[3.22] Mr9Lives - Bleed Bow Champ/Glad - Too Much Fun!!! - All Content Viable

This is build guide for Bleed Bow Champ/Glad. You start as a glad and eventually switch to Champ if you want to invest that much into the build. The build is stayed mostly the same for 3.22. Snipe is going to make leveling bleed bow feel much better on single target. The physical mastery for 10 percent more max physical damage will also be a nice buff. The build is a great mapper and can become a very good bosser with enough investment.





3.22 Changes

There are two new supports. Sadism and Volatility. I think both of these will give more "POB" Dps but hurt QOL. The big reason to play Dots is dps uptime. I think Volatility may work well with Split Arrow but not so much with Snipe/Puncture as ideally you want consistent good uptime on your Snipe and hitting 2-3-4 69 percent less could be very frustrating. Sadism may work with it if you scale the duration on Puncture so that it still last a good bit of time while providing the huge Faster Damage. I think either support maybe good for Split Arrow. This will be tested during beginning of league and updated based on findings.


Links have been updated below for 3.21


The POB now has a leveling for Bleed Bow if you would rather level directly with it instead of SST. Transition trees are done. Will add Snipe once able.

Highlight/Showcase Video


I have added a FAQs Section and updated the POB guide with version number. I will update this drop down as to what version number it is currently on so you can easily tell if you are on the current version.


Pierce or Chain or Both

Pierce will brick single target and chain. If you do want to use pierce use it directly in your Split Arrow setup over chain. Chain gives us better map clear and pierce is better for heavy dense maps where chain hits the same couple targets over and over.

Vaal Molten Shell vs Vaal Grace?

Grace is better if you are well below the evade cap. If you are evade cap then the vaal version doesn't do much for you.

How do I get the most efficiency out of Molten Shell?

If you want maximum uptime on Molten shell this needs to go on left click. It is an instant skill and will not cause any movement issues

Which stance do I use (Blood/Sand)?

Blood stance is a lot more damage and used on hard rares and bosses. Sand stance is better for mapping and giving you a little bit more mitigation. On the Gladiator versions of the build it also allows you to keep up maximum challenger charges (Sand - Mapping / Blood - Boss)

What are the Ensnaring Arrow Totems for and when do I use them?

Ensnaring arrow gives you a lot of damage as well as some Quality of Life. Dropping Ensnaring Arrow totems on Bosses will make your bosses take 200 percent more damage as if they were moving. This is great for bosses that aren't very mobile. Secondly Ensnaring Arrow applies snares/vines which slows the enemy down. This is a very big quality of life and allows for better ability to negate packs and mobs.

What about using multiple totems instead of Greater Multiple Projectile with the Totem setup?

This one is more about personal preference. You will get more snares/vines with Greater Multiple Projectile but lose out of getting more totems. More totems can be nice on Bosses when trying to be mobile as possible

What about phasing for content like Simulacrums?

This is an easy 1 point fix on our tree for all but the $$$ - Damage version of the build. We put 1 point into the Freedom of Movement wheel. This grants 10% chance of phasing on kill.

For the Damage versions do we have to use the specific medium clusters?

The simple answer is no. There are many combo's that work. We just used the most efficient notables not necessarily the cheapest or easiest. Any Combo of the below works
A. Rend
B. Wasting Affliction
C. Circling Oblivion
D. Disorienting Wounds
E. Exposure Therapy
F. Flow of Life
G. Student of Decay

Do the non-notable passives matter on our cluster jewels?

Yes they do. You don't have to match the ones used. The big thing is these are used to help fix issues such as attributes/elemental resistances/chaos resistances/max life/etc. Use these as a way fill your build out

What options do we have for Watcher's Eyes?

A. Malevolence - Damaging Aliments you inflict deal damage % faster - Best
B. Determination - % Additional Physical Damage Reduction - Most
C. Determination - # to Armour while Affected - Good Mitigation
D. Grace - % Chance to Evade Attack hit - Great to get to Evade Cap (95%)
E. Grace - % Chance to Suppress Spell Damage - Great to Suppress Cap if
missing Suppress

When do I switch to Champion from Gladiator?

Do not switch unit you can get the Forbidden flesh and Forbidden Flame Gratuitous Violence. This is a lot of damage (20% More and gives you the bleed pops)

I can't find a Citadel Base that is high Physical Damage?

The most important part of the bow is the base physical Damage. Don't look at only the DPS. Look at the flat roll. A 160 - 500 flat (450 Pdps) is better than a 120 - 460 (550 Pdps) bow. There are a few bow bases to check for. Citadel is just the best base. Make sure ILVL85
A. Ranger Bow
B. Assassin Bow - Implicit doesn't matter
C. Harbinger Bow - Implicit doesn't matter
D. Spine Bow - Extra Attack speed is a nice Quality of life

Why Am I Struggling with Mana?

A. Make sure you have the Sovereignty anoint
B. Make sure you have Non-Channeling Skills have -6/7 Total Mana Cost
(You can get this on rings and amulet. It is a prefix and can be
crafted. Use on 1 item or 3 items to suit your needs)
C. You can add Reduced Cost of Mana Skills during flask effect to any
flask ( This is a craftable mod that comes from unveiling Cinderswallow


You use Split Arrow with chain to do most general mapping. This with bleed pops gives you very good clear and smooth feel. You can switch to pierce for much more dense content such as simulacrums. Swift affliction is very good for straight boss rushing as it allows you to do a little more damage with Split Arrow when you aren't able to get a clean puncture off.
Puncture will be your main single Target. Being in the Assailum helm makes it a charge skill with much higher damage

