[3.24] CWDT Ward Loop Scion, very easy guide [15 divines]

Akshay 님이 작성:
sixlinkandrew 님이 작성:
I've been running a tweaked Occultist version for awhile now. Next upgrades I'm planning are Empower 4 and 21 gems in the chest. I'm sure there is some fine-tuning that could be done though. Would you mind taking a look?



You are doing only half the dps, missing half the damage window
To verify this, just remove your rare ring and put a heartbound ring there

You need to reach 3625 life, to fix this
If you can't reach 3625 life then buy divergent cast when damage taken
put a 19/20 in chest and 20/20 in weapon, but divergents

Here is tree trying to reach 3625 life


Thanks so much for the help! Managed to move around a few pieces of gear and some passive points to get the required health. Also was quite lucky to roll this:

Only thing I've noticed now is that my mana is fluctuating quite a bit while the loop is running, and it doesn't always fire up right away. Do I need more mana/recoup? Here's my latest PoB:

sixlinkandrew 님이 작성:

Thanks so much for the help! Managed to move around a few pieces of gear and some passive points to get the required health. Also was quite lucky to roll this:

Only thing I've noticed now is that my mana is fluctuating quite a bit while the loop is running, and it doesn't always fire up right away. Do I need more mana/recoup? Here's my latest PoB:


Move skeleton to helm, it will start in one swap
The problem with low omni is that some skills won't have their requirements met.
Try to upgrade to 21 in chests and check

also profane bloom is not required, you can switch to malediction
Akshay 님이 2022. 4. 20. 오전 12:17:56에 마지막으로 편집
im up and running with divergent cwdt/rare ring with the 27 breakpoint.

feels nice. need to sort my ring out now with a second curse
Moved skele loop to helmet and respecced into Malediction for damage, but the loop is bottoming out on mana when getting started and stalls out. I have to weapon swap 3-4 times in quick succession to get the loop going.

I assume it's lack of mana pool/recoup since I am currently specced out of the Arcane Surge wheel. Probably just need to get some more levels to fix it. The Annihilating Light makes it incredibly difficult to get res and I am quite hamstrung on passive points even at level 92.
sixlinkandrew 님이 작성:
Moved skele loop to helmet and respecced into Malediction for damage, but the loop is bottoming out on mana when getting started and stalls out. I have to weapon swap 3-4 times in quick succession to get the loop going.

I assume it's lack of mana pool/recoup since I am currently specced out of the Arcane Surge wheel. Probably just need to get some more levels to fix it. The Annihilating Light makes it incredibly difficult to get res and I am quite hamstrung on passive points even at level 92.

You can remove mind over matter and try.

Also switch the places of Freezing pulse and arcane surge in weapon
Similarly switch places of ice spear with creeping frost

You could get a body armor where the first three sockets are not blue and try with that
Akshay 님이 2022. 4. 20. 오전 11:33:30에 마지막으로 편집
Removing MoM almost suicides me, but does get the loop started in one go.

Probably just going to go back to 2 Heartbound Loops for the time being until I get quite a few more levels. Thanks for all your great suggestions and help!
sixlinkandrew 님이 2022. 4. 20. 오전 11:05:37에 마지막으로 편집
sixlinkandrew 님이 작성:
Removing MoM almost suicides me, but does get the loop started in one go.

Probably just going to go back to 2 Heartbound Loops for the time being until I get quite a few more levels. Thanks for all your great suggestions and help!

you have alchemist genius by any chance? check your ward, keep an eye on it.
Increase ward to 1800 plus, you won't face issues
Don't seem to have any major issues currently. Only thing is corrupted blood stacks,I need to make that a priority, it's consistently killing me.
facelessman122 님이 2022. 4. 20. 오후 1:01:08에 마지막으로 편집
Yes that's an issue.
Easily solve it using a jewel with immunity

The minor pantheon might help a bit

Not bad either, shame the league has slowed down.

Might go for 38 still though, its been awhile.

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