[3.24] Icicle Mines / Eye of Winter Deadeye - Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

So its been a while since I asked for tips, I think Ive made some improvements.


I still got a feeling I can squish a bit more in terms of tankiness/dps tho. Tell me if Im wrong.
I know I would use Nimis, MB, +2 amulet but these things are far too expensive for me. If u guys got any tips on further improvements excluding 15div+ items please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
BaxaroNN 님이 작성:
So its been a while since I asked for tips, I think Ive made some improvements.


I still got a feeling I can squish a bit more in terms of tankiness/dps tho. Tell me if Im wrong.
I know I would use Nimis, MB, +2 amulet but these things are far too expensive for me. If u guys got any tips on further improvements excluding 15div+ items please let me know.
Thanks in advance!

1. proper pre/suffixes on your flasks
2. as many proj. speed tattoos as possible
First of all I wanted to thank you for the great work on this phenomenal build and for being attentive to all the questions we asked you.

On the other hand, I wanted to know how I can improve my survival, because I see that I get killed too much and there is surely something that I am not putting or using correctly since I haven't been playing PoE for too long.

Thanks to your guides I have been able to create the weapon, the amulet, the gloves and even the ring too :)

I've tried putting Grace or Determination but there's no mana space :(

Thank you very much for the help :)

This is the link to my char:
Metalyk 님이 2024. 5. 17. 오후 11:33:55에 마지막으로 편집
One of my mistakes was that I did not have the suffix of "% reduced effect of curses on you during effect" applied to any flask and flammability was killing me because of that, I don't know if I have more major errors but I'm sure it does, if someone tells me help is appreciated :)
Metalyk 님이 작성:
First of all I wanted to thank you for the great work on this phenomenal build and for being attentive to all the questions we asked you.

On the other hand, I wanted to know how I can improve my survival, because I see that I get killed too much and there is surely something that I am not putting or using correctly since I haven't been playing PoE for too long.

Thanks to your guides I have been able to create the weapon, the amulet, the gloves and even the ring too :)

I've tried putting Grace or Determination but there's no mana space :(

Thank you very much for the help :)

This is the link to my char:

I usually run with a 90% Cost & efficiency implicit on my helm. That might be enough to run another aura if you move hatred there as well. Play around w it in POB. I ran grace and hatred + watchers eye with grace + 15% spell suppression. That additional defense combined with the mageblood really improved my survivability last league. (DJIcicle) I rarely died. Still working on equipping my toon this league but I'm trying armour and determination so far.
Hamrfall 님이 2024. 5. 18. 오후 10:59:52에 마지막으로 편집
Hamrfall 님이 작성:
Metalyk 님이 작성:
First of all I wanted to thank you for the great work on this phenomenal build and for being attentive to all the questions we asked you.

On the other hand, I wanted to know how I can improve my survival, because I see that I get killed too much and there is surely something that I am not putting or using correctly since I haven't been playing PoE for too long.

Thanks to your guides I have been able to create the weapon, the amulet, the gloves and even the ring too :)

I've tried putting Grace or Determination but there's no mana space :(

Thank you very much for the help :)

This is the link to my char:

I usually run with a 90% Cost & efficiency implicit on my helm. That might be enough to run another aura if you move hatred there as well. Play around w it in POB. I ran grace and hatred + watchers eye with grace + 15% spell suppression. That additional defense combined with the mageblood really improved my survivability last league. (DJIcicle) I rarely died. Still working on equipping my toon this league but I'm trying armour and determination so far.

Thanks for help, how can get "Non-Channelling Skills have -8 to Total Mana Cost" on ring? but -8, cause I only got the -7 recipe on crafting bench
On the other hand, I wanted to know how I can improve my survival, because I see that I get killed too much and there is surely something that I am not putting or using correctly since I haven't been playing PoE for too long.

You are getting killed a lot with MB and nimis? Man gimme those..
Metalyk 님이 작성:
Hamrfall 님이 작성:
Metalyk 님이 작성:
First of all I wanted to thank you for the great work on this phenomenal build and for being attentive to all the questions we asked you.

On the other hand, I wanted to know how I can improve my survival, because I see that I get killed too much and there is surely something that I am not putting or using correctly since I haven't been playing PoE for too long.

Thanks to your guides I have been able to create the weapon, the amulet, the gloves and even the ring too :)

I've tried putting Grace or Determination but there's no mana space :(

Thank you very much for the help :)

This is the link to my char:

I usually run with a 90% Cost & efficiency implicit on my helm. That might be enough to run another aura if you move hatred there as well. Play around w it in POB. I ran grace and hatred + watchers eye with grace + 15% spell suppression. That additional defense combined with the mageblood really improved my survivability last league. (DJIcicle) I rarely died. Still working on equipping my toon this league but I'm trying armour and determination so far.

Thanks for help, how can get "Non-Channelling Skills have -8 to Total Mana Cost" on ring? but -8, cause I only got the -7 recipe on crafting bench

Life catalyst (because I need 15 to get to 0 mana cost)
99prosorc 님이 작성:
Life catalyst (because I need 15 to get to 0 mana cost)

Thanks for reply, but why do it if we have plenty of mana, sorry for the noob questions
Metalyk 님이 작성:
99prosorc 님이 작성:
Life catalyst (because I need 15 to get to 0 mana cost)

Thanks for reply, but why do it if we have plenty of mana, sorry for the noob questions

For maps with "cannot regenerate life / mana / es".
I run a lot of unid maps and don't want to switch flasks.

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