[3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder

OK, next question ;)

I just switched to your build from maydie's one.
Problem: I can't get HoA, PoE and Determination to run simultaneously.
The only difference I can fiond regarding it, is my enlighten which is level 4 INCLUDING the +1 from the Diadem.
Is it that what causes that problem? Do I need lvl 5?
I would be in trouble then.. spent nearly all of my currency for the items I needed ;)
Or is it because I am running Anomalous PoE?

Thx in advance,

oh, btw: My profile should be viewable.

edit 2: I don't think it's the enlighten. I have mana efficiency for the herald on my ring.
ThngsLikeThis 님이 2022. 10. 8. 오후 3:57:37에 마지막으로 편집
UPDATE: It's your gem. It needs to be a natural Level 4 (sorry, I misread your comment initially). The helm boosts it to 5. You have to drop Malevolence until you get a Level 4. You might also be able to add Defiance Banner in the meantime for extra tankiness.

Also, bear in mind you need an AoE of 22 for more than 9 flasks to overlap. Your Dying Sun will maintain charges while mapping, but will drop on bosses and you'll be back down to an AoE of 20 (that's the reason I don't run one, though it's a great flask). I'd get the AoE enchant on the helmet if you can eventually to solve that. I'd also highly recommend picking up Versatile Combatant. It makes a big difference for survivability (the Spell Block is huge, and is the reason we run the Watcher's Eye we do).

The rest of your gear and tree look pretty good for Level 96. Your damage is a little low, but will improve if/when you get an Unnatural Instinct. Cold Resistance is one of the issues with the build after all the nerfs - I get an extra 20 from my Brutal Restraint, and pad it with everything I can from the tree + jewels. We can always put "of the Rainbow" on a flask.

P.S. Don't forget to socket an Abyssal jewel in your belt.
t0lkien 님이 2022. 10. 9. 오전 6:46:09에 마지막으로 편집
Thx for your detailed answer. :)
I actually forgot to put most of the jewels in, and did not check the flask yet.
Just made a little test run after changing te tree to your build and putting the items on. Was late in the night here. :)
Damage a little low? Well, I actually can feel the difference to the other build.. doing MORE damage now ;)
Regarding my currency problem: I also forgot that I can sell my old gear now ;)

So that problem should be solved. :)
Thx again!


oh.. and btw: I don't really mind dropiing Fying Sun.. never got it to 100% Uptime anyway.. :)
ThngsLikeThis 님이 2022. 10. 9. 오전 9:43:51에 마지막으로 편집
ThngsLikeThis 님이 작성:
Damage a little low? Well, I actually can feel the difference to the other build.. doing MORE damage now ;)

Yeah, and you can min/max it up to 32+ million DPS eventually - you're currently at around 21+ million. If you like it at 21, at ~30 million it feels even smoother. The big bosses melt pretty fast (though I haven't attempted any Ubers this league... yet).

ThngsLikeThis 님이 작성:
oh.. and btw: I don't really mind dropiing Fying Sun.. never got it to 100% Uptime anyway.. :)

I just spent a lot of currency and time trying to do just that, but couldn't do it either. It is possible to get it to 100% uptime though.

There's another pretty amazing version of the build that did that with notes explaining how it works here (credit to Majordans).

That build is also 100% phys immune, though there's a big damage trade off - it's only ~1/2 the damage of this build. But it's so tough it can tank Uber Shaper's slam. The guy does all the Ubers with it pretty easily.

