[3.24]Herald of Agony CI -The dirty Scorpion-tail|Minion-Pathfinder|100M|Inbuilt Mageblood

Zeiden1 님이 작성:
Build seems very interesting but I'm a bit confused about the playstyle. Do we just channel Storm Burst and let the summons do their thing? Also, is it viable to level with Poison Conc in first acts instead of Toxic Rain?


In my opinion Poison Concotion is better for exp and league start then Toxic Rain, but you will need more respec points if not planed carefully.

As for the build playstyle:
- we use Herald of Agony as main dmg source -> it summons scorpion when we poison enemy
- with each poison we inflict, we get virulency stack - it buffs our Agony Crawler, but stack count drops faster with each additional stack
- we need to get stacks fast -> we need to poison as fast as possible
- to do it, we need something hitting many times + high chance to poison with each hit
- best for this are channeling spells (from experience, best are Storm Burst and, but Cyclone is good too - I go with cyclone for mobility)
- against bosses there can be issues with lower then max virulency -> we use another spell (a lot of possibilities here), for example: ball lightning, it is in most cases connected to cast while channeling

And that's probably all about our main killer.

We can support our agony crawler with other minions - best in this case are "arakaali spiders" from the dagger. And they are in theme with the scorpion :D. Here you get 20 immortal spiders that zoom-zoom on the screen and kill weaker enemies.

This build is a little bit hard to understand and start with, but it can be extremely powerful and flexible. You can use any spells to poison enemies as long as they give you many hits. It is even possible (but not recommended) to go for 100% auto-caster one-button build - you sacrifice A LOT tankiness and dmg, but your few years old kid can play it that way.
Having a hard time setting goals to progress when I see people doing many varied setups, even Chromino with the differences from the PoB. Playtime has been limited and not having a very specific path to follow makes it feel like I'm not using my time efficiently, most of it on this guide/pob and checking profiles. Should I follow your current tree in particular or the PoB?
Lurel 님이 2023. 4. 14. 오전 9:00:28에 마지막으로 편집
At that point I would recommend you improvise tbh, my progression tree looked really weird (and still doesn't really resemble the pob in a lot of places), but the build works out pretty well regardless. I'm defo under 10 div value still and doing juiced 16s pretty fine, skin of the loyals really cleaned it up a lot! I'm deciding what to buy next, probably saving for an empower.
Budewnpa 님이 작성:
At that point I would recommend you improvise tbh, my progression tree looked really weird (and still doesn't really resemble the pob in a lot of places), but the build works out pretty well regardless. I'm defo under 10 div value still and doing juiced 16s pretty fine, skin of the loyals really cleaned it up a lot! I'm deciding what to buy next, probably saving for an empower.

Would you say Skin of the lords gave you more beneifical tankiness/damage than getting an aegis aurora?

Trying to figure out what to buy next since I'm having some difficulties in juiced maps for tanking wise and damage wise against bosses.

I have yet to enable Determination due to lack of rmr but even if I get the cluster jewel for it, i won't be able to trigger some cast when stunned or my CWC setup which im having trouble figuring out how to fix that.
Ryziou 님이 2023. 4. 14. 오전 9:53:40에 마지막으로 편집
Ryziou 님이 작성:
Budewnpa 님이 작성:
At that point I would recommend you improvise tbh, my progression tree looked really weird (and still doesn't really resemble the pob in a lot of places), but the build works out pretty well regardless. I'm defo under 10 div value still and doing juiced 16s pretty fine, skin of the loyals really cleaned it up a lot! I'm deciding what to buy next, probably saving for an empower.

Would you say Skin of the lords gave you more beneifical tankiness/damage than getting an aegis aurora?

Trying to figure out what to buy next since I'm having some difficulties in juiced maps for tanking wise and damage wise against bosses.

I have yet to enable Determination due to lack of rmr but even if I get the cluster jewel for it, i won't be able to trigger some cast when stunned or my CWC setup which im having trouble figuring out how to fix that.

I got my aegis as a drop early but I think apep's probably works as a pretty good substitute- you can't do some of the insane stuff aegis lets you do but you still have ghost dance + regen + better res.

Skin will probably do more either way, but you do need to activate det + grace for sure.

I was meaning to ask Chromino about this but I'm actually not great on mana either. I'm ok now because I stabilized it with an elreon crafted ring for free storm burst, but until then, it was pretty ugly. Not sure how to manage that outside of stopping to build mana for curses/csw as needed.
Just hit maps, have a total of 5c and can barely do a T1. Will run with groups to get some levels, but what are some good early map goals, particularly for Atlas Passives - with a preference for lower risk, reliable currency flow that this build does well with. For example I usually do Alva but I'm not at a point where my crawler can reliably take down the architects in time.
King_Haart 님이 작성:
Just hit maps, have a total of 5c and can barely do a T1. Will run with groups to get some levels, but what are some good early map goals, particularly for Atlas Passives - with a preference for lower risk, reliable currency flow that this build does well with. For example I usually do Alva but I'm not at a point where my crawler can reliably take down the architects in time.

When in doubt harvest + essence is always comfy- I personally enjoy expedition so I'm running expedition + harvest. I think betrayal is always good too if you're willing to sell the services, but overall this build is pretty generalist in regards to what content it does (I don't really like legion or breach with it tho)

What do y'all think about the 15% poison on hit fatal toxins small node? It seems pretty efficient for a single point. Honestly before I get a bunch of pure agony I'm considering taking it maybe even over the curse mastery just because I don't have autocurse and I can sustain max stacks even with 5% less on hit.
Budewnpa 님이 작성:
When in doubt harvest + essence is always comfy- I personally enjoy expedition so I'm running expedition + harvest. I think betrayal is always good too if you're willing to sell the services, but overall this build is pretty generalist in regards to what content it does (I don't really like legion or breach with it tho)

Cheers, that helps!

Budewnpa 님이 작성:
What do y'all think about the 15% poison on hit fatal toxins small node? It seems pretty efficient for a single point. Honestly before I get a bunch of pure agony I'm considering taking it maybe even over the curse mastery just because I don't have autocurse and I can sustain max stacks even with 5% less on hit.

Doesn't that only impact the PC, not the Crawler?
King_Haart 님이 작성:

Doesn't that only impact the PC, not the Crawler?

Aye, but you gotta keep virulence up somehow! Goes a long way probably if you have too many agonies.
Running into a small issue, how do we keep 100% updtime on flasks without relying on being in combat ? Not sure this is possible anymore.

other than that.. without 4-6 Divine anything above T14 is a struggle, very rippy build to start with. Didnt expect Skin of the Loyal to Be 3-6 Divine alone this league..

Damage is fine.. you just cannot keep stacks up and actually live if you run into a Special yellow mobs. Or will will randomly go from 100-0 in a map to blues/whites.

Must have Skin / Shield to be viable imo. until then, its painful
SPYDER680 님이 2023. 4. 15. 오전 2:58:11에 마지막으로 편집

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