[3.22] CoC Ice Spear Build | Occultist | Trial of the Ancestors | Path of Exile 3.22

I can't understand how do you reach 100% crit chance..i spend 50-60 divines on the build and i hit 55%..i have almost the same gear like suggested.The only thing i am missing is the watcher's eye.Currently level 82

My pob
YeetBooY#7253 님이 2023. 9. 14. 오후 4:23:07에 마지막으로 편집
I'm trying to have fun with a COC ice spear build. Been following different guides. But I think im Missing something. can any1 help? https://pobb.in/6k0b5VEkv3Wp

i think you will find this tree much better for your char more dps n more es + with that shield you need shield nodes i put in for you
dragnmith1#2944 님이 2023. 9. 29. 오후 12:30:50에 마지막으로 편집
dragnmith1 님이 작성:

i think you will find this tree much better for your char more dps n more es + with that shield you need shield nodes i put in for you

Thank's I'll give it at go.
I like this build very much and I am trying to get it working but my APS is always wrong.

In PoB it says 7.53 (which would be good) but when I check the character sheet ingame, it says 7.58 (+5%).

Do you still have that character, and can you please check what it says ingame for yours?

There might be a bug in PoB. In that case, your build would be over the limit too.

Or a bug in the game client. In that case, your build would seem to be over the limit ingame like mine does.

Either case, your ingame must be showing 7.58 too.

I cannot think of a different explanation right now. But it needs confirmation from you ingame please.

Image 1: PoB. Left is mine, right is yours. Values are the same and good 7.53

Image 2: Ingame, onslaught active (leftmost flask): bad value 7.58
Hard to give feedback without the POB URL.
Do you have flask "ticked" in items section? Is the config setup right?

Juxx2013 님이 작성:
I like this build very much and I am trying to get it working but my APS is always wrong.

In PoB it says 7.53 (which would be good) but when I check the character sheet ingame, it says 7.58 (+5%).

Do you still have that character, and can you please check what it says ingame for yours?

There might be a bug in PoB. In that case, your build would be over the limit too.

Or a bug in the game client. In that case, your build would seem to be over the limit ingame like mine does.

Either case, your ingame must be showing 7.58 too.

I cannot think of a different explanation right now. But it needs confirmation from you ingame please.

Image 1: PoB. Left is mine, right is yours. Values are the same and good 7.53

Image 2: Ingame, onslaught active (leftmost flask): bad value 7.58
LesserForms 님이 작성:
Hard to give feedback without the POB URL.
Do you have flask "ticked" in items section? Is the config setup right?

This is 1:1 the build posted here just some weaker items. Config setup is same because I am keeping both in the same PoB.

Just my numbers ingame are different from what the build guide says and also from what PoB says.

PoB and guide agree. Ingame it is (likely) wrong. It it is off by about 0.05 APS

Here's the PoB so you can see yourself:

The PoB has 2x tree, 2x items, 2x skills
"MY" is mine, "1" / "1" / "Endgame" are wishdropper's original. (they are actually called "default", not "1", seems like a unrelated pobb.in bug)

Juxx2013#4168 님이 2023. 10. 17. 오전 7:20:17에 마지막으로 편집
The ingame is wrong and I'd never thought why this could apply to absolute values too (vs values relative to your enemy's stats where such problems are expected).

The issue is old and known, e.g.:
See https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1416401

Sorry for the fuss.
Hi. Could someone explain to me as I'm 5 how is this getting crit capped?

When I'm completely stripping it from all configs it stays 100%? Am I crazy? Jewels are crit multi, surely cospris+eye+belt mod isn't cutting it? Thanks in advance.

Could you explain how to make the gloves?

Thanks :D

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