[Phrecia] The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony|CI Cyclone-Necro|The Arachnophobia Allstars|660m

Is there any alternative to skin of the lords? It's just about impossible to find one with the right colors on settlers.
FlareMP 님이 작성:
Is there any alternative to skin of the lords? It's just about impossible to find one with the right colors on settlers.

Best is to take different colours. The HoA supports are flexible, take a look into "skills and trigger" --> "the dirty scorpion tail", there are the variations and colours ranked.

Today are Magebanes for 5 div in trade.

Best stinging and fitting are the compositions:

1) 3g, 2b, 1r (mapping)
2) 2g, 1r, 3b (bossing with predator)
3) 4g, 1r, 1b
4) 2g, 2r, 2b
5) 3g, 2r, 1b

Much lower damage and not recommended are:

Or Skin of the loyals are the cheap starters (20 chaos). More variations you find in "gear" section body armour.
Chromino#4813 님이 2024. 8. 10. 오전 8:16:30에 마지막으로 편집
actually the worse is 0 green sockets :D
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
xkuzanx 님이 작성:

I have been using Vixen’s with Temp Chains implicit and when fighting bosses or thick rares I use the Mark which will trigger the Despair I have socketed in the gloves. For trash I don’t bother with the mark/despair. The mark cannot be socketed in the gloves

Great guide by the way - I am enjoying the build and the challenge of finding the next upgrades.

Thank you xkuzanx!

And yes, that is a very good set-up to get one free socket when you use 3 curses or use a in maps a mark beside.
Chromino#4813 님이 2024. 8. 11. 오전 3:10:55에 마지막으로 편집
I have been trying to put together this build and struggling a bit with a number of issues:
- I don't seem to have enough mana regen to keep up tornadoes, ball lightning and casting other stuff (molten shell, withering step, frostblink etc).
- My mana reservation is rough, currently down to 54 mana, which is so little i actually have to turn off an aura, cast chaos golem and then back on. Which is rough because the golem dies all the time, so it's feeling useless.
- I don't feel super tanky at all. The ehp may seem high but if I stop cyclonening or run out of mana to cast ball lightning or tornado I die very quickly.
- Damage is kinda okay-ish, it's around 9.5mill based on pob at the moment but it definitely doesn't feel like fast clear. Part of this is probably that my chest colours doesn't allow pierce or fork. I'm not sure if I can replace that, it seems like in the range of 30div to not lose the +2 level of minion gems (way out of budget). If I give the levels up it's like 30% of the damage reduction. Would be happy to replace predator with anything else if it improved clear speed.

I have 3 ideas to improve things:
1. keep leveling up, at 92 I can slot another medium cluster which should improve clear speed a bit - this is straightforward but painful while not feeling super tanky and also not having great clear.
2. I could probably do with better boots, but I'd end up just pushing my resist and attribute limitations onto it if that's the only thing I'm replacing.
3. Replace the belt with darkness enthroned and try to find jewels to make up for the resists and the strength loss AND also have a high roll mana regen. The thing is the rare belt is doing a lot of work at the moment so it'd be a struggle to make up both the resists and the str and still add more. I tried to POB this with what's available on the market and I am not convinced it's possible to achieve the stats the resists and the mana regen as well, even with 97-98 darkness enthroned. I could replace the rings with circle of ambition to fix the resists and focus and focus on just filling the missing attribs maybe? It'd also give about 36 more unreserved mana in exchange for about 10% dps.

Would be interested to hear what would you suggest? I have about 12 div to spend at the moment - farming is slow with all the issues. I'm sure the answers to at least some of these are in the guide, but I am struggling to find them :(. Pob is https://pobb.in/Xs5-hHfnsGOj

Thanks for the help in advance!

Okay I didn't realize how important it is to have leveled awakened gems. THat helped a lot getting those.
FlareMP#0460 님이 2024. 8. 12. 오전 9:56:45에 마지막으로 편집
xkuzanx 님이 작성:

I have been using Vixen’s with Temp Chains implicit and when fighting bosses or thick rares I use the Mark which will trigger the Despair I have socketed in the gloves. For trash I don’t bother with the mark/despair. The mark cannot be socketed in the gloves

Great guide by the way - I am enjoying the build and the challenge of finding the next upgrades.

