[3.24] Splitting Steel Champ - All Uniques, Cheap League Start, Mapping, MF, Sanctum

CoolBeaver 님이 작성:
There is not enough mana to use War Branner.
I understand correctly what using the skill gives in a cluster ?
"Passive skill Master of Command"

Unfortunately, there are problems with three clusters; in each there is something missing on the market(


on t16 I die constantly I'm either being shot by the boss rare or his regen is a million times greater than my dps

on t14 for 6 cards 1 devine (4k wisp + every card)
at a cost of 1 card of 300с +

God, never in my life will I collect more MF 0 dps 0 hp, at 400 div+

There are other Mana Reservation options in Megalomaniacs besides "Master of Command". Check the WIKI for Megalomaniac mods.

I said to read last pages, and in one post I said to NOT MF farm empowered T16s with Replica Wings + Item Rarity Support.

Doing that is 5L DPS in the most extreme content, with a Unique weapon that cost a few chaos. What else were you expecting? You need a GG Rare axe for that.

I also just posted saying to stop using Item Rarity in general.

This game is complex, and if you just copy/paste, expecting everything to work 100%, that rarely happens; it's on you, the player, to figure out the issues with your character, and not the builds fault you don't fully understand what you're doing.

Finally, if you don't know, multi-mirror price builds get killed by Empowered T16 content all the time!

11Kobar11 님이 작성:
learned early to deviate from your suggestions with care lol! awesome stuff here and well described.

i saw you went concentrated effect to replace lifetap: i had a faster projectiles handy so went there, would concentrated effect be much better?

if u get bored, take a look at what i'm doing, in case i missed something critical (has happened before!)

thanks again for running this awesome thread.

Toon is looking good to me! Well done.

Concentrated Effect is pretty good, mostly convenient for the color since I was doing Item Rarity, so easy to swap.

My suggestion is to try everything yourself. Lvl 21/0 corrupted gems are usually cheap, so there's no reason not to just try different supports to see how they feel/work.

Lolwaffles 님이 작성:

Swapped to this after getting bored on league starter. This was my first time ever interacting with a Steel skill.

History on me, playing since closed beta on and off, 1500 hours but never made it to red maps before this league, mainly due to burnout. Took this league to learn and ignore the league mechanic after getting what I needed from it. I screwed around a lot, I don't know how many divs worth of Unmaking to try different things. I'm still pretty casual, but I feel I get this build pretty well in most mechanics.

My thoughts:

Leveling - Pretty smooth, only issue I had was with Call of Steel as it felt clunky for a long time. After investing the points to buff call of steel it felt a lot better. Still took a while to realize how much damage call of steel really does though.

Map Prog - Smooth as butter. Nothing to note, finishing the atlas was a breeze.

Pushing Prog - Struggled here for a long time, mainly due to so many things being new to me. As soon as I got Nimis everything became a joke. I took this time to alter your build a bit as I needed chaos res but couldn't afford progenesis. I removed rage from the build and just ignored the sockets, there wasn't a whole lot I can think of to throw in the missing slots, but I'm sure there is. Swapped the belt to Perseverance and removed Thrillsteal for a rare helmet.

This gave me a bit more survivability against instapops and degen. I also hate Thrillsteal.

Got my HH and swapped Thrill back in. Stuck at 97 and don't think I'll get past, from this point I've got to become more familiar with mechanics and their interactions, but build has crushed since Nimis and gets stupid with HH.

Still swap in Perseverance and a rare helm for content with no rares.

Thoughts on Build Overall - I'd say I'm about 85% compliant with yours for the most part, missing a few double corrupts I just can't be assed to care about at this point, I suck at dealing with mana reservation so I don't run the exact same, but it's similar to one of the earlier setups.

Build is great, there is definitely a struggle point, but Nimis easily solved that issue.

It's relatively beginner friendly so long as you have experience with other mechanics in the game. Getting used to steel shards and timing of call of steel to wipe packs out took a little bit, but it's not that bad.

My only complaint is keybinds. Too many damn keys, which is why I dropped Rage. Once I'm more comfortable I'll give it a shot with Rage.

Overall fantastic build, allowed me to experience a ton of content and learn a lot in one season. Went from 1-3 exalts a league to well over 300 div while ignoring wisp juicing 100%. I still have a few hundred div in random crap to sell as well, so for someone who never really interacted with the economy very well, this build was great.

POB if you have any critiques or improvements to what I have. I'm still very ignorant on how stuff works, so I may have deviated in ways that maybe aren't as good as I think. I'm also very stupid.


Updated POB with right rare jewel

Hi, thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough overview of your experience with the build :)

Glad you took it, made it your own, and it worked well for you, that's what this game is all about; nicely done!

The build feels pretty good mechanically, but I'm into red maps and I feel like giving up. To even start progression into your "endgame" setups you need, at a minimum, 70-80 divs...

Nimis is ~40d, Forbidden gem pair are around 10, the cheapest That Which Was Taken with only +impale hit and proj damage is 85d and there are only 2 of them. And after that, "just get a Headhunter!". Great...

Even ignoring how flimsy it feels, if I had known that to get the build going I was going to need to dump such an insane amount of currency, more than I've made in the last 3 leagues into it, I wouldn't have even bothered.

Feels like that should have been a disclaimer at the very start of your guide, "Warning: Prohibitively expensive for most players"
SleepyV 님이 2024. 1. 27. 오전 10:14:52에 마지막으로 편집
SleepyV 님이 작성:
The build feels pretty good mechanically, but I'm into red maps and I feel like giving up. To even start progression into your "endgame" setups you need, at a minimum, 70-80 divs...

