[3.17 STD] Aurastack VSC | Vaal Storm Call | 1.8-2.5 billion dps


solo 6 man SIMU (and more): https://youtu.be/fjvf_bPkvMk
No ZHP 7.9k Kurgal: https://youtu.be/4Ozl679ar4k

Many of you STD guys know me from hosting FREE SIMUS for XP in global 1 and global 820. The GIF above is another type of content hosted by me called "King of the Hill" where the last man alive in a SIMU would get a 20 ex purse.

I was asked to make a build guide by many people, so here it is in a basic form:

Can solo carry all content in a 6 man party.
High DPS,
High Mobility
No "gear swaps" needed.

Needs flask active to cast your spell.
Expensive to min max.

Required to function:
"Non-vaal aura skills require 40% reduced souls per use"
140% flask effect

1.8+ b dps
8.9k ES
Insane survivability


Easy to understand Basic BUDGET BUILD (3-4 mirror) to highlight good mods:

A Realistic BUDGET BUILD (3-4 Mirror) aka. my current build:
ABVT 님이 2022. 3. 17. 오전 9:33:37에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 1. 31. 오후 12:06:03
Nice triple Voices 1 passive build :/
How is the map clear speed on this? Might want to work towards it on standard.
RedFadeTwitch 님이 작성:
How is the map clear speed on this? Might want to work towards it on standard.

~ 425 movement speed, so very, very fast. The dmg delivery speed is insane as well (you cast and dmg is instantly applied) so no projectiles that need to travel. On top of that, its 9 casts / second so casting takes .11 seconds and 1 cast is enough to kill a map boss.

In summary, casting is fluid, dmg is instantaneous, and even map bosses take 1 cast. Map clear speed is insane.
andrew8448 님이 작성:
Nice triple Voices 1 passive build :/

True, but due to the atlas passives and availability of simulacrums - the price of 1-passive voices will continue to drop.

Small little victory in an otherwise expensive build.
First of all, thanks a lot for sharing the PoB! The build is looking great. It gives me the motivation to farm :)

There has to be someone asking about a "budget" version, so without further ado - do you know if it makes sense to even attempt this with a slightly smaller budget? I mean voices 3p instead of 1p, weapons in XXX ex range instead of the mirror-tier, not perfectly rolled aura effect clusters etc. Will it still be a solid character? By this I mean it doesn't have to be able to carry 6-people simulacrums, but just clear all endgame content easily.
maniard 님이 2022. 2. 26. 오전 11:39:17에 마지막으로 편집
maniard 님이 작성:
First of all, thanks a lot for sharing the PoB! The build is looking great. It gives me the motivation to farm :)

There has to be someone asking about a "budget" version, so without further ado - do you know if it makes sense to even attempt this with a slightly smaller budget? I mean voices 3p instead of 1p, weapons in XXX ex range instead of the mirror-tier, not perfectly rolled aura effect clusters etc. Will it still be a solid character? By this I mean it doesn't have to be able to carry 6-people simulacrums, but just clear all endgame content easily.

Look my character, 3p voices and without mirror items. I even go MF 250R 100Q switching a few items and gems. The only real challenge is delve 1000+.

It can do any content solo, for group carry it needs more damage, getting a mirror 1h scepters + smite will do. Or just the scepter, I use daggers because its what I got cheap.
akaflux 님이 2022. 2. 28. 오전 7:30:54에 마지막으로 편집
maniard 님이 작성:
First of all, thanks a lot for sharing the PoB! The build is looking great. It gives me the motivation to farm :)

There has to be someone asking about a "budget" version, so without further ado - do you know if it makes sense to even attempt this with a slightly smaller budget? I mean voices 3p instead of 1p, weapons in XXX ex range instead of the mirror-tier, not perfectly rolled aura effect clusters etc. Will it still be a solid character? By this I mean it doesn't have to be able to carry 6-people simulacrums, but just clear all endgame content easily.

I am currently using 5-passive voices, and doing end game boss carries with this build, was able to carry a 2 man simulacrum. most of the gear was obtained for around 50-100 exalted per piece. I set a budget of 1000 exalted to complete this build. And was able to do everything, except the helmet.

My current build has an open profile. I will consider creating a budget guide, since it is very doable.

akaflux 님이 작성:
maniard 님이 작성:
First of all, thanks a lot for sharing the PoB! The build is looking great. It gives me the motivation to farm :)

There has to be someone asking about a "budget" version, so without further ado - do you know if it makes sense to even attempt this with a slightly smaller budget? I mean voices 3p instead of 1p, weapons in XXX ex range instead of the mirror-tier, not perfectly rolled aura effect clusters etc. Will it still be a solid character? By this I mean it doesn't have to be able to carry 6-people simulacrums, but just clear all endgame content easily.

Look my character, 3p voices and without mirror items. I even go MF 250R 100Q switching a few items and gems. The only real challenge is delve 1000+.

It can do any content solo, for group carry it needs more damage, getting a mirror 1h scepters + smite will do. Or just the scepter, I use daggers because its what I got cheap.

Precisely. Although I would contest the mirror scepter part. There are many options for weapons still yet available for cheap. I got my current scepters for 100 ex each just two days ago. And as I said before, they are able to do anything I need.

EDIT: I would like to be clear that you need absolutely 0 rmr implicit jewels to get this build working at capacity. I also just tested delve with my current build @ 1k depth and it was easy.
ABVT 님이 2022. 3. 3. 오전 9:06:43에 마지막으로 편집
akaflux 님이 작성:

advt 님이 작성:

Thanks a lot guys - looking forward to trying it out!

EDIT: The sceptres look amazing for the price :) what would you say are the most important mods, apart from the vaal skill reduction? I was looking for hatred effect, %dmg per aura, flat lightning damage.
maniard 님이 2022. 3. 4. 오전 10:13:01에 마지막으로 편집

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