[3.21] fezz's Fast Alt Leveling Guide - Level 1 to 90-95+ in a few hours (requires ~3-6 Divine Orbs)

I think they might have forgotten to allocate the notable after putting the jewel. I have done it once and was wondering why damage is so low.

Possible. Ii happend to me twice and I felt like a morron, need to do something with my memory.
hey Fezz was checking out this thread and noticed that the pastebin for your string for better trading doesnt exist anymore.
AegonV 님이 작성:
hey Fezz was checking out this thread and noticed that the pastebin for your string for better trading doesnt exist anymore.

Updated string: https://pastebin.com/X50F1JgV

fezz8386 님이 2023. 4. 25. 오후 10:13:18에 마지막으로 편집
Fezz, thanks for the guide, i leveled mine not w smite and changed some jewels i had already and figured it would work the same. Anyways thanks man for the post. Helped lots c:
Fezz, thanks for the guide, i leveled mine not w smite and changed some jewels i had already and figured it would work the same. Anyways thanks man for the post. Helped lots c:

No problem! The guide i actually not up2date, but it's great it still worked for you ;)
somehow the trade link is not work anymore, can u note which mod we need on those item?
newgame4me 님이 작성:
somehow the trade link is not work anymore, can u note which mod we need on those item?

This guide is outdated. Use this instead, if you want to complete the campaign as fast as possible.
fezz8386 님이 2024. 5. 7. 오후 1:45:05에 마지막으로 편집

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