[3.20] Ephemeral Edge Flicker Strike Trickster - Super tanky mapper

You're making me want to tinker with this more again :D

I'm really excited to see how it goes. Losing Bronne's Lithe is losing a lot, but at the same time I suspect that a rare would be able to beat it with infinite budget/perfect crafting, for sure.

I may well come back to this in a few weeks after league start, if/when I get frustrated with my "secret new project", lol. Spoilers, that project is also flicker, but I also seem to have found a way to get it to roughly 220 million POB DPS, which is not a number I ever thought I'd see next to flicker strike.

That is building it stupidly glass cannon, of course, where a light breeze could pretty much blow it over; my league start plan right now is going to be a lot more reasonable - still way, way less tanky than this version (it'll be a raider), but higher DPS very early.

It'll be an experiment, so we'll see. However, I do tend to go through a pattern of trying an enticingly high DPS build at league start, then getting frustrated with how often I'm dying, and then making a super tanky build as a reaction, lol. That process is what made this build, actually - I was annoyed with my league starter being too flimsy, so I brewed this thing up.

I kinda predict that after a few weeks of dying every 30 seconds, I'll come back to this for a round two, lol.

I might have a little look at your POB in more detail later this week though. Like I said, I'm pretty curious to see if we could actually make the build go crit, rather than RT/PT. I suspect that would result in higher damage numbers at extreme levels of investment, but probably it would require those extreme levels to get off the ground.
Dreadmaker7 님이 작성:
However, I do tend to go through a pattern of trying an enticingly high DPS build at league start, then getting frustrated with how often I'm dying, and then making a super tanky build as a reaction, lol. That process is what made this build, actually - I was annoyed with my league starter being too flimsy, so I brewed this thing up.

I kinda predict that after a few weeks of dying every 30 seconds, I'll come back to this for a round two, lol.

Lol sounds like me.
This league I am going to force myself to start directly with the tanky-yet-farner build, or at worst to get a league starter for currencies.

I now need to check Heinarc's PoB, I am really intrigued how not only he kept/increased the dps, but ALSO added 50% ES!

Love the trick idea for finding the right crucible tree!
Heinarc 님이 작성:
Thanks again Dreadmaker for the very solid build base!

Despite the huge hit from the lightning mastery removal, we benefit from a lot of other changes which make up for the loss.

My hot POB warrior take for Crucible : this build looks BONKERS.
Again I've not played it yet and might be overlooking weaknesses, so take it with a grain of salt.

My POB warrior version : https://pobb.in/Kd25lEvbwJpO. About the same budget than your original post, I'd guess 10-20div per slot with a lvl 100 char, very min/max but not out of this world.


9M+ pinnacle boss DPS
Possible to activate berserk to get to 13M DPS for a few seconds


12000+ base ES Pool
47000 phys max hit
100000 elemental max hit
Chaos immune
50% block and spell block

Recover 1800 ES on block
Leech 3000 ES per second
Recover 1200 ES on kill

Immune to stun
Immune to elemental ailments
30% less damage from crits, marked enemy can't crit
8% reduced enemy action speed

POB EHP estimate, flaskless: 400000
POB EHP estimate with flasks : infinite (lol)


+180% movespeed
2 "moar DPS" buttons (totems), rest is automated
Ephemereal Edge is an Unique but not particularly rare and the only one on its base type, so can probably be chanced. Might become useful if Crucible is hard to roll on uniques.

Main changes from your original post

-Rare amulated replaced with Voice of the Storm revamped unique (25% more dmg compared to a rare, hard to pass up)
-Bronn Lithe's swapped out for a well crafted rare (you need STR/Resists from somewhere)
-Tree reoptimised for Crucible
-Large cluster abuse for stacking ES
-Required reservation% gotten from a Medium aura cluster rather than from the tree
-Conductivity swapped for Warlord's Mark + Mark on hit, for great synergy with the mark nodes/masteries and taking full advantage of the new elemental mastery (25% MORE DPS against a 50% res enemy)

Looks really good (and incredibly expensive too). I think you can also change the shock modifier to 25% against pinnacle bosses.

I think it can be tinkered with in many different directions:

* counter attack tech
* smite auras
* One step ahead vs overleech (pros and cons to both). or even allocate it with forbidden
* remove 5-6 cluster nodes to take Brutal blade: current build relies on rumi being up, which will not happen if fight lasts more than 14 seconds with no adds (typical of a wave 30 boss or bosses with phases)
* I wonder if we can scale shock more, it was much easier with previous masteries.
* not sure is the +2 strike is useful or not. We could still go with intimidate on the gloves which allows another mastery choice

Thank you, I was thinking this build was nearly dead (it needs way to many currencies to have decent dps). I am still trying to figure out if I can make another tanky Aegis flicker (this time capping suppression too!) but it is hard and pushing me towards Doryani.

