[3.24] CheapBunny's Artillery Ballista Deadeye | Wilma's Requital | Added MageBlood Version

Hi, are you talking about your standard toon mithrahel? Here are two quick searches: one in standard and one in ancestor league.



Most people are playing ancestor so standard prices tend to be higher. If you want to keep playing that toon in standard.

Ideally you will want to eventually buy or make yourself a 1400 - 1500 ele dps bow. I'm only at 1200 so far this league.

Any other questions msg me or post here and someone will be happy to help if we can.
Hamrfall 님이 2023. 9. 27. 오후 7:46:44에 마지막으로 편집
IcedFirefly 님이 작성:
My current bow sucks, but i'm broke.
For around 80-90 chaos, should i buy a spine bow, farm fossils, essences, etc and try to craft something useful or better to buy the best one i can afford?


You current bow is so bad that almost any ele bow will be an upgrade. Just throw some of these on the bow
, until you hit something decent and bench craft attack speed.
cheapbunny 님이 2023. 9. 22. 오후 9:52:57에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks guys.

yes, i'm playing in standard atm, got back to the game after a long break.

I have another 6l very similar to the one i'm using, i will see if i can improve it with essences, and keep farming and saving chaos to buy a better one or craft it myself.

baby steps... lots of things to learn and to improve

IcedFirefly 님이 작성:
My current bow sucks, but i'm broke.
For around 80-90 chaos, should i buy a spine bow, farm fossils, essences, etc and try to craft something useful or better to buy the best one i can afford?


Don't forget that you can use PoB to search for items that will improve your current character. You can set a budget and it will show you a list of the best upgrades that you can afford.
My POB is only counting the attack speed on the abhorrent interrogation gloves instead of both attack and cast speed. Any thoughts?

In addition POB is telling me "attacks have .7 to critical strike chance" is a better implicit than frenzy charges.

Am I just a POB noob?
Hamrfall 님이 2023. 9. 23. 오후 11:17:47에 마지막으로 편집
Hamrfall 님이 작성:
My POB is only counting the attack speed on the abhorrent interrogation gloves instead of both attack and cast speed. Any thoughts?

In addition POB is telling me "attacks have .7 to critical strike chance" is a better implicit than frenzy charges.

Am I just a POB noob?

From wiki :
Modifiers that increase "attack and cast speed" in a single line typically do not double dip, and will only apply once.

Frenzy charge is better in my POB, but i think the difference is very small, either one is fine
Does Ancestral echo give 20% attack speed for totems with wilma's? Even though it's one line "attack and cast speed"?

Also do large cluster jewels that give attack and cast speed per node give 6% attack speed (or 8% with 35% inc effect node) per node?
starklife 님이 작성:
Does Ancestral echo give 20% attack speed for totems with wilma's? Even though it's one line "attack and cast speed"?

Also do large cluster jewels that give attack and cast speed per node give 6% attack speed (or 8% with 35% inc effect node) per node?

I believe those are one line, and hence does not stack.
I'm trying this build, but my lethal pride don't give me the same nodes than the POB (chance to intimidate is linked with flash Freeze for exemple)... i buy the same Lethal pride (with Rakiata)... why it dont work plz ?
There is a number on the gem. Each gem is unique. I suggest you look up an tutorial. The gem OP is using is hella expensive anyway, you probably don’t need to bother yet.

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