3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

theherbalist 님이 작성:
Mentoya 님이 작성:

because there is a lot of choice since the game is in shit state atm. A lot of broken builds and meta is super stale, only madmen would be playing explosive arrow 4 leagues in a row or even 2 in a row. Also upgrades for this build are kinda of expensive, so i doubt it is that unpopular too. Polaric devastation costs 6 div, awakened burning damage 3 div, price of both was way lower last league. Useless jewel for 2 projectiles is 6 div, sure it is rare but it is unnecessary.. Also elementalist is number 1 ascendancy on poe.ninja. Explosive arrow most likely is a part of the reason why.

You are right about the prices, which is why I decided to not run this build this league and instead am running Grim's LA Ballista and it's incredibly powerful and also crushing content but without the expensive EA Cost to cruise through red maps. Of course it does gets a bit expensive at the very end-game, but what build doesn't? and by that time you'll be loaded with currency.

Isn't rain of splinters a near mandatory for that build and currently at 4-5div?

Absolutely not. I've played this build a couple times before this league (switched to EA ballistas after starting PConc). I haven't run RoS at all this league and I actually like the build better. The clear isn't quite as good, but it's still a great mapper, and really top tier for Sanctum.
JayCy#4412 님이 2022. 12. 20. 오후 9:47:09에 마지막으로 편집

Why do we take "Elemental Mastery"? Is there a reason to increase the effect of non-damaging ailments?
is this build good in sanctum?
Bizze79 님이 작성:

Why do we take "Elemental Mastery"? Is there a reason to increase the effect of non-damaging ailments?

If you take the Shaper of Storms ascendancy option then that mastery applies since you shock
CLloyd0 님이 작성:
_JokeStyler_ 님이 작성:
I didn´t figured out how to add the exposure effect in this build, did I miss something? Where do u get it from :/

Elemental Equilibrium on the tree; you need some source of flat cold/lightning damage on your gear and you can't have any flat fire damage.

You can also use the Eldritch Implicit of 'Applies Fire Exposure on Hit', but the percentage is ~11% compared to the ~25% of EE.

Do you know why cant I get the 1% mana regen bonus from Mastermind of Discord ascendency when ballista applies exposure?

I realized that mob take exposure with ballista shots, but I dont know if the extra -25% from ascendancy is working (1% mana regen isnt).
rezzet 님이 작성:
is this build good in sanctum?

Ended the league with it

40/40 on this
Eechye 님이 작성:
rezzet 님이 작성:
is this build good in sanctum?

Ended the league with it

40/40 on this

That's amazing. Time to make one.
Just trying out this build for Sanctum. First time with this kind of build.

Two questions: Is the leveling video still relevant? Seems it was made a few leagues ago and at least some of it is out of date.

Also, where does the tankiness come in? At level 13, I die in a stiff breeze. I get that gear and levels will change things, but where it the tankiness in the build?

Averil62#1552 님이 2022. 12. 21. 오후 6:18:05에 마지막으로 편집
What's the point of the golem if it dies immediately in reds? am I missing something here?
theherbalist#5190 님이 2022. 12. 21. 오후 7:28:36에 마지막으로 편집
Eechye 님이 작성:
rezzet 님이 작성:
is this build good in sanctum?

Ended the league with it

40/40 on this

Do you have anything worth mentioning specifically that is different to the OP post? (any quirks of the build, maybe some advices/changes to the build)
Is the build viable as starter?

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