Looks really good (and incredibly expensive too). I think you can also change the shock modifier to 25% against pinnacle bosses.

Thanks ! Actually I made sure I could replicate all items in my POB with 2000-5000c crafting costs in the craftofexile emulator (and you can usually trade for less, as I doubt gear suited for this build is gonna end up insanely popular)

I think the most costly piece here is the +frenzy synth ring, which was already showcased in the OP pob.

remove 5-6 cluster nodes to take Brutal blade: current build relies on rumi being up, which will not happen if fight lasts more than 14 seconds with no adds (typical of a wave 30 boss or bosses with phases)

Considered it a lot, settled without as those nodes are quite inefficient (compared to ES stacking cluster nodes) and you don't have a lot of other amazing options for flasks. But yes, Rumi's ends up being a large part of the build defense

* not sure is the +2 strike is useful or not. We could still go with intimidate on the gloves which allows another mastery choice

I've played my share of flicker strike (levelled it a couple times to 100) and yes this mod is amazing. Synergizes a lot with the splash, so you triple splash every mob in a pack while flickering around, one tapping every pack left and right. I'd not get rid of it.

I guess we could also use intimidating cry on LMB.

Finally, one last idea : my tree allocates Adamant for protection against corrupted blood and 30% reduced dmg against crits. But if you allocate the mark mastery "marked enemey can't crit", it may be better to get CB immunity as a corruption on one of the abyss jewels (you only really need 2 mods on them, ES and shock avoidance), and instead go for Retaliation, Arcing Blows or maybe Fleetfoot depending on your preference
Heinarc 님이 2023. 4. 5. 오전 9:47:34에 마지막으로 편집
With the datamined release of some of the Crucible passive trees, here are some modifiers that could be useful on this build:

- Unaffected by shock while leeching energy shield
- recover ES over one second when you take damage from a physical hit
- increased effect of shocks you inflict while leeching energy shield
POE DB published a provisional list of crucible passives here : https://poedb.tw/us/Weapon_passive#WeaponPassive. I think what you spotted in the first leaked version were changes linked to the passive tree.

It's so crazy I doubt we will see some at all, but well, here's what I've spotted for us. Its also likely some will be on 2H only, with only lower tiers available on 1h weapon.

Crazy strong

*Adds 1 to 3 Lightning Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Intelligence => 10% more dmg, potential build changer
*+40 flat ES (on shield?) : if it gets multiplied by the 400% increased modifier on Aegis Aurora, its huge (6% more dmg, 7%more HP). Might be too good to be true
* 20% reduced Effect of your Marks, 20% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy => single handedly solve any frenzy generation issue
* +100 to Strength, Gain no inherent bonuses from Strength : a lot of stats problems solved in a single node
*25% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge,
-1 to Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges => about 10% more dmg, worth it (lower tiers probably not so much)

Very strong
*10% increased attributes (or int) : +3% dmg, +4%HP and easier to get the required STR
* Any of the keystones or notable we plan to allocate on the tree (each passive saved is about 2% more dmg and 2% more HP with this build, and you may save more than one)
*20% chance to shock (we don't crit, any help is welcome)
*5% increased attack speed (local weapon mod) => 6% more dmg
*25% reduced Attack Speed, Attacks with this Weapon have 30% chance to deal Double Damage => About 0% net DPS gain, but extremely good synergy with shock and the ele mastery
*+5% block chance => always good to take, frees up options on the tree / flasks, may save on a very expensive shield corruption
*+25% chance to Suppress Spell Damage,-5% to amount of Suppressed Spell Damage Prevented : about 10% EHP
*Chance to fortify on stunning hits : saves up an valuable implicit on the chest (you can get +8% block instead)
Heinarc 님이 2023. 4. 6. 오전 7:49:27에 마지막으로 편집
Last league I played the character as my 2nd one and levelled it fully twinked.
I guess it's not a good league start?
This video on the interaction of instant leech with Ghost Reaver is relevant for this build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9Aee56E9hk
> Last league I played the character as my 2nd one and levelled it fully twinked.
I guess it's not a good league start?

For sure it isn't! :D

I would very much advise against starting this. I personally will be starting as a frost blades raider this league; The amount of expensive and highly desired uniques this thing needs to work would not be conducive to a good league start, for sure.

Farm up the currency first, and then if you want to experiment with it, that would be a solid second or third build choice!
One problem with the updated POB: the notables Electric Presence and Sublime Form do not appear on medium cluster jewels, only on small clusters. That requires different solutions to mana reservation.

The only option I see is to go back to the Charisma cluster and the Influence cluster. Might be able to avoid needing the Influence cluster with a mana reservation implict on the helmet. But the Charisma cluster is a significant expense -- 7 points minimum to get to it.

Edit: it is possible to use a 3-point small cluster with one of those notables. You just sacrifice a jewel slot to do it.
Metaphysician67 님이 2023. 4. 19. 오전 8:09:41에 마지막으로 편집

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