[3.24] Dominating Blow Champion - Necropolis-Ready Crit Adrena-minions

Hi, great build, i'm enjoying it so far :D

I want to ask about the impale as i just see the impale chance reach around 40%, is it important/worth it to get to 100% impale chance?
dangminh987 님이 작성:
Hi, great build, i'm enjoying it so far :D

I want to ask about the impale as i just see the impale chance reach around 40%, is it important/worth it to get to 100% impale chance?

Thanks, it's great to hear that you're having fun.

As for impale, the simple answer is that while it would be great to cap impale chance, it's not really too convenient to pick up much more, or worth sacrificing a different support to fit in Impale Support in most circumstances.

To expand on that, going from 0% → 100% chance to impale is 50% more damage, and going from 0% → 100% impale effect doubles that to 100% more damage.

Dread Banner is very efficient in that regard. It gives both chance to impale and impale effect, not to mention the attack damage from Bannerman and chance to evade, which all get scaled with aura effect. That and the fact that it has no reservation on Champion are why we push Dread Banner so hard.

If Dread Banner already gets us half of the way to that 100% more damage, then using Impale Support, for example, to get the next half would only be 33.3% more damage, relatively. In that case, other supports are a little stronger, and Impale Support's relative value continues to diminish as we push Dread Banner further. Turning that around, Impale Support begins to make more sense as Dread Banner's power goes down, which is why other ascendancies that can't push Dread Banner as far as Champion might use it.

That really just leaves the Rotten Claws cluster jewel notable. I could see stacking it with something like Megalomaniac, but the Megalomaniac would have to be very good to justify the loss of a jewel socket. The limited availability makes that hard to fully recommend, but it would be neat to see someone make it work.
erdamus 님이 2024. 4. 6. 오전 4:45:39에 마지막으로 편집
I'm almost done putting together a very high budget version of this build, but adjusted up for considerably more tankiness: 90k armour, 40k evasion, 100% suppress, and Fourth Vow + Divine Flesh. Still managing 60M dps, though I probably could hit 150-200M if I stayed as a more squishy version. I fit in Determination, and am swapping between Haste for bossing, and Grace for mapping. Of course I had to drop Perfidy as well which hurts, but the DPS is still way more than enough for my purposes with just Dread Banner alone.

Can't thank you enough for the build concept, as it's given me something to actually invest in this late in the league.

If you want to have a look at what my endgame setup is going to be: https://pobb.in/PAzhj37HIRcJ
Xanthochroid 님이 2024. 6. 9. 오전 1:21:42에 마지막으로 편집
Xanthochroid 님이 작성:
I'm almost done putting together a very high budget version of this build, but adjusted up for considerably more tankiness: 90k armour, 40k evasion, 100% suppress, and Fourth Vow + Divine Flesh. Still managing 60M dps, though I probably could hit 150-200M if I stayed as a more squishy version. I fit in Determination, and am swapping between Haste for bossing, and Grace for mapping. Of course I had to drop Perfidy as well which hurts, but the DPS is still way more than enough for my purposes with just Dread Banner alone.

Can't thank you enough for the build concept, as it's given me something to actually invest in this late in the league.

If you want to have a look at what my endgame setup is going to be: https://pobb.in/PAzhj37HIRcJ

Hey, thanks for posting your high-budget version. Your alterations for tankiness look really exceptional.

Unfortunately, I've been sidelined for most of the league and haven't been able to update the guide like I've wanted to account for things like T17s.

With any luck, I can put together something in the next week or two. Graveyard crafting a multi-link claw for a Squire version might be a fun project.

Also, your PoB might finally give me the courage to end my love affair with the Battlemage's Cry setup. It's really not as comfy now with the left-click and Call to Arms changes, but I'll still give it a chance. It's hard to tell if tattoos are fully going core, in the end, so things can definitely change.

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