3.22 Corrupting Cry Ascendant - CRY your heart out and clear fast with it!

60 Second short overview

Full Guide on YT

So hey KAREN, you want to shout at some managers?! Well good for you! Me aswell.

This build uses the new support gem Corrupting Fever introduced in 3.22 to make warcries deal damage with corrpting blood.

Most packs just die with one warcry, which makes it a nice playstyle, you just rotate between two different warcies to deal damage.

Note: Stacks of corrupting blood, applied from Corrupting cry refresh, when you apply new stacks. So you get guaranteed max 10 stacks. This means its important to have a lower cooldown on your warcry, then the duration of the corrupting blood.

PoB Buildguide [RECOMMENDED] <- has a leveling tree

PoE Ninja Tree

Starting Cost: low, only has one neeed unique: Redblade Banner

My current gear, see it for links aswell

Start leveling with Spectral Throw until you reach the library, where you can pick up corrupting cry. After that use:
Generals Cry->Corrupting Cry->Second Wind->Brutality

from there on you are good to go! Check out the PoB and the youtube video for a more detailed guide :)

Shyaren out ~

hellscore 님이 2023. 8. 23. 오후 6:41:25에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 12. 16. 오후 8:26:38
Howdy. Both video links are private.
Always wanted a "LS" guide for scion! Ty for post it. Sadly, the videos are not available
any idea how it would do in a league-start scenario?
I guess shield is truly a massive upgrade, but from what I remember steel (I think?) played it on league-start.

any other options for a shield until I get redblade?
Just a warning, Tried to league start this (3.23). Do not recommend for a league start.

Was very slow and killing bosses and Empowered mobs took forever. I even had friends helping me out with gear etc.

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