I would recommend running a well rolled Overflowing Chalice when you can, and eventually getting 26-28% quality on all your flasks via the Hillock enchant to increase their uptime. It really helps on bosses.
t0lkien 님이 2022. 10. 9. 오전 10:51:14에 마지막으로 편집
Loving the build so far. I found that you can actually remove 1 of the 20% duration nodes from the passive tree and still barely make the infinite uptime on your frenzy/endurance charges. I used that 1 point and put it into the 10% increased effect of auras, since I figured that would be a massive benefit. I do find myself running out of "mana" quite often on boss fights though, even with the -mana on the ring. I do not have it on the watcher's jewel however, though I dunno how much that actually matters TBH. How viable would it be to swap out the 20% effect from withered and take the chaos damage leeched as ES instead, for bosses? Thanks!
Why don't you use a +2/+4 corrupted cherrubims or dendrobate?
auspexa 님이 2022. 10. 20. 오후 8:15:36에 마지막으로 편집
Because it essentially gives you aspect of the cat for free, which is needed to keep a permanent uptime on your frenzy and endurance charges.
Ghrex 님이 작성:
Loving the build so far. I found that you can actually remove 1 of the 20% duration nodes from the passive tree and still barely make the infinite uptime on your frenzy/endurance charges. I used that 1 point and put it into the 10% increased effect of auras, since I figured that would be a massive benefit. I do find myself running out of "mana" quite often on boss fights though, even with the -mana on the ring. I do not have it on the watcher's jewel however, though I dunno how much that actually matters TBH. How viable would it be to swap out the 20% effect from withered and take the chaos damage leeched as ES instead, for bosses? Thanks!

Glad you're liking it! I'm still pretty happy with it as well.

We must have slightly different effects from our gear, because if I drop another duration node, my Frenzy charges definitely drop as well. It's only for a split second, but apart from the sound effect of AotC "popping" on again being annoying, it messes with gameplay quite a bit - movement speed, attack speed, damage, and evasion all drop. That can really wreck your day.

I can run out of mana (technically ES) on bosses as well if I'm reckless, though I regen quickly. It used to be you could get skill costs down to zero, but GGG detected fun and nerfed that. We could possibly run a Vaal Clarity and just pop it on bosses (I haven't tested that, however) to solve that. But I'm out of ability slots.

The -mana on the WE actually does make quite a difference. We can also use a Replica Conqueror's Efficiency jewel to make it utterly spam proof, but unless I can get one with Corrupted Blood immunity on it I need my rare Jewel. Plus it would be more lost damage and life. Everything's a tradeoff.

The only thing really left for me to do is get a Mageblood which would pretty much solve any of these minor issues. This build thematically and mechanically actually matches a Mageblood perfectly, so it's the natural choice. I just don't know if I can face the grind.

auspexa 님이 작성:
Why don't you use a +2/+4 corrupted cherrubims or dendrobate?

As Ghrex has said, you need the chest for the Aspect of the Cat which allows permanent maximum Frenzy and Endurance charges + Onslaught. It's a pretty amazing chest for what it is.

If you want to swap out the chest you can of course, but then you are really going for a whole different build because your tree will have to change a lot to match.
t0lkien 님이 2022. 10. 21. 오전 2:16:26에 마지막으로 편집
I have a PC build that is weak as a kitten so I'd like to transition to this build. Looking at the 17m DPS POB there are 2 medium cluster jewels with 12% increased Chaos damage over time. This doesn't seem to be an option on medium cluster jewels anymore - it doesn't come up as an option under stats in trade. Has it been removed or am have I just not got the correct stat listing to find it ?
BowWizard 님이 2022. 10. 21. 오후 8:19:40에 마지막으로 편집
BowWizard 님이 작성:
I have a PC build that is weak as a kitten so I'd like to transition to this build. Looking at the 17m DPS POB there are 2 medium cluster jewels with 12% increased Chaos damage over time. This doesn't seem to be an option on medium cluster jewels anymore - it doesn't come up as an option under stats in trade. Has it been removed or am have I just not got the correct stat listing to find it ?

Here are a few versions that work with this build:

Circling Oblivion + Student of Decay
Circling Oblivion + Unwaveringly Evil
Brewed for Potency + Spiked Concoction

The trick is to put "Added Small Passive Skills Grant:#" first in the search field.
t0lkien 님이 2022. 10. 21. 오후 8:50:25에 마지막으로 편집

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