Awakened cast while channeling is the go-to I believe
I'm also having alot of trouble with survivability. Sometimes I'm fine.. then I'm just dead. No idea why. T_T Can anyone help please?
fireblankie 님이 작성:
I have been trying to put together this build and struggling a bit with a number of issues:
- I don't seem to have enough mana regen to keep up tornadoes, ball lightning and casting other stuff (molten shell, withering step, frostblink etc).
- My mana reservation is rough, currently down to 54 mana, which is so little i actually have to turn off an aura, cast chaos golem and then back on. Which is rough because the golem dies all the time, so it's feeling useless.
- I don't feel super tanky at all. The ehp may seem high but if I stop cyclonening or run out of mana to cast ball lightning or tornado I die very quickly.
- Damage is kinda okay-ish, it's around 9.5mill based on pob at the moment but it definitely doesn't feel like fast clear. Part of this is probably that my chest colours doesn't allow pierce or fork. I'm not sure if I can replace that, it seems like in the range of 30div to not lose the +2 level of minion gems (way out of budget). If I give the levels up it's like 30% of the damage reduction. Would be happy to replace predator with anything else if it improved clear speed.

I have 3 ideas to improve things:
1. keep leveling up, at 92 I can slot another medium cluster which should improve clear speed a bit - this is straightforward but painful while not feeling super tanky and also not having great clear.
2. I could probably do with better boots, but I'd end up just pushing my resist and attribute limitations onto it if that's the only thing I'm replacing.
3. Replace the belt with darkness enthroned and try to find jewels to make up for the resists and the strength loss AND also have a high roll mana regen. The thing is the rare belt is doing a lot of work at the moment so it'd be a struggle to make up both the resists and the str and still add more. I tried to POB this with what's available on the market and I am not convinced it's possible to achieve the stats the resists and the mana regen as well, even with 97-98 darkness enthroned. I could replace the rings with circle of ambition to fix the resists and focus and focus on just filling the missing attribs maybe? It'd also give about 36 more unreserved mana in exchange for about 10% dps.

Would be interested to hear what would you suggest? I have about 12 div to spend at the moment - farming is slow with all the issues. I'm sure the answers to at least some of these are in the guide, but I am struggling to find them :(. Pob is https://pobb.in/Xs5-hHfnsGOj

Thanks for the help in advance!

