[3.24] Icicle Mines / Eye of Winter Deadeye - Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

DarkenX 님이 작성:
You wouldn't happen to have a tree/PoB made up for the EoW version, would you? Seeing all those mine/trap pathing placements makes me rather lost on where to go for EoW nodes. I'm quite terrible at making my own builds, thus the need to ask~

It's the same tree
99prosorc 님이 작성:
DarkenX 님이 작성:
You wouldn't happen to have a tree/PoB made up for the EoW version, would you? Seeing all those mine/trap pathing placements makes me rather lost on where to go for EoW nodes. I'm quite terrible at making my own builds, thus the need to ask~

It's the same tree

Then, what do you suggest taking in place of all the mine nodes/paths? As they wouldn't benefit EoW any.
DarkenX 님이 작성:
99prosorc 님이 작성:
DarkenX 님이 작성:
You wouldn't happen to have a tree/PoB made up for the EoW version, would you? Seeing all those mine/trap pathing placements makes me rather lost on where to go for EoW nodes. I'm quite terrible at making my own builds, thus the need to ask~

It's the same tree

Then, what do you suggest taking in place of all the mine nodes/paths? As they wouldn't benefit EoW any.

You are using Blastchain Mine + EoW -> you will benefit from any mine nodes etc.
Hey, is there any PoB for the Sabo version and what is the pros / cons behind that? im not familiar with DE and more familiar with sabo.

Loving your build already can tell its good just looking at it.

How do you handle the mana cost for EoW ?
Cost me 21 mana each cast even with -7 mana cost on each ring ? spam mana flask ?
Been enjoying this build, thanks a lot! Made a few tweaks that work for me that I'll share:

* Added lifetap to my Flame Dash/Faster Casting setup, so I can always get out of tight spots. Also added it to my brand setup, as mana was getting tight for a while
* Switched to the Brine King pantheon for Freeze protection, as I kept running out of flask charges for anti-freeze at awkward times. Had to craft Chaos Resist over time onto my belt to make sure poison pools wouldn't instagib me though
* Got a good rolled Watcher's eye, so specced into 3 aura's + skitterbots to get the extra 7% reduced phys. I'm not sure this was worth it, but since it works I'll stick with it for now
* Next goals are to get some better perks on my wands, as that will add a lot more damage to my build

Question about the T5 weapon perk that increases Icicle Mine Aura but makes it do no damage. What does that do exactly?
Inthrall 님이 2023. 5. 5. 오후 5:37:48에 마지막으로 편집
faroeqinew 님이 작성:
Hey, is there any PoB for the Sabo version and what is the pros / cons behind that? im not familiar with DE and more familiar with sabo.

Loving your build already can tell its good just looking at it.

It's pretty much the same tree, only the ascendancy nodes are different.

DE: faster / better clear
Sabo: tankier
99prosorc 님이 2023. 5. 6. 오전 6:23:19에 마지막으로 편집
what farm is doing?
Daun 님이 작성:

How do you handle the mana cost for EoW ?
Cost me 21 mana each cast even with -7 mana cost on each ring ? spam mana flask ?

You have to use Anomalous Blastchain Support (with 20% quality = 40% reservation efficiency)
Hey, I really like this build. Just one quick question: how do you solve mana issue? (after using skitterbot and hatred, I don't have enough mana to throw all my mines. The mana regen cannot catch up after using bitterdream. How much mana reservation efficiency do I need in total to enable the third aura Determination?)

I would appreciate any gear crafting guide for this build :)
FlameBiter 님이 2023. 6. 16. 오전 5:32:12에 마지막으로 편집

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