3.17 Deadeye Lightning Arrow Build with Showcases, Help and crafting videos.

Here is the basic Guide


Here is why I've been enjoying the build / Path of Exile with my atlas choices.


and here is the Boss Gameplay Showcase


In this spoiler is my current Gear that I have made myself


Thanks if anyone checks it out!
GGZII#1525 님이 2022. 3. 18. 오후 10:53:43에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2022. 6. 13. 오후 10:58:01
New videos added

3.17 Path of Exile - Lightning Arrow End Game Boss Showcase

and today
Path of Exile 3.17 Lightning Arrow Gear + How to Craft it!
Hello i have a Question: I want to try a Lighniing Arrow Build, but i dont understand trinity although I looked at a guide...can i replace this Gem?
Am i being stupid?

Where are you getting fire damage for trinity?

POB shows 0 fire damage
RazersGhost 님이 작성:
Am i being stupid?

Where are you getting fire damage for trinity?

POB shows 0 fire damage

Fire damage from helment as i se. Purifying flame
RazersGhost 님이 작성:
Am i being stupid?

Where are you getting fire damage for trinity?

POB shows 0 fire damage

you dont need all 3 elements for trinity
i do think they have explained trinity poorly as so many think you have to do all 3 elements

you only need to actually do 2 elements that alternate as the "highest" damage dealer, most go with cold and lightning as lightning has a very wide range of damage rolls.

but onto Trinity - the highest element damage done per hit means the other 2 elements get resonance now if you only ever did 1 element you would only get 2 elements of resonance so you need to also deal another element damage type that will alternate being the highest hit so that you get the previous elements resonance.

1-600 lightning roll, 200-400 cold roll as an example -
attack deals 450 lightning 300 cold - you gain fire and cold resonance.
next attack deals 350 cold 200 lightning - you gain lightning and fire resonance
as you can see during a fast attacking setup you will easily cover all 3 resonances
how about to use inpulsa? or shroud of the lightless or a replica

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