[3.20] Lightning Trap Saboteur | League Starter | Endgame Bosser | 4+mil dps on a 5link.

curse on hit works with traps in this league at least. look at the spam of flammability.you can't do this with self cast.

i used your tree and some of your items as a base to build my own version of explosive trap.

before the current state of build, i've used double curse, flammability on hit ring and elemental weakness hit in other ring slot, since i didn't had power charge rings.

now i'm using only elemental weakness, and i cast it because i have balance of terror. 40% phys as extra random element is quite big for explosive trap.

my explosive trap version:


100% suppress
3.5k life
84m+ dps(100m+ with vaal rf)
25m+ uber bosses.

and still can be improved.

(pob can't calculate things like traps trigger an additional time, or chance of throwing additional traps)

Uber searing exarch

Joseff1000 님이 2023. 2. 14. 오전 3:01:23에 마지막으로 편집
Joseff1000 님이 작성:
curse on hit works with traps in this league at least. look at the spam of flammability.you can't do this with self cast.

i used your tree and some of your items as a base to build my own version of explosive trap.

before the current state of build, i've used double curse, flammability on hit ring and elemental weakness hit in other ring slot, since i didn't had power charge rings.

now i'm using only elemental weakness, and i cast it because i have balance of terror. 40% phys as extra random element is quite big for explosive trap.

my explosive trap version:


100% suppress
3.5k life
84m+ dps(100m+ with vaal rf)
25m+ uber bosses.

and still can be improved.

(pob can't calculate things like traps trigger an additional time, or chance of throwing additional traps)

Uber searing exarch


Glad to hear you found my guide helpful for making your explosive trap character. Certainly seems interesting the way you built it.

So on the curse on hit matter, hextouch support cannot support traps, which is fine as we wouldn't really do that anyway unless on bear trap. Sources of 'apply X hex on hit' do work with traps... technically. The problem is that while the curse is applied, it has a duration of 0 due to the 'instant death' of the trap that applied it, with a visual linger of the hex symbol above the monsters head implying its active for longer than it actually is. Players have reported this as a bug and this was the response:

If this were the case I would absolutely recommend hex on hit gloves or rings as opposed to having to use arcanist brand or bane. Notably, the triggered wave of conviction CAN apply full duration hexes with sources of apply x hex on hit, as the skills triggered by brands count as triggered by you and is not tied directly to the active state of the brand that applied it. This still has the same issue where only the brand can apply the hex and you only use the brand for very high health enemies.
Hi, i have a question. It's better a lvl 20/20 Divergent Lightning Trap or a common 21/20?

I in doubt about it
DyabloFJV 님이 작성:
Hi, i have a question. It's better a lvl 20/20 Divergent Lightning Trap or a common 21/20?

I in doubt about it

Depending on how much flat lightning damage you have from other sources (such as added lightning damage support, ring modifiers, boot enchantment, etc) a level 21 will be between 5-10% more dps than a 20/20. However Divergent allows double hits, with most traps thrown having 1-2 returning projectiles. The extra hits from divergent is delayed, but only for really tanky monsters will 5-10% dps matter anyway, so I recommend 20/20 divergent over 21/20 superior unless your budget is prohibitive (such as on a league start where divergent can be 1+ divines) Generally superior 21/20 is never more than 50c, and in most cases you can get it for 10c or less due to the existence of a 21/20 Trap Gem divination card.
Ekule731 님이 2023. 3. 9. 오후 4:48:40에 마지막으로 편집
Ekule731 님이 작성:
hunterm4n 님이 작성:
Hey, got a question, seeing as there are 2 skill with critical tag isn't the crit mastery "+3 to Level of all Critical Support Gems" any good ?

Hi! I saw this build, and would really like to start in a new league through this build.
But I have a question, what can be farmed through this build at the start of the build. And his first normal loss. If I buy 2 batteries and armor?
How to make the lightning return back to the source?
any version of this viable for hogm?
🅰🅻🅸🅽 ::: ! ♥ PoE ツ 👌 :::
4lin 님이 작성:
any version of this viable for hogm?

I have done, and even carried HoGM with this build, however the map isn't easy in general, is no longer on the atlas, and the only reason one might do it is for a rather rare divination card. I dont feel its worth worrying about that particular map. I also am unsure how im going to fix the build after the Saboteur rework, if at all, and how strong it will be compared to the current patch.
Ekule731 님이 작성:
4lin 님이 작성:
any version of this viable for hogm?

I have done, and even carried HoGM with this build, however the map isn't easy in general, is no longer on the atlas, and the only reason one might do it is for a rather rare divination card. I dont feel its worth worrying about that particular map. I also am unsure how im going to fix the build after the Saboteur rework, if at all, and how strong it will be compared to the current patch.

I was hoping to be able to play this build once again in 3.21 - thats a bummer!
whats broken?
seems like lot of stuff change but by my calculation we lost in endgame around 5% dps from 52kk to 49kk barrely without any tweeks so lets tweeks and we get little bit more clear :-).... and that crucible mechanic mb will do this build even stronger that before :-)

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