elj0ven 님이 작성:
how can we afford 3 40% mana reservation aura?
you don't use haste, only the vaal haste
글 작성자:yankuch#28412023. 4. 14. 오후 1:04:19
11Kobar11 님이 작성:
so i took Vengeant Cascade as ammy annoint. I think that is a mistake with Tornado shot?? i swapped in Lightning arrow and it was definetly boss foe map clearing.
so Master Fletcher is best for Tornado shot?
Yeah, vengeant cascade doesn't perform well on tornado shot unfortunately :(
글 작성자:yankuch#28412023. 4. 14. 오후 1:05:20
This build has the most insane low-budget gear I've ever seen...
What happened to the tried and true "white maps", "yellow maps", "red maps" before talking about budgets.
There's a huge step up from the lvl 60 gear to the "low" budget version.
글 작성자:LUXEdeJUNK#43092023. 4. 14. 오후 1:06:51
revenantt97 님이 작성:
Hey there,lvl 62 right now,had some amazing drops this league, im currently level 62, 1st and 2nd lab done. I've had drops worth 4 divine+ 130c while levelling. I already have about 1100 edps bow,also 6l zodiac leather + resistance and spell surpression,im loving the build so far,doing perfectly even before the godlike drops. I want to transition to Ice Shot so my question is - Is there any point of using Herald of ice and aiming for 100% cold conversion(i've played some ice shot builds before,looked completely different than this one). I took Far Shot from my 2nd lab,dropped point blank,as the PoB says.
All im saying is we need a bit more info on IS/LA options,anyways the build is great,ty alot.
im glad you're having a great time, there is literally nothing else to change, your other guide was scaling cold damage on ice shot, so that's why he was using different setup. If anything try to rush the annoint vengeant cascade on a decent amulet for Ice shot, it will feel really good
글 작성자:yankuch#28412023. 4. 14. 오후 1:07:24
Alamirion 님이 작성:
Hi, I am having some problems with the transition from rain of arrows to TS. I am at lvl 82 in yellow maps, merciless lab done, I am still with precise technique, I have more accuracy than HP, I am doing good damage with rain of arrows, but when I swicht to TS the damage feels so low, but the ability damage says it is greater than rain of arrows. I don't know what is happening. Can you give me some advice fellas?
I will buy another better bow today, something about 950 eDPS. I hope this helps to improve my damage.
But give me your advice guys, I have around 150 chaos to invest. Tell me your suggestions. The character is Tornado_Suri.
Hey! I don't understand what could be the issue, I don't see that you have precise technique allocated though. A better bow will help for sure
글 작성자:yankuch#28412023. 4. 14. 오후 1:11:35
yankuch 님이 작성:
elj0ven 님이 작성:
how can we afford 3 40% mana reservation aura?
you don't use haste, only the vaal haste
thanks, i was doing fine so. this build looks pretty comfortable, willing to max it ^^
글 작성자:elj0ven#25012023. 4. 14. 오후 1:25:56
yankuch 님이 작성:
Alamirion 님이 작성:
Hi, I am having some problems with the transition from rain of arrows to TS. I am at lvl 82 in yellow maps, merciless lab done, I am still with precise technique, I have more accuracy than HP, I am doing good damage with rain of arrows, but when I swicht to TS the damage feels so low, but the ability damage says it is greater than rain of arrows. I don't know what is happening. Can you give me some advice fellas?
I will buy another better bow today, something about 950 eDPS. I hope this helps to improve my damage.
But give me your advice guys, I have around 150 chaos to invest. Tell me your suggestions. The character is Tornado_Suri.
Hey! I don't understand what could be the issue, I don't see that you have precise technique allocated though. A better bow will help for sure
Yeah I just unallocated it, I have allocated some crits nodes, I have done the 4th lab, bought a 1k eDPS bow, and I am doing very fine now. I also unallocated point blank, and the mirage archers ascendany, and I went for far shot. I am doing well now, have a nice DPS for such a budget gear (1 div). Next step I am going for the rage gloves.
By the way what are the oils for your amulet enchant (multishot)? Ty!
글 작성자:Alamirion#24402023. 4. 14. 오후 1:48:51
Alamirion 님이 작성:
Yeah I just unallocated it, I have allocated some crits nodes, I have done the 4th lab, bought a 1k eDPS bow, and I am doing very fine now. I also unallocated point blank, and the mirage archers ascendany, and I went for far shot. I am doing well now, have a nice DPS for such a budget gear (1 div). Next step I am going for the rage gloves.
By the way what are the oils for your amulet enchant (multishot)? Ty!
Nice im glad you made that work.
it's indigo black and silver, you can hold alt while hovering a notable in game to check the oils now :)
yankuch#2841 님이 2023. 4. 14. 오후 3:13:44에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:yankuch#28412023. 4. 14. 오후 3:13:31
How could we get frenzy charges on lvl 96 tree with clusters (without Mark mastery node)?
Great build actually, zooming maps and expedition like a boss.
글 작성자:Alchal#76072023. 4. 14. 오후 7:19:04
yankuch 님이 작성:
JamieBunpup 님이 작성:
Just thought I'd mention the mistake in the forum write up of the guide VS the PoB
To remove the enduring mana flask, we will need the helmet implicit with reduced Mana Cost of Attacks as well as the craft non-channeling skills have -7 to total mana cost on both rings. We must make sure that tornado shot cost at least 1 mana so that we gain inspiration charges from inspiration support.
In the PoB inspiration is on Artillery Ballista for the progression version, so might want to update that.
Also, just finding a bit of trouble with mana with all the new easily accessible attack speed, Tornado Shot just eats up all your mana with like 5.49 attack rate. Should we just take a mana leech node???
Either lower the mana cost even more, (by alternate quality inspiration or catalyst on your jewelry) until you're satisfied with the mana cost or grab a mana leech node.
If you're recommending inspiration on tornado shot, which link should you drop for that?
글 작성자:JamieBunpup#08892023. 4. 14. 오후 7:19:33