Hello is it possible to make the build work and do T16 maps and some easy bosses (no ubers) for like 20-30 divine?
글 작성자:icethug69#49902022. 9. 30. 오후 12:53:17
icethug69 님이 작성:
Hello is it possible to make the build work and do T16 maps and some easy bosses (no ubers) for like 20-30 divine?
Yes, though you're going to die - a lot. My suggestion is to use those divines to do 5 ways till you get level 100, and then transtion into the build. Without the skill points, the build suffers.
글 작성자:Kadamose#44582022. 9. 30. 오후 1:47:38
icethug69 님이 작성:
Hello is it possible to make the build work and do T16 maps and some easy bosses (no ubers) for like 20-30 divine?
i leveled to 85+ including uber lab by smashing content using One with Nothing build, then i respec'd and was able to clean everything till level 94.
Then i bough 5 ways runs till 100, did alot of divines selling my leveled gems. Level 100 in 5 ways is like something mandatory except if you go for tankier way.
글 작성자:Universalis#57762022. 9. 30. 오후 4:22:35
Universalis 님이 작성:
Akshay 님이 작성:
yes, ele focus disables Ice spear freeze
and ice spear freeze and chill is very important in juiced mapping
i don't recommend ele focus anywhere in the guide.
some pob might have it though.
Yes it seems wrong, but on numbers in POB, and on highest DPS on poe.ninja, awakened ele focus 6 gives the biggest multiplier. And people are copying up to and buying up to alternate qualities without even knowing why, just because "it was in the guide" (asked for it, had this answer...).
Made a fight comparison with uber shaper and using awakened added cold is alot better despite lower theorical DPS. No more ultimate chaos balls phase.
Flat dmgs (ie: awkened added cold 6) are gaining up in power when the cast rate increase.
I have now 5 cast/second using less duration in duration mastery and the added gives even a more massive boost. This was my first try with a looper, really great, just a visibility issue. Arc & Ice spear was the solution. Getting 40/40 this week end.
Thanks for posting this, helped me in deciding what to do after the ice trap 2 weeks ago.
Could you share your profile or PoB? I would like to see this setup.
글 작성자:Asag#18152022. 10. 1. 오전 2:13:29
Asag 님이 작성:
Universalis 님이 작성:
Arc & Ice spear was the solution.
Could you share your profile or PoB? I would like to see this setup.
I'd like to see it, as well. Intrigued by the inclusion of Arc. :)
nihilisticGoliath#5662 님이 2022. 10. 1. 오전 4:26:15에 마지막으로 편집
Asag 님이 작성:
Could you share your profile or PoB? I would like to see this setup.
nihilisticGoliath 님이 작성:
I'd like to see it, as well. Intrigued by the inclusion of Arc. :)
Arc in the weapon is great especially when mapping because it kills all white monsters almost instantly, projectiles still require like half of a second.
Universalis#5776 님이 2022. 10. 1. 오전 9:32:23에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Universalis#57762022. 10. 1. 오전 6:53:37
Hey having a blast with the build and trying to push it further.
I'm trying to get 4 flask working. But somehow, it doesnt work.
I got the two medium cluster jewel and the brutal restraint with 10% flask gained.
I can see on the game :
.flask duration modifier : 80%
.flask charges used modifier : -20%
.flask charges gained modifier : 85%
According to the tool it should be enough...
Am I doing something wrong?
https://pastebin.com/JPa6JX3p if you wanna take a look.
글 작성자:AIbatroll#31922022. 10. 1. 오전 11:15:45
AIbatroll 님이 작성:
Hey having a blast with the build and trying to push it further.
I'm trying to get 4 flask working. But somehow, it doesnt work.
I got the two medium cluster jewel and the brutal restraint with 10% flask gained.
I can see on the game :
.flask duration modifier : 80%
.flask charges used modifier : -20%
.flask charges gained modifier : 85%
According to the tool it should be enough...
Am I doing something wrong?
https://pastebin.com/JPa6JX3p if you wanna take a look.
You need a belt with the following:
19% reduced flask charges used
30% increased flask duration
16% increased cooldown recovery
I am currently in the same situation as you.
Kadamose#4458 님이 2022. 10. 1. 오후 12:50:01에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Kadamose#44582022. 10. 1. 오후 12:49:13
My loop starts perfectly in hideout but not at all in any maps.
글 작성자:Phrozenq#71112022. 10. 2. 오전 3:27:31
AIbatroll 님이 작성:
Hey having a blast with the build and trying to push it further.
I'm trying to get 4 flask working. But somehow, it doesnt work.
I got the two medium cluster jewel and the brutal restraint with 10% flask gained.
I can see on the game :
.flask duration modifier : 80%
.flask charges used modifier : -20%
.flask charges gained modifier : 85%
According to the tool it should be enough...
Am I doing something wrong?
https://pastebin.com/JPa6JX3p if you wanna take a look.
you need minimum 1 fasting node in your medium cluster jewel, and also your olroth's flask should be less than 43% charges used + 28% q . It take time to min max properly this build.
RaiGoNFcB#5380 님이 2022. 10. 2. 오전 3:30:54에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:RaiGoNFcB#53802022. 10. 2. 오전 3:30:31