[3.24] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

If i didn't miscount you should have 1 free socket in Helm/Gloves/Boots. Is there anything useful you could use in there?
you don't need vaal regalia as a body armor.
Evasion / ES armour would help us reach higher ES due to trickster node we are taking

also, while going this route change split personality from Evasion to Armor
so we have best of the both world.
gruumine 님이 2022. 8. 18. 오후 8:20:26에 마지막으로 편집
Kelvynn, you really giving this one a go this league? You got me really on edge about trying it myself.
Hey Kevlynn, I think you missed Awakened Cold Penetration in the Gems list.
Raphanasuan 님이 작성:
If i didn't miscount you should have 1 free socket in Helm/Gloves/Boots. Is there anything useful you could use in there?

Two. No Blasphemy, can use that socket for Frost Shield. And only 2 curses, no Enfeeble. Mapping should be safe enough already, and instead of the heavily mitigated curse effect on the bosses we have the Ascendancy feature that's not mitigated.

I haven't decided what other gem to use yet. Maybe Vaal RF.
gruumine 님이 작성:
you don't need vaal regalia as a body armor.
Evasion / ES armour would help us reach higher ES due to trickster node we are taking

also, while going this route change split personality from Evasion to Armor
so we have best of the both world.

Nope. The best Int/Dex body armours are way too far behind Vaal Regalia. That node is not nearly enough to compensate.

I'm using Int/Evasion Splits in PoB. They are super cheap, and the extra evasion is nice. Int/ES ones give about 500 ES at the high end. I'm not sure if that's even worth it. But that remains to be seen.
RaGe0uS 님이 작성:
Kelvynn, you really giving this one a go this league? You got me really on edge about trying it myself.

Yes. If it doesn't work well, can always level up Ascendant or Occultist and use the gear on them.

RaGe0uS 님이 작성:
Hey Kevlynn, I think you missed Awakened Cold Penetration in the Gems list.

Fixed. Thanks.
Kelvynn 님이 2022. 8. 19. 오전 12:26:13에 마지막으로 편집
Kelvynn 님이 작성:
gruumine 님이 작성:
you don't need vaal regalia as a body armor.
Evasion / ES armour would help us reach higher ES due to trickster node we are taking

also, while going this route change split personality from Evasion to Armor
so we have best of the both world.

Nope. The best Int/Dex body armours are way too far behind Vaal Regalia. That node is not nearly enough to compensate.

I'm using Int/Evasion Splits in PoB. They are super cheap, and the extra evasion is nice. Int/ES ones give about 500 ES at the high end. I'm not sure if that's even worth it. But that remains to be seen.

Hmm, I must have done something wrong but I was getting around 500-1k More ES with INT/DEX body armour.
gruumine 님이 2022. 8. 19. 오전 1:18:12에 마지막으로 편집
Oh my. This is interesting! I will try to follow your progress.

Some thoughts:
- Should definitely pick up Ghost Dance with all the evasion available for even more survivability. It's right there on the usual path, right?
- One Step Ahead vs. Heartstopper. In my opinion the action speed keystone is slightly better, freeze immunity along with a permanent mini-tempchains & haste aura. I also wonder if this negates the movement speed loss of Cyclone? If so, you can finally drop those awful boots of yours for a pair of REAL Sorcerer boots! >;-)
- Wicked Ward + Spellbreaker might be an interesting alternative variation. Granted you can realistically get more spell suppression now as a Shadow. Getting the recharge when hit seems like another way to sustain ES indefinitely and with WW it will have you recharging most of the time if you're taking any hits from spell damage. I don't even think you need to cap spell suppression because the benefits of this interaction will probably kick in often enough without it. Requires dropping Ghost Reaver and one of the Trickster Keystones. I played a Hybrid Recharge/Leech version in Archnem for a short while that worked fine in T16 maps with gear from 1-2 days of playtime in Badger's Private League.

Kelvynn 님이 작성:
gruumine 님이 작성:
you don't need vaal regalia as a body armor.
Evasion / ES armour would help us reach higher ES due to trickster node we are taking

also, while going this route change split personality from Evasion to Armor
so we have best of the both world.

Nope. The best Int/Dex body armours are way too far behind Vaal Regalia. That node is not nearly enough to compensate.

I'm using Int/Evasion Splits in PoB. They are super cheap, and the extra evasion is nice. Int/ES ones give about 500 ES at the high end. I'm not sure if that's even worth it. But that remains to be seen.

- No, he's actually right. Given equal mods a Sadist Garb actually tops the Vaal Regalia. See here, I took the liberty to use your chest from Sentinel league:

Not only that, it gives a huge amount of evasion as well as making Ghost Dance stronger. Evasion is also a good way to "mitigate" (increase survivability/EHP) vs. attacks that is a weaker side of this builds defences. Physical spells & phys DoT will probably be the weakest link.
That sold me. Going with this variation. What's a good leveling skill for us? Still Freezing Pulse / mines? I am assuming the staff will be acquired later than usually due to lowered unique drop rates.
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"

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