Flaming Hot Heads (SRS) | League Start Friendly | Tanky Bombs
Eater: https://youtu.be/70AbIeo6cQc
Pro: One ability focus Insane tanky elemental ailment immune stun immune 100% recoup life 1k life regen petrified blood Fast map clear Can kill end game bosses (not ubers) Con: Can kill end game bosses (not ubers) PoB: https://pastebin.com/fW7gnCt7 (current gear) Biggest upgrade for my current gear is to get SRS enchant from lab with chance to summon additional SRS Pob with leveling pathing included: https://pastebin.com/6nLz4Qqg Able to league start and has fun upgrade spikes along the way Noticeable interactions: I only cast SRS unless I am bossing or need bonus damage. In those cases I also apply arma brand for curse and combustion. The defensive layers make us very tanky and can laugh most things off. Diallas lets us have some cool interactions Using unleash and infernal legion makes the whole PoB damage lower but you are able to make the SRS explode faster, and it feels better. Unleash also puts out 5-6 SRS constantly making the build feel great through all content Things that can be added in or swapped: You can fit in shield charge/fortify if you want to Starting you can use Mark of the Red Covenant until you star to craft or buy a helmet Cost of this build is bellow 15 divs Easily able to perform from cheaper items to scale along the way Early in league or starting off make sure to look for minion life and damage Dont forget that +1 all fire skill gems is cheaper then getting +1 all minion skill gems along with being more effective Thank you to Sister and Reisen for helping with theory crafting this and other builds xCrudex#3887 님이 2022. 12. 21. 오전 7:38:05에 마지막으로 편집 마지막 추천 2022. 12. 19. 오전 1:54:08
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