So I did both 2 and 3 in the end. I've realised I was missing the minion poison chance so now up to 18m dps presumably, although to be honest it still doesn't feel like great clear or tankyness. The mana issues are at least resolved for now. I'm still not sure how to take off from here, it seems like quite a big gap between where I am and what the endgame numbers look like. This is what I got to: https://pobb.in/s_JizVP0dTim
fireblankie#1619 님이 2024. 8. 12. 오후 4:37:59에 마지막으로 편집
Fireblankie I am answering to you:
I know how it feels, been there called it out, was discarded. But, I have a huge experience of the game, made a lot of builds in, and a good bank to back up my experiments. I will only try guide you inside the walls of this build and nothing else. So my words will not actually be a solution. This thread actually posts at least two pobs. One with less than 100 virulences and one with more than 100 mass crit on minion which is actually a canon glass. You obviously building the first one and your gear is good. The problem is the build like this doesn't function, at least as the title suggests. You don't have 100m DPS to 1 hit all monsters but still be happy from the random deaths in map and neither you can face tank monsters with cyclone waiting for minion to kill. You die often and the DPS feels like any generic build right? You need more passives aka levels so you can drop the voices and get two more 8 passive large jewels which have modes that give attack/spell block. That will help somewhat the survivability together with that block potion. In those large clusters jewels you can get more medium clusters jewels that give Pure Agony node, which gives +5 to virulences and that will drastically improve your DPS.About the mana problems, have you put mana catalysts in both rigs?If yes my suggestion is skyforth boots or those boots that drop from the Abyss boss that have two sockets for abyss jewels. The second ones also will increase the damage more but you will have to drop two gem slots. My opinion is you can drop a lot of gems. After that, just start thinking and questioning some choices and start deviating from the build. Ask yourself do I need this, maybe replace it with something else?Pro tip: the build is good as an idea the execution is poor though. Can be made far better. I hope it helps. For me was easy because I had huge bank in standard and knowledge from previous builds that had same idea with this one but other execution. I can analyze far more, with details but we will get out of the walls. Stick to it for now try changes, drop the voices for now, replace them with two 8passive large cluster jewels if possible that, like the one you have and one with 10% more attack damage while holding a shield, it can roll the node Veteran Defender, very very op for defend, especially if your shield is top rolls, and try to pair it with the node Prodigious something (don't remember the name), it gives block. Just checked your rings, it seems they don't have mana catalysts. One ring is super top, do you play in standard? Hehehe can I buy it? Add 20 mana catalysts in both dude, it might even improve the synthesize implicits which will be great.oh boy I think level 4 empower instead of damage while in full life is more damage, man your gems is all over the place... What is automation? What is increased duration, throw them away, it is click bait,resolve the mana problem get tempest shield and spirit offering instead. Use an enlighten lvl 4 as dirty measure. What are these potions? You running around with 75% resistances, facepalm.. what if a monster hits you with an elemental attack instead of spell? That's why you die, elemental attacks that don't get dodged send you to hideout instantly. Why so many armour potions? Get three elemental flasks, 1 armour potion and the block potion, I have no idea what sins rebirth does there. First resolve the mana problem and drop the 5 voices, get the block nodes from some 8 passive cluster jewels.Man think for yourself, just ask does automation help tankiness, does it help DPS, does it help mana reservation, does it help any of my problems? No, then thrash it. Oh boy the more I look your pob , I find more solutions, small clusters must be 2 passives and medium clusters must be 4 passives to save passives nodes while you travel the skill tree. Unless the small passive nodes you have in them are needed to cap attributes and resistances, that is on the min maxing spectrum, you know what to do. Small cluster and medium cluster jewels are somewhat of an easy fix, you can craft them yourself with alteration orbs and those other orb that make magic item into rare.
Lol I have made so many edits. Chaos Golem?you are trolling right? Shield mastery for stuns... If you really have problems with stun, then skyforth boots will solve both mana reservation and stun problem. But I think abyss boots and catalysts is better.
Instead of cyclone I strongly suggest storm burst, you cap virulences from distance, instead of face taking with cyclone praying you wont die untill crawler appears.
Also have in mind that the builds we play with no es regeneration or little to medium es regeneration will always die to dot damage, like shaper's beam or sirus' cyclones or ground degenerations you are not immune to,no matter how much energy shield on hit you have, and there is nothing we can do besides manually stepping out of it.
What does chaos golem even do? Might be some mechanic I am not aware of.
You do it for aura? First of all you engage 2 gem slots for noob chaos golem...Let me teach poe. It is called squeezing this. Chaos golem rarely alive, if alive rarely does aura. Probably you want to squeeze more damage vs bosses, because vs normal monsters that aura is irrelevant but even if it was for the price of 2 gem slots just doesn't worth it , even if it was consistent and up all the time.if you get the abyss boots you drop these two gems but you can get two more slots for abyss jewels there. You can get 2 ghastly jewels with chance to poison so crawler had 100% chance, which alone is more damage and crawler can self sustain virulences and poisons. And also you can get some flat chaos or physical damage to the jewels which is more damage.You can also roll chance to bleed in jewels, which probably gets buffed from support gems of the gem HoA. If you do it it for physical reduction , enduring cry only needs 1 gem slot and generates endurance charge. So if your base is 3 endurance charges you get 12% phys reduction and elemental reduction.
You are also missing that unique abyss jewel, it helps with poison damage a lot, specially combined withe boots. Man this is not my build, I will stop typing now, I am tired.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom#5362 님이 2024. 8. 13. 오전 1:32:44에 마지막으로 편집

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