Slench 님이 작성:
So far, I've found that it's not strictly necessary to have 100% automatic uptime on Dying Sun unless you plan to primarily be target farming pinnacle bosses where adds won't always be available.
In real world play, even you're even remotely close to having constant uptime on Dying Sun, then just killing things puts you over the top and you're at 100% uptime regardless.
You can drop alot of not necessary resistances form gear and get alot of fire dmg mitigation, usually ppl dont threat flasks in this way.
글 작성자:maydie13#74622022. 2. 22. 오후 5:08:53계정 영구 정지
maydie13 님이 작성:
I tried this build and am currently in T16, lvl 92. The build is realy cool, but I feel I lake some dps, especialy against end game boss (conqueror, guardian, etc.). And I also die a lot in T16 maps against Archnemesis, Harbinger, and some elite monster.
Here is my pob : https://pastebin.com/Qksbkvjj
Do you have any suggestion and correction to do to improve my character ?
Thanks a lot.
After checking ur PoB i decided you was using different guide.
Ok, but if I want to move on to your build, what should I do, and what's the most obvious part that I missed ?
Try to read Early and Mid game sections.
Most obvoius part was trying to compare two different setups and ask me for help after using not my build.
Everythx what i described in guide was tested by me in Scourge and Archnemesis and i sure working well, because i was league starting and moving from setup to setup like in my guide.
글 작성자:maydie13#74622022. 2. 22. 오후 5:16:33계정 영구 정지
Noodlez 님이 작성:
A really nice guide. I am really liking it. Often I start a few chars at the start of a league because I end up not liking a build. But I started and sticked to this build until now. Thanks for all the work you have put into it.
I am lvl 93 now. I have done all new pinnacle and their sub bosses, elder, sirus and the maven 10 bosses thing. Couldnt find enough shaper fragments so far, but I am sure shaper shouldnt be a problem too.
However, I think my boss damage could be better, some fights took a lot of time.
Also on some juiced T16 maps I tend to die 1-2 times per map. Most of the time some ground effects really screw me up.
I have ~10 ex to spend and I am not sure what I should upgrade next.
Additional curse/frenzy chest together with Asenath's sounds like strong upgrade but I am not sure.
Is there some kind of gem upgrade priority?
Here is my PoB: https://pastebin.com/9xFbZmSy
Maybe someone would take a quick look and gave me some inputs about what to change or upgrade next.
Getting Dying Sun would be huge impact on sigle target dps.
And Chest+Asenath setup is most impactful upgrade in build, just trust me.
글 작성자:maydie13#74622022. 2. 22. 오후 5:20:36계정 영구 정지
Thank you for the guide!
Build feels great but I'm having trouble with survival and single target.
Any suggestions would be great!
POB: https://pastebin.com/wf6pZtLP
I have about 15ex to spend
글 작성자:Kamry#77902022. 2. 22. 오후 6:50:25
Kamry 님이 작성:
Thank you for the guide!
Build feels great but I'm having trouble with survival and single target.
Any suggestions would be great!
POB: https://pastebin.com/wf6pZtLP
I have about 15ex to spend
Sry but i prefer to work instead of checking every PoB in this thread.
글 작성자:maydie13#74622022. 2. 22. 오후 7:23:40계정 영구 정지
maydie13 님이 작성:
Kamry 님이 작성:
Thank you for the guide!
Build feels great but I'm having trouble with survival and single target.
Any suggestions would be great!
POB: https://pastebin.com/wf6pZtLP
I have about 15ex to spend
Sry but i prefer to work instead of checking every PoB in this thread.
No Worries! I appreciate the guide nonetheless!
글 작성자:Kamry#77902022. 2. 22. 오후 7:26:30
Okay I now upgraded to curse chest and Asenaths gloves.
I also bought an divergent PC and anomalous withering step gem.
This means I can remove my wither totem right?
So my only wither source is from divergent PC and anomalous withering step right?
6L-Chest: PC
4L-Helm: Auras
I got that :D
But then I start to struggle
Without a totem I freed up my 3L-Shield.
What do I need to socket in here?
Then there are two 4-Links left:
Under Endgame Gems stands:
Plague Bearer + Withering Step + Enhance + Increased Duration or Ancestral Protector (I dont understand why should use Ancestral Protector here, but maybe I am just stupid)
If I move withering step from my cwdt setup into this link, what do I socket in the cwdt setup then?
I am really confused and could need some help.
Map: "Area is inhabited by Goatmen"
Templar: "Heavy breathing"
글 작성자:Noodlez#61642022. 2. 23. 오전 1:14:48
Noodlez 님이 작성:
Okay I now upgraded to curse chest and Asenaths gloves.
I also bought an divergent PC and anomalous withering step gem.
This means I can remove my wither totem right?
So my only wither source is from divergent PC and anomalous withering step right?
6L-Chest: PC
4L-Helm: Auras
I got that :D
But then I start to struggle
Without a totem I freed up my 3L-Shield.
What do I need to socket in here?
Then there are two 4-Links left:
Under Endgame Gems stands:
Plague Bearer + Withering Step + Enhance + Increased Duration or Ancestral Protector (I dont understand why should use Ancestral Protector here, but maybe I am just stupid)
If I move withering step from my cwdt setup into this link, what do I socket in the cwdt setup then?
I am really confused and could need some help.

글 작성자:maydie13#74622022. 2. 23. 오전 4:17:22계정 영구 정지
Thanks for your reply, but I still need a little help.
I am using the Curse/Frenzy Body Armor and Asenath's Gloves,
Divergant Poisonous Concotion and Anomalous Withering Step.
If I have understood everything correctly these should be my gems and links:
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Body - 6L
Divergant Poisonous Concotion
Void Manipulation
Vicious Projectiles
Unbound Ailments
Greater Volley
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Head - 4L
Herald of Agony
Purity of Elements
Gloves/Boots - 4L
Vaal Molten Shell
Increased Duration
Gloves/Boots - 4L
Anomalous Withering Step
Plague Bearer
Increased Duration
Offhand - 3L
Divine Blessing
Flame Dash
I think I missed something but what is the fourth link in the CWDT setup?
Map: "Area is inhabited by Goatmen"
Templar: "Heavy breathing"
글 작성자:Noodlez#61642022. 2. 23. 오전 6:18:18
Noodlez 님이 작성:
Thanks for your reply, but I still need a little help.
I am using the Curse/Frenzy Body Armor and Asenath's Gloves,
Divergant Poisonous Concotion and Anomalous Withering Step.
If I have understood everything correctly these should be my gems and links:
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Body - 6L
Divergant Poisonous Concotion
Void Manipulation
Vicious Projectiles
Unbound Ailments
Greater Volley
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Head - 4L
Herald of Agony
Purity of Elements
Gloves/Boots - 4L
Vaal Molten Shell
Increased Duration
Gloves/Boots - 4L
Anomalous Withering Step
Plague Bearer
Increased Duration
Offhand - 3L
Divine Blessing
Flame Dash
I think I missed something but what is the fourth link in the CWDT setup?
It must have taken you longer to writes This than to compare with the pobs... But you are missing defiance banner
글 작성자:simonizen#55722022. 2. 23. 오전 7:15:27