[3.22] The Forbidden Build 10 - DoT-Capped Healing - Tainted Pact Forbidden Rite Pathfinder

nameless3 님이 작성:
Why don't you replace Anomalous Minion Speed with Swift Affliction and 10% less Skill Effect Duration (Mastery) that has not been used in 3.22 ?

Swift Affliction gives 25% less skill effect duration but we want reduced skill effect duration.

Reduced gets added together and less is a multiplier to all of it.

Using a Timeclasp ring can give 20% reduced duration much cheaper than To Dust.
~5c for a 20% Timeclasp and ~1 divine for a 20% To Dust
Oldtraktor 님이 2023. 12. 27. 오전 8:13:48에 마지막으로 편집
If you're okay with sacrificing cospri's will, you can use flesh crafter and some minion chaos resist. (via jewels or tree or otherwise. the amount you need varies based on the minion's base chaos res)

But this will cause the minions to instantly convert all their life to ES and die, so you don't have to invest in skele duration lessening.

But this means you have to invest in some form of poison application.
Cabledragon 님이 2023. 12. 29. 오전 6:43:00에 마지막으로 편집
First, Jousis you are like Neo on the matrix, love your builds and music.

And huge thank to Aevykin who showed the way to do it on this league.

I solved Aevykin problem. For this build to work properly, you HAVE to get the Blessed Rebirth node in some cluster. Otherwise you will keep dying often.

And if anyone knows how I can improve my build, I would appreciate a lot, since I not near of getting a mageblood yet.
If anyone wants to check my version but its with tattoos so...
Character is "MemeingToImmortality"
Skeletons are with 0.25sec duration and CWDT is 0.24 sec
Im using 4 Dusts....and on the helmet additional 25% reduced duration on skellies...+ blessed rebirth so skellies are immortal or loop fails sometimes...

This is mageblood set up + tattoos like a ton.
Was thinking to go 2 Heart loops and falling zombies to get free sockets back and to invest in HP nodes but idk falling zombies seems buggy to me...+ ring have a lot of INT and HP which I dont have because got good tatts :D

My way of canceling the loop is to pick and return Forbidden taste to cancel self chaos damage(if flask is active from fight), then turning off the flame touch (rape) and then to pull CWDT to kill loop so the RF can suck my HP and then hp regens....which sucks with map crossing regions. Before 3.23 I forgot the method I used to cancel everything.
When you leaving RF to finish dont stand in some degen/burning areas/patches and make sure some mob is not channeling some spell, you are bombing them with temp chains and so on so it can take some time to hit you :D RF is going to 1HP and some stuff can do over 1DMG easily.

Since 3.23 damage overtime for us heal overtime seems buggy, I bet they screw something up with the formulas.

What would almighty @Jousis do in my case?

Using falling zombies is viable here.

They take roughly 0.33 seconds to fall, so you just need 2 Heartbound Loops (or triggerbots) and a 2-link to start the loop, as opposed to the 5x To Dust jewels and Blessed Rebirth cluster notable that Skeletons would require. Personally I think that's worth the ring slot. The self-leech from the zombies is more than enough for 100% leech uptime for Tainted Pact.

Since you're forced to use 2 Heartbound Loops, you can 20% quality both of them to be able to get more physical damage reduction, or not do that if you can't be bothered.

With 2 Skeletons and 1 Heartbound Loop, that's 2 instances of 350-420 physical damage, while with 1 Zombie and 2 Heartbound Loops, that's 1 instance of 700-840 physical damage. This means armor is less effective relative to the hit damage, meaning you can get more % physical damage reduction.

With the "nerf" to the boots, you will struggle even more to use Forbidden Rite with no enemies nearby, but it should be fine overall.
Just wanted to report that I have updated to fallen zombie and 2 loops.
I got like 9 skill points from removing skeleton skill points for reducing duration.

Used those points for missing INT and HP boost so current hp pool is just 4785 but gonna pump more heatlh, im just 92.

I have also added, since i got so much jewel slots free a bloodnotch tech...so even those hits that manage to hit me I get to 57% damage to recoup in addition on the insane healing.Even feel more tankier.

Practicing the passing the doors without turning off only boots...
Build kinda shines even more than before :D

Hope I make you proud with the build.

Character name "MemeingToImmortality"
Hello, tell me, does the build work in this league?
why wouldnt it? the concept is still possible, you'd just need to adjust it to work.
Maybe someone was able to make it in 3.23? Without tattoo and some gems*
For those uninformed, wardloopers have solved the looping problem. cwdt.info ^.^

Also, I will possibly be releasing a DOT CAPPED slighty variation of this soon.

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