[3.24]Herald of Agony CI -The dirty Scorpion-tail|Minion-Pathfinder|100M|Inbuilt Mageblood

Thanks for the information!!! Damn this guide is awesome

Question, I got a great 4 sec trigger wand. What would you put in there? Im thinking unearth/bone offering, but I don't really know. Sadly a curse in there doesn't trigger Vixen's and Arcanist Brand doesn't work either :( BIG SAD

edit: realized this is the ranger version not the necromancer. My bad!
Kurnis 님이 2024. 6. 10. 오전 10:24:11에 마지막으로 편집
LelouchLamperouge 님이 작성:


Edited: Thank you, it's corrected.

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