Top Versions

$$$ - Damage

Hits 35.7M Dot Cap and has 39k EHP

$$$ - Tank

Has 17.5M Dot while having 94% Evade, 100k Armour, Divine Flesh,
83% Max Chaos Res, Max Spell Suppression and 297k EHP

$$$ - Balanced

Has 28M Dot while having 95% Evade, 80k Armour, Max
Spell Suppression and 94k EHP



+ The build has very good clear speed for smooth mapping.
+ Can do all map mods other than physical reflect (Life/Mana Regen can be done but can be a pain)
+ Very Safe / Tanky build (Depending on version you choose)
+ Can be done on a smaller budget with more investment to push harder

- DPS Dot Cap. You can scale to 35.7M DPS maximum due to this.
- Pure physical so less scaling
- Can get very expensive to truly push to Uber Boss levels

Leveling Tips

If this is your first character do not recommend leveling as Bleed Bow. I would level as SST Bleed into Bleed Bow. I did add a bleed bow leveling if you want to level bleed bow the whole way. Snipe Support has made this viable.
If this is not your first character grab some leveling uniques and enjoy.

Recommendable Leveling Uniques

Ascendancy Order

1. Blood in the Eyes
2. Gratuitous Violence
3. Arena Challenger
4. Outmatch and Outlast

Passive Trees

The Comprehensive Bleed Bow POB has 5 versions of the build all combined into one. You can go from Budget DPS to Budget Tank to $$$ Damage to $$$ Tank to $$$ Balanced. It all up to your playstyle and how much you want to invest.

https://pastebin.com/WjGv5N8J - POB
https://pobb.in/CnMN6TJXfKpw - Browser

The Pantheon

For the Pantheon you take what you feel you need/benefits you most.


Damage - $$$ - Damage Version

Mitigation - $$$ - Tank Version


If you have an questions or need any help always feel free to join Twitch Channel and ask away. If you enjoyed the build stop by and let use know. Mr9Lives is live 100 plus hours a week and streams 20-30 hours at a time regularly. Not only can the channel help with the build Mr9Lives is great with helping/teach economy so you can go from this budget version to the full version. Stop on by it would be great to see ya!!!

If You enjoyed the guild and would like more guides like this drop by MR9Lives channel and subscribe. If this gets enough hype will make a full guide for the Ball Lightning Build.

ssjtrio2 님이 2024. 4. 5. 오후 6:21:17에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2024. 7. 20. 오후 5:05:17
Glad to answer any questions and help people get it to work with the playstyle they want!
It's been my favorite build for a long time, glad to see it shared to the many people enjoying it! :)
Big thanks to @ssjtrio2 for all of his work on the build and pob's!

Guide and showcase videos coming very soon.
Mr9LivesTwitch 님이 2022. 10. 29. 오후 9:53:55에 마지막으로 편집
Oh wow, this is exactly what I was wanting to try but ended up running a Lacerate build instead- I'm definatly going to give this a try instead! o7

Question though, I noticed all the variations had fairly low amounts of max HP compared to what im used to running- do the excessive amounts of armor/evasion/spell suppression make up for this?

One more thing, I see marked for death notable taken on some of the $$$ trees but dont see a mark anywhere- Am i just missing it?
Darkcrimsonred 님이 작성:
Oh wow, this is exactly what I was wanting to try but ended up running a Lacerate build instead- I'm definatly going to give this a try instead! o7

Question though, I noticed all the variations had fairly low amounts of max HP compared to what im used to running- do the excessive amounts of armor/evasion/spell suppression make up for this?

One more thing, I see marked for death notable taken on some of the $$$ trees but dont see a mark anywhere- Am i just missing it?

You have mark on hit in your setup in your gems on the more expensive builds. Not used on the cheaper builds.

The low amount of max HP is due to the extreme amount of mitigation so you don't need nearly the amount of HP you would with less mitigating builds.

The gear and the skill sets also have drop downs for the different builds.
Hey, I love the bleed bow playstyle. Really wish that Deadeye was better because ricochet is so much fun.

My only question looking at this, is how do you hit 100% bleed chance on split arrow? I only see like 85%.

Do we rely on the % chance to bleed mod on bow?

I've been trying this out for Always Deli and it's fun, bleed chance was the only thing I was struggling with.

What's your go-to levelling skill? I was running CA>Arrow Nova for clear and Puncture for bosses, as you're just scaling generic DoT and tank while levelling before clusters.

Other than that I'll definitely be playing this for my 3.20 league start, as long as it doesn't get gutted for some reason.
You can get a chance to cause bleeding mod on your bow, also when you apply a vulnerability curse from your ring, you gain an extra 20% chance to inflict bleeding which should easily cap you.
Jake7500 님이 2022. 11. 29. 오전 4:44:58에 마지막으로 편집
Viable League starter 3.20?
Raikoben33 님이 작성:
Viable League starter 3.20?

I'd league start SST Bleed until you can transition into Bleed Bow as you will need Assailum Tricorn and Ryslatha Coil before switching.
Jake7500 님이 작성:
Raikoben33 님이 작성:
Viable League starter 3.20?

I'd league start SST Bleed until you can transition into Bleed Bow as you will need Assailum Tricorn and Ryslatha Coil before switching.

So you start with Lacerate for exemple ?
Raikoben33 님이 작성:
Jake7500 님이 작성:
Raikoben33 님이 작성:
Viable League starter 3.20?

I'd league start SST Bleed until you can transition into Bleed Bow as you will need Assailum Tricorn and Ryslatha Coil before switching.

So you start with Lacerate for exemple ?

Yeah you could start any melee/semi-melee skill into bleed bow.. Bleed blow requires a bit more gear than say SST or Lacerate does so it feels more fluid than doing bleed bow right away. Lacerate and SST both work very well and allows you to level with very little respecing once you do switch.

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