[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!

What is the easiest farm to earn currency on this build?
By the way, I have no play technique.
Water gravitates toward the lower ground, human nature always want to take the easy way out.
fatlori 님이 작성:
Hello, you can see if something is missing.
The trinity works very poorly, the cold resonance is hard to turn on


Yes, because you have like 25k minimum hit with cold while around 20k max hit with either fire or lightning.

The best way to use trinity is to have lightning damage the highest coz it low rolls are low, so you'd get non-lightning resonance when lightning rolls high and lightning when lightning rolls low. You, on the other hand, have very high ice damage, so both fire and lightning damage can't outdamage it, so you're not getting cold resonance.

The easiest way to fix that is to replace added cold with added lightning. You'll lose a few percent of damage, but your trinity should work fine if I'm correct.
theio666 님이 2023. 4. 13. 오전 8:45:12에 마지막으로 편집
hlqq 님이 작성:
hi, i'm having problems with trinity, when the "cold damage" stone is inserted, it does not fill up and the xD icon does not light up, but when I remove it, how does everything work, what could be the problem? Or is that how it should be?
ps attached a link to the profile, temporarily removed the stone because I don’t understand what’s wrong :/


Same issue as the guy I've replied above - with added cold your cold damage low hit is higher than high hit with any other element, so you can't get cold resonance. You can replace added cold with added lightning - that way resonance will work fine, and you'll only lose a few percents of DPS.
Hello I am a new to this game and wondering where do you buy the Prismweave and Karui Ward? Thank you for help in advance.
bizw 님이 작성:
Hello I am a new to this game and wondering where do you buy the Prismweave and Karui Ward? Thank you for help in advance.

From the official trade site:


Check the platform (PC, PS4, Xbox) and the league.

You should check a tutorial on how to operate the website in order to optimize the search.

Gryphuz 님이 작성:
bizw 님이 작성:
Hello I am a new to this game and wondering where do you buy the Prismweave and Karui Ward? Thank you for help in advance.

From the official trade site:


Check the platform (PC, PS4, Xbox) and the league.

You should check a tutorial on how to operate the website in order to optimize the search.

Okey thank you I will do it.
got fried doing last Labyrinth on my first try. should i remove Kaom's spirit gloves while moving and put back on for Boss fights? will def be getting more life pots...

update: yes it did work!
11Kobar11 님이 2023. 4. 13. 오후 6:27:37에 마지막으로 편집
Very nice build! Could you take a look and give me a tip what to upgrade next for further dmg?
I need help. How can i reduce mana cost of tornado shot?
Just switched to this guide and absolutely loving it so far, very fun. Blasting low tier maps at high speed right now farming essences. I'm making some good currency, so now i'm wondering where to go next.

I know the build has generally speaking, a few variants. Omni Phys to Cold, and Heatshiver seem to be the most popular? There's also Crit vs. Ele and most builds seem to be doing Ele at the moment.

I want to keep the Kaom's + Immortal Flesh/Voll combo, but I have NO idea where to go from here and poe.ninja isn't of much help.

What are the differences between the different variants and what's the recommended route if I want to spend around 50-100div? The goal is just to blast T16s with no problem and pinnacle bosses (no uber).

Also, if someone could make some suggestions about what my next big upgrades would be, it would be much appreciated. I'm looking at either Hyrri's Ire, large clusters, or potentially an Omni if that's the recommended route.

Thanks again for the guide and I appreciate any help!

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