[3.25]juju's CI CoC'k Ice Nova Build ||| CI / GB / Max Block ||| GOD TIER BUILD!!!

Ah ok u count the more ele damage and crit into it or?
p1Shinji 님이 작성:
Ah ok u count the more ele damage and crit into it or?

Yes literally says socketed gems/attacks on them :D
I made this helmet , i couldnt get conc effect no matter what i did , got minion damage 5 times and 3 times inc aoe , i got tilted and aisling with inc aoe sadly removed the aoe , but hit the unveil , i think im gonna keep that for now.

AimPrinz#3704 님이 2022. 9. 1. 오전 3:18:02에 마지막으로 편집
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx 님이 작성:
juju666 님이 작성:
p1Shinji 님이 작성:
Hey I am atm on the dark side and playing LL but this reached his end. Now I am looking onto ur build and u like what I see. I have one question how we can get an elder or shaper Blizzard crown?
Second how to craft the helm with the changes to harvest?

harvest randomize influence. Not too ez craft this league :P Suffixes can still be done same way. Prefixes pure rng now...

Prefixes are actually not that hard to craft. If you have the suffixes done and got a open prefix, you can scour them, block mana and slam 2 times. As far as I remember slamming conc effect is a 1/30 to hit. After that you just block suffix again and unveil. So its just expensive, but not impossible.

Yeah its possible but need to get super lucky , saw conc effect only 2 times in nearly 100 ex slams

So I'm looking at the build and just trying to understand something, where is the +3 levels to awakened cast on critical strike coming from? I see +1 from the ashes but not sure were other 2 are coming from...

Edit nvm:
Suggestions for this though? I got everything but aoe but I don't really want to risk losing conc effect 50/50 with aisling

Ethereal_Phantom#1355 님이 2022. 9. 4. 오후 2:58:14에 마지막으로 편집
Ethereal_Phantom 님이 작성:
So I'm looking at the build and just trying to understand something, where is the +3 levels to awakened cast on critical strike coming from? I see +1 from the ashes but not sure were other 2 are coming from...

Edit nvm:
Suggestions for this though? I got everything but aoe but I don't really want to risk losing conc effect 50/50 with aisling

+3 support gems from crit mastery

u just have to gamble aisling ^^
juju666 님이 작성:
Ethereal_Phantom 님이 작성:
So I'm looking at the build and just trying to understand something, where is the +3 levels to awakened cast on critical strike coming from? I see +1 from the ashes but not sure were other 2 are coming from...

Edit nvm:
Suggestions for this though? I got everything but aoe but I don't really want to risk losing conc effect 50/50 with aisling

+3 support gems from crit mastery

u just have to gamble aisling ^^

Do you think its worth risking for now or try again on a different base when i get everything else more min/maxed?
Ethereal_Phantom 님이 작성:
juju666 님이 작성:
Ethereal_Phantom 님이 작성:
So I'm looking at the build and just trying to understand something, where is the +3 levels to awakened cast on critical strike coming from? I see +1 from the ashes but not sure were other 2 are coming from...

Edit nvm:
Suggestions for this though? I got everything but aoe but I don't really want to risk losing conc effect 50/50 with aisling

+3 support gems from crit mastery

u just have to gamble aisling ^^

Do you think its worth risking for now or try again on a different base when i get everything else more min/maxed?

Cant answer for u. Its a gamble :P
How do you craft the helm?

Edit: See below.
bliss1234#6868 님이 2022. 9. 5. 오후 4:49:20에 마지막으로 편집
bliss1234 님이 작성:
How do you craft the helm?

Edit: From research and previous comments, let me know if this is correct.

Horror essence till hypothermia with open prefix (annul if no open prefix)
Suffix cant be changed, reforge crit. if no attack crit repeat
Suffixes done, suffix cant be changed - aisling
Block w/ mana or zombie craft (craftofexile says blocking zombie has better odds)
Unveil for AoE gems
Slam twice? 1/28 chance to slam conc

Not sure if you slam once and suffix cant be changed/yolo annul or slam twice.

Spam essence till hypo or t1 crit
Hope for open suffix and prefix, or anul if there is a third suffix or prefix
Block suffix reforge crit/ cold, depending on the missing mod (anul if you bricked and try again)
suffix block scour if there are 2 prefixes
if you cleaned prefixes or just only have 1, craft mana and slam ex
1/30 to hit some tier of conc effect on each ex slam
If you got 2 bad prefixes suffix block and scour, craft mana and slam 1-2 times again till you get conc effect.
If you hit conc effect on the second slam, block suffix and annul for 50/50
Conc effect is the only prefix, block suffix and aisling T4 for a 50/50 to get a unveil mod
Craft mana (highest weight?) And unveil
Get lucky on unveil

On mobile so I kept the crafting steps short. Depending on the mods you get, you can also try using maven orbs and so on instead of anul

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