[3.20-SSC] CWDT Scion IceSpear & CreepingFrost ft. Nimis VS all End Game - Video UP ♫ (High Invest)

Hi all, It's been a long time since I posted a build.

Description: CWDT Scion with Ice Spear and Creeping Frost for damage in combo with new unique ring Nimis.

For the math of various things like skeleton, cooldown recovery rate and cwdt setup, at the start i followed this video. Is an old video but math it's the same.
[link -> WARDLOOP | Mechanics Explained in Detail | Examples Inside | PoE 3.17 Archnemesis]

So before you start to plan to do this build, since my thread is a showcase, follow him for the start. As you will see in the video, there are fews breakpoint of CDR, with my current setup i got 52% CDR that is not expleined in that video, but, adding lvl 21/20 less duration gem support to anomalos skeleton, will work well.

How i got 52% CDR?
There are 2 ways:
- 20% cdr on belt; 20% cdr on boots; 4x abyss jewel with 3%
cdr each
- my setup: 20% on belt, 20% on boots, 2% on 1 abyss jewel;
and luckly i got a relic with 10% cdr (screen down
BTW, if you don't have a really huge budget, i suggest to make this build with 9% or 27% cdr setups. Chek always the same video that i posted up for maths.

The offense of the build is very impressive, i'm also in boss setup in the video.
But is possibile to make a more speedy setup adding Phase Run with increased duration and Enhance. With all this CDR Phase Run is permanent = perma +68% speed. But the build have some socket problem so you have to fix other setups, for example dropping the idea of low life (saving 2 gem slot) or dropping the high level curses and link curses with low level in same setup of forbidden rite.

Defensive stats: full block with glancing blow, and basically immune to nearly all degens thanks to high recoup.

Cons: 0% phys mitigation and -60% chaos res sometime is a pain in the a**; sadly you can't have any phys mitigation or chaos res otherwise loop will not work.

NOTE/TRICK for mana: In body armour the offesive skills use Divergent CWDT; the curses in staff are linked with normal CWDT. Why? Here the trick: you don't need to proc curses super fast at same speed of offensive spells, so using the normal CWDT cause curses proc 1 loop yes 1 loop no, this thing save a bit your mana!

I don't know what to say anymore. Feel free to write tips or question here in thread.

Enjoy ^_^



My builds
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Hitma47#7532 님이 2023. 2. 24. 오후 2:12:18에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 9. 11. 오전 8:09:35
Hi, do you have an estimation for the budget version (low cooldown)? could it be done for 70-100 div or it would be too weak?
IGN: Vixen_Dex
sammet9 님이 작성:
Hi, do you have an estimation for the budget version (low cooldown)? could it be done for 70-100 div or it would be too weak?

there are few guides on web that use also just 15-20 divine for the low budjet.
With 80-100 you can still do a good version with 27% cdr too. As third ascendeancy you could use inquisitor, and ofc not using awk empoer 5 that is not wroth in any case (i just bought for fun) and not using sublime vision hatred that is a lot expansive.
30 divine for nimis is the item highest price that u need then you have 70 div to finish. Is more than enough.
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Hitma47#7532 님이 2023. 1. 26. 오전 7:03:37에 마지막으로 편집
If I got a big budget (big budget), in what way can I get the abyss jewels to get to 52% cdr without the relic and is it worth it?
Vastania#7135 님이 2023. 1. 30. 오후 7:04:22에 마지막으로 편집
Vastania 님이 작성:
If I got a big budget (big budget), in what way can I get the abyss jewels to get to 52% cdr without the relic and is it worth it?

If you see, in my gear i use 3x rare jewel that can be changed with abyss jewels.
Belt 20% cdr; Boots 20% cdr; 4x abyss jewel with 3% cdr each (1 in belt 3 in tree).
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Thank you, but you missed a important question, :) Is it worth to do that? Is it a damage loss or not?
Vastania 님이 작성:
Thank you, but you missed a important question, :) Is it worth to do that? Is it a damage loss or not?

nothing can give you more DPS than reaching 52% cdr.. i a lot more spell per second than 27% cdr setup. Also on abyss you can search on all 4 at least 10+ global multi, so you don't lose too much. Be sure to have also enough life to proc loop too
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
I assume the boots are elevated baran cdr ?

Anyway just the sublime vision is half a mirror if not more.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Vendetta 님이 작성:
I assume the boots are elevated baran cdr ?

Anyway just the sublime vision is half a mirror if not more.

yes elevated cdr and elvated effect of non-damaging ailments.

BTW where you see price of things lol.. hatred sublime vision is in 65-75 divine range
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
No fork on a nimis build? That will like triple you damage

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