[3.22][SSF] Power Siphon/Kinetic Blast Cold Wander Raider

Hi. I can't understand Power Siphon how to work with barrage support in 3.23. Any thoughts on this?
0xDolmat 님이 작성:
Hi. I can't understand Power Siphon how to work with barrage support in 3.23. Any thoughts on this?

From what I've seen so far, the build is dead in 3.23. Power Siphon was the best single target wander DPS option, and it seems like it's been changed to no longer be viable for single targets, as it now fires projectiles at 7 different enemies, and not just 7 projectiles in general.
So unless there is a transfigured gem that gives Power Siphon the old single target functionality, the build will be dead.
100purified 님이 2023. 12. 6. 오전 3:08:17에 마지막으로 편집
hello. will u update this for the new league?? or is it dead?
Herba_life 님이 작성:
hello. will u update this for the new league?? or is it dead?

For now it looks dead, unless there is a Power Siphon transfigured gem which gives it its single target capability back.
100purified 님이 작성:
For now it looks dead, unless there is a Power Siphon transfigured gem which gives it its single target capability back.

How about replacing Power Siphon with Barrage of Volley Fire?
0xDolmat 님이 작성:
100purified 님이 작성:
For now it looks dead, unless there is a Power Siphon transfigured gem which gives it its single target capability back.

How about replacing Power Siphon with Barrage of Volley Fire?

That looks like the only option to keep this build alive in 3.23. I'll update the build once PoB gets updated with new gem data. I won't be able to test how it plays though, as I'm planning to play some other build this league.
I could have sworn I saw a alt quality/transfiguration for power siphon getting back to the original. I wouldn't consider thr build dead just different:

I propose 2 ideas worth trying

1: fallback to the classic KB/barrage skill method

2: use the frenzy skill gem. As this gives extra damage per frenzy charge and scales with ice bite as well.

Both methods should be more then adequate to get you into redmaps maybe even pinnacle bosses if played correctly. Definitely good enough to farm
aeonicone 님이 2023. 12. 10. 오전 3:04:32에 마지막으로 편집
In my tests, frenzy should be able to replace PS to single target, I consider it alive, i'll test in a SSF environment.

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