Nimis is ~40d, Forbidden gem pair are around 10, the cheapest That Which Was Taken with only +impale hit and proj damage is 85d and there are only 2 of them. And after that, "just get a Headhunter!". Great...

Even ignoring how flimsy it feels, if I had known that to get the build going I was going to need to dump such an insane amount of currency, more than I've made in the last 3 leagues into it, I wouldn't have even bothered.

Feels like that should have been a disclaimer at the very start of your guide, "Warning: Prohibitively expensive for most players"

LOL Whatever bro... I don't control the economy.

And just because you don't know what you're doing, doesn't mean it's the builds fault.

I highly recommend giving up with your attitude.
SleepyV 님이 작성:
...I'm into red maps...

Nimis is ~40d, Forbidden gem pair are around 10, the cheapest That Which Was Taken with only +impale hit and proj damage is 85d and there are only 2 of them. And after that, "just get a Headhunter!". Great...

Even ignoring how flimsy it feels, if I had known that to get the build going I was going to need to dump such an insane amount of currency, more than I've made in the last 3 leagues into it, I wouldn't have even bothered.

Feels like that should have been a disclaimer at the very start of your guide, "Warning: Prohibitively expensive for most players"

I felt this as some point, not as bad as you apparently, as I was able to farm for the div for nimis in a few days of just screwing around.

I was able to clear both eater and exarch before Nimis, if I had known Eater dropped Nimis I'd have just farmed him instead of selling exarch invites, but I didn't know, he wasn't around when I last played.

It's not that hard to get 40 div, totally ignoring the wisp juicing.

On the That Which Was Taken, why are you looking for that EXACT mod which is expensive, instead of settling for one that will boost your dmg or survivability? Mine is +Eva per Frenzy, Proj Gain Dmg as Traveling, add # to # Phys if you've crit, and 9% chance to take 50% less area damage.

Thing was dirt cheap, 1-2 div maybe? But give's me good damage and defense, and pairs with the eva/armor flask stacking with Perseverance which again, raises offense and defense.

The problem is you have a totally different play style than the author, and you're expecting too much from what this guide is. You're meant to look at what are the stepping stones to that build, and how to advance your gear. He's not saying "Do this exactly", he's pointing you in the direction.

It's up to you to figure out how to mold the build to suit your playstyle, it worked well enough for me. Branch out and try something different instead of just trying to copy it 100%.
At this point - 3.23 Early T16 Guardian Mapping Setup - I'm having problem running multiple auras.

I have Herald of Purity, Purity of Elements and Pride, but I cannot run all of them at the same time. Should I be running them at the same time?

I know Precision is also there but it takes small amount of Mana reservation, even without it I can't run first 3
so i see some builds choose point blank with splitting steel. i like the 30% damage but don't see how it works with "our" build, especially when projectiles fire random.....
11Kobar11 님이 2024. 1. 28. 오전 11:07:14에 마지막으로 편집
11Kobar11 님이 작성:
so i see some builds choose point blank with splitting steel. i like the 30% damage but don't see how it works with "our" build, especially when projectiles fire random.....

PB is just used early on for a bit of a cheap/easy boost to single target before good gear.

oooo u went lupine charms...look at that suppressed spell stuff... good one!! will do same.

I'm trying out brutal restraint... kinda hard to resist, 5 Div and i get 80% proj damage increase, 50% crit chance and 4% life... hard to say no...
11Kobar11 님이 작성:
oooo u went lupine charms...look at that suppressed spell stuff... good one!! will do same.

I'm trying out brutal restraint... kinda hard to resist, 5 Div and i get 80% proj damage increase, 50% crit chance and 4% life... hard to say no...

Ya, trying Charms now, because with Brutal Fervour instead of Headsman, and with Rarity not being as important, Tincture not as impactful, and Charms have some really cool bonuses; I do miss not seeing Rares/Uniques on the minimap though - yet, can't complain about the extra bag space though ;)

Brutal Restraint looks dope! Nicely done.

I noticed you have Piercing Shots, so you could probably fit in Greed's Embrace if you wanted to go full MF; never tested it myself though, so you'd have to do the legwork.

Also, noticed you're using HH + Brutality, which have a negative interaction, because some HH buffs give you Elemental dmg and Brutality will prevent anything but Phys dmg.

corosou 님이 2024. 1. 28. 오후 11:05:19에 마지막으로 편집
corosou 님이 작성:
11Kobar11 님이 작성:
oooo u went lupine charms...look at that suppressed spell stuff... good one!! will do same.

I'm trying out brutal restraint... kinda hard to resist, 5 Div and i get 80% proj damage increase, 50% crit chance and 4% life... hard to say no...

Ya, trying Charms now, because with Brutal Fervour instead of Headsman, and with Rarity not being as important, Tincture not as impactful, and Charms have some really cool bonuses; I do miss not seeing Rares/Uniques on the minimap though - yet, can't complain about the extra bag space though ;)

Brutal Restraint looks dope! Nicely done.

I noticed you have Piercing Shots, so you could probably fit in Greed's Embrace if you wanted to go full MF; never tested it myself though, so you'd have to do the legwork.

Also, noticed you're using HH + Brutality, which have a negative interaction, because some HH buffs give you Elemental dmg and Brutality will prevent anything but Phys dmg.


Yeah, was keeping brutality in just to up damage numbers with herald of purity. will likely swap out both of those soon. will look at Greeds, thanks!

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