3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.
Thanks for replay
time to invest oh and how should I upgrade the bow and what gems put in it ? fidek1#1467 님이 2023. 7. 30. 오후 12:13:22에 마지막으로 편집
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" For a basic bow : make it rare, throw some shrieking essences of dread at it (guaranteeing +2 to level of socketed bow gems). Modifiers you could be looking for : - +1 to level of socketed gems - increased attack speed - damage over time multiplier - increased elemental damage with attack speed Modifiers you DONT want at all : - adds fire damage - bow attacks fire an additional arrow And if you have an open prefix or suffix, something within this list : - increased damage over time - fire damage as extra chaos damage - increased attack speed - increased fire damage over time multiplier Now i'm really talking about a "basic" bow. An endgame full crafted one would require some divines. We have several ways of doing it, the easiest is described on page 290. There's another way, should cost more but may also provide more dps, i think it's between page 290 and 300, i don't remember where exactly. About gems, something like that on top of EA and ballista : - (awakenened) elemental damage with attacks - (awakened) burning damage - (awakened) deadly ailments - lifetap (later empower)* If using lifetap, you want it as a gem or on the crucible tree (later on at least), having it on the crucible tree allows to replace it with empower or something* That's 4R 2G when it comes to sockets, and this setup also requires you to roll exarch currency on gloves to get "ignites you inflict spread" (that's what allows to get rid of the ignite proliferation gem (no more blue socket). EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
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" Thank You for help its time to start farming then |
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" Worth mentioning: Going from burning damage to awakened burning damage gives a particular big bang for your buck. Costs about 40c currently, but at lvl 5 the gem will give +1 to EA. |
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Hey all, I have a question... I've been running this character and been tweaking with my PoBs. The Fuses Formula at the start of the thread showed that I need to set my fuses using
" Consulting my PoB, Attack Rate is 2.39, Hit Chance is 97%, and my skill Duration is 1.419. I've been fiddling around with my quivers and would just like to know if the result is truncated or rounded. In this case, the result is 19.738 Fuses. Will that be treated as 19 or 20 fuses in-game? |
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" Well IMHO, everything in POE gets truncated, I don't know anything that would be rounded to superior. But, to be honest, I wouldn't care so much about the formula. POB allows you to set Eplosive Arrow to 'maximum sustainable fuses'. Compare the dps you with this enabled to the dps you would get setting manually the number of fuses to know how many fuses you have. Even then, PoB calculations are kinda "optimistic" : while playing you won't always be in perfect conditions to achieve your maximum number of fuses (totem placement, temporary buffs like onslaught etc), consider that too. You can go overkill on attack speed etc, because it can help you be more consistent getting your 20 fuses. Edit : Hey Kagekiyo, Ernyrdagur here. EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328 Headtourist#3846 님이 2023. 8. 10. 오전 6:51:49에 마지막으로 편집
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Headtourist, how do you get 11% faster ignites on your blizzard crown?
I looked in CraftofExile and i cant find this modifier on blizzard crown or even in the warlord/redeemer mods. Or CraftofExile is not showing everything correct. There is a redeemer mod that gives increased burning damage plus chance to ignite but no faster ignites. And is the faster ignite on blizzard crown exclusive to just blizzard crown or can it be had on other headgear? Edit Looking at a blizzard crown in trade site it looks like all these - 11% chance to ignite - 12% Faster ignites - Nearby enemys have -12% to fire res are the same suffix, can this be correct? Are this the warlord suffix that is named in CraftofExile as "Nearby enemys have -9% to fire res"? And can this -% to fire res conflict with Elemental eqlibrium passive? Mateo_swe#4388 님이 2023. 8. 10. 오후 3:51:32에 마지막으로 편집
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" Hey. About blizzard crown : 1) What makes this helmet really good for us is that it has the added cold damage that gives us more ea damage + we don't care about the other part of the implicit as we're not dealing cold damage. 2) The things we're looking for when crafting this item are these two suffix (they're different ones) : Elevated Redemption : 10-15% chance to Ignite Ignites you inflict deal Damage 10-15% faster Elevated Conquest : Nearby Enemies have -12% to Fire Resistance These mods are elevated ones ( https://poedb.tw/us/Elevated_modifier for the list and the regular mods that they come from) The redeemer mod (that you mentioned) that gives increased damage is the one that, once elevated, is transformed into faster ignites etc. 3) this -12% doesnt conflict with ee, and the "nearby" applies to almost your whole screen ("nearby" has several meanings in this game, on this one we're fine, we don't need to be in melee range for it to be effective) 4) Crafting : It's detailed here : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229979/page/75#p24553406
You hit the Blizzard Crown with a Redeemer Exalt and roll for T1 increased burning damage and one other influence Mod. Then use Orb of Dominance and try to elevate the burning damage mod. Do this until you get the mod you want elevated.
Get a random lvl85 Warlord Helmet and roll it for the -fire res mod and one other influence mod (you can buy one aswell) and elevate the -fire res mod. After the first two steps are done you awakener orb them together (click the bad warlord base first and the blizzard crown second). Now you got a blizzard crown with the two elevated suffixes and a random 3. suffix (you are stuck with the 3. suffix unless you want to try a lucky annul (not recommended)). Since your suffixes are done now you can craft your prefixes however you want them (craft life, harvest rerolls, veiled mods etc. depending on what you are aiming for). Dont forget the suffixes cannot be changed craft when crafting your prefixes. You'll prefer to start with an already enchanted 83+ blizzard crown, or you'll have to farm the enchant yourself. I was lucky to find one and craft this early league, and to find ilvl 85+ warlord helmets with 2 warlord/conquest mods including the non elevated fire res one, cause i tried to roll for that and i only wasted chaos... EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
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Looking ahead to 3.22.
Not much has changed for EA Totems it seems. Except for the fact that we no longer get Lifetap from our Crucible Tree. Maybe Clarity+Arrogance is a thing now? While EA Totems was a very solid choice for me this league, and playing it again in 3.22. is definitely an option I am wondering what else is out there. Ideally another allrounder with good single target/bossing capabilities even with bad gear (so I can go all out on the Essence nodes in the atlas tree early on). I was thinking maybe Poison SRS, probably withou the poison part at the start. Never played that one before, though. How does Poison SRS compare to EA Totems? What other alternatives do I have? |
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This build was fire even without crucible. Lifetap in 6l was fine, going to try and make a diadem starter to test the new support.
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