Scion - Scourge Arrow (3.22)

This is my first build so if you find any problems or improvements let me know ;)

This build was an idea I got from seeing the builds for scourge arrow and they are all Pathfinder builds, and I'm a huge fan of scion and I'm making my own version of scourge arrow.

I'm still working on it.I'll leave my PoB if you find something that can be improved you can send me tips


--- Body Armor--

-Scourge Arrow
-Unbound ailments
-Vicios Projectiles
-Ballista Totem
-Returning Projectiles


-Defiance Banner


Snakebite -Glove
The Covenant - Armor Body
Wilma`s - Helm
Darkscorn -Bow

mandureba 님이 2023. 8. 23. 오전 10:02:42에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 8. 23. 오전 9:52:52

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