[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

I guess we don't have a good spot for the extra proj tattoo? small dex node with 7 adjacent...
IDareYouLV 님이 작성:
With the new PoB the calculations show that adding Creeping Frost to Ice Spear loop halves the DPS of Ice Spear because of "skill rotation and cooldown alignment". Removing Creeping Frost increases DPS. Is this how it works in reality?


I don't think PoB is correct here. Both ice spear and Creep frost are cast
the_s0urce 님이 작성:
Part 1)

So does skeleton duration needs to be greater or smaller CWDT CoolDown?

I got 0.20 sec sekelton duration atm, but 0.22 CWDT CD and it seems to work fine, or could it work better?

Part 1.1)
And how about skeleton CD, does this matter too?

Part 2)

And I just tried to calc my CWDT damage, I have 2x Heartbound = 840

And I got 2745 life. 40% (fr) * 1,18 (neg chaos res) = 47%

2745 * 47% = 1295 + 840 (rings) = 2135 dmg

CWDT lvl 20 needs 3272 dmg

So why this calc says it works?


Skeleton duration should be less than CWDT cooldown, skeleton should die before the next cwdt window

In calculator heartbound = 420
I can add 2 fields, one for each ring & update the calculator
right now we assume both rings will be 420
don't' put it as 840
3. Using faceted fossils on boots to get +1 to intelligence gems

please note after spending 10div on this that you cannot do this anymore....
craft of exile shows that it works but it does not
Habi2016 님이 작성:
3. Using faceted fossils on boots to get +1 to intelligence gems

please note after spending 10div on this that you cannot do this anymore....
craft of exile shows that it works but it does not

oh man, sorry about that, let me fix that!
Please explain in detail why you took Scion and not other combination for this?
my wardloop doesn't work i cannot figure out what's wrong
My Build:


With snipers mark in helm, pob shows skill trigger rate as 2.53. Without it in, it goes to 5.05 (for summon skeletons). What gives? Is this a PoB issue or is it somehow lowering my trigger rate?
graydot#0550 님이 2023. 8. 28. 오후 3:39:16에 마지막으로 편집
Hey wardloopers! I wanted to post a find i am using with the new +1 all int tatoo.. Cost me 2 divines at the time of writing this ..

Impossible Escape with Wind Dancer
2 passive points, Allowed me to get 4 flasks ( with other investment in flask duration and charges gained) and keeping my annoint :)

Loving the build so far thank you Akshay!

Owluring#2325 님이 2023. 8. 28. 오후 6:18:37에 마지막으로 편집
Just made this build up and running, my only problem is I can't permanently uptime the Olroth flask, I have 28% quality but I have a downtime of 1 secondish. My POB https://pobb.in/Z9jIHnu8ICdZ. Hoping to play this build until league ends. Thanks!

Edit: I do have 10% increased flask charges gained for timeless jewel, is that a problem?
0hl4l4#1204 님이 2023. 8. 29. 오전 1:44:08에 마지막으로 편집

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