# of Overlapping Pods" to 5, "Is the Enemy a Boss" -> "Guardian Pinnacle Boss". Also, you need to activate all the flasks.

If i do it for your build, it gives me about 5.7M dps. Fezz's reference POB shows about 7.7M, so you are not far away.

My build currently is about 11M and i still was not able to clear any Uber boss. For Delirium, i stuck at wave 25-26 generally. When you say about having cleared the end game content, were you able to clear any of these?

Have a nice day!
Hi pj101,

Thank you! I was able to farm Maven comfortably. Shaper, Elder, Sirus are easy. Uber Elder together is harder because of many boss mechanics to learn. T16 8 mods corrupted maps (without too cancer mods) are easy. I tried T17 maps, but I think it is not doable. I don't do Delirium. I guess I just don't know much about end game content.

@Fezz, thank you!

zzonci 님이 2024. 6. 16. 오후 6:15:16에 마지막으로 편집

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