[3.24] CWDT Ward Loop Scion, very easy guide [15 divines]

Hi, my cwdt doesnt loop, i put my stats in the calculator and its said the loop work but in game dont loop here is my pob https://pobb.in/OhFefvd0jBZb . If someone can help me please
thiefk1210 님이 2024. 4. 26. 오후 9:47:56에 마지막으로 편집
thiefk1210 님이 작성:
Hi, my cwdt doesnt loop, i put my stats in the calculator and its said the loop work but in game dont loop here is my pob https://pobb.in/OhFefvd0jBZb . If someone can help me please

Not 100% sure but if I import your build in my PoB and look at the Skills your CWDT says "This Gem can only Support Skill Gems requiring Level 67 or lower" while your Ice Spear requires lvl 68. Might check on your armor if the CWDT highlights when you hover over Ice Spear Gem
thiefk1210 님이 작성:
Hi, my cwdt doesnt loop, i put my stats in the calculator and its said the loop work but in game dont loop here is my pob https://pobb.in/OhFefvd0jBZb . If someone can help me please

if i enter your stats, loop looks okay but olroths fail for me

For Orloth Uptime you muss the 19-20% less charges used from Belt it fails ater 11.8 seconds when using 4 flasks


Flask Calculator
Ascendancy Scion/PF Others
Flasks 4
Pathfinder Charms

Flask Charges Gained

Flask Duration

Reduced Flask Charges Used

Olroth's Flask Duration

Olroth's Charges Consumed

Olroth's Max Charges

Reuse at end of effect

Flask Status Fails after 11.8s
Flask Uptime (approx) 74.98%
PatrickFN 님이 2024. 4. 27. 오후 1:47:02에 마지막으로 편집
Idk why buy as soon i put my last to dust, my skeletons just vanish and doenst loop, everything seems ok and like the guide
joopauloh914 님이 작성:
Idk why buy as soon i put my last to dust, my skeletons just vanish and doenst loop, everything seems ok and like the guide

make sure you only have 74% from dusts, and your skeleton produces 3 skeletons
in the 10-20 div setup there is a 21/20 ice spear gem, wont that mess it up?
xlxnirxlx 님이 2024. 5. 4. 오전 10:11:01에 마지막으로 편집
Why do you use a cluster of minions, I don't understand why?
dequer 님이 작성:
Why do you use a cluster of minions, I don't understand why?

blessed rebirth is req
Having issues with loop, someone mind taking a look at NECO_LOOPS?


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