Bleed Glad | Tainted Pact | 2.2mil uber boss dps | 100k~regen | Full block - Build theory + POB

Yes the pob is old and requires update
But the core mechanics stay the the same, so you can adapt it for 3.24
As for gems, use normal gems instead of alt quality.
Ill look in to it later
Evia1 님이 2024. 4. 25. 오전 1:14:42에 마지막으로 편집
Can someone tell me why i still keep dying with my current setup :

I think I miss something about The Golden rule. It's looks like I don't hit big enough to leech or Instant die when I use life flask
AkiLexz 님이 2024. 4. 27. 오전 5:34:24에 마지막으로 편집
Hi, I help some1 who was following this build. He was dying for some reason. The conclusion that I came up with is that he was dying because the life flask would fill up his health bar, remove all leech instances and thus he is not leeching so then tainted pact effect would be gone and he would be dead instantly. Please change the life flask to something else OR use brutal fervour ascendency from flame&flesh

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