[3.23] Eye of Winter Triggerbot Assassin: >5000 projectiles per second (update + league start guide)

Drvi34 님이 작성:
Why are we removing 2nd medium cluster after swapping to Assassin? Purely for skill points or am i missing something.

Just skill points. You want it back eventually
chais321 님이 작성:
could u check my char out? struggling with damage in t16


You don't have inspiration linked to a skill that's spending mana therefore you're not generating the inspiration charges and losing out on the 25% more multiplier. Remove clarity, link a 20/0 Inspiration support with convocation and the curses.

Would benefit from +1 level on one of the weapons, moreso than more spell damage.

Need brittle ground boot implicit (additional base crit) and the unnerve implicit (increased spell damage taken by enemies) on gloves. Then stack multi where possible.
Would you mind checking out my survivability and tell me what i need to change? I am getting 1 shot all the time. I have 100% shock avoidance and am using stormshroud. 97% spell suppression. 78% all res 77% chaos res

iKillCharmander 님이 작성:
Would you mind checking out my survivability and tell me what i need to change? I am getting 1 shot all the time. I have 100% shock avoidance and am using stormshroud. 97% spell suppression. 78% all res 77% chaos res


I’m seeeing 99% shock avoid in the pobb.in unless I’m missing something. That last 1% is important because ground effects like shocked ground will still apply unless you get to 100.

Life pool could use some work. Just need better flat life rolls on gear.

Are you able to afford all mana costs? It looks like you might be “5% reduced mana cost” short
Yes i have 102% shock avoidance and i think my mana cost is 1 mana. i can spawn 6 brands constantly and never go oom. Ill work on getting better life rolls on my gear.
Does it feel like you’re getting “bodyblocked” and trapped by mobs? If so, swap the granite flask for a quartz for phasing
Can someone take a look of my build? https://pobb.in/T23Hy8H6QhmW

I'm having hard time figuring out the following things:
- What should the next upgrade be? (saboteur flame/flesh still expensive, mageblood expensive too)
- I think that I can't inflict cold exposure (even though have a cluster jewel skill granting it - is it because arcanist brand is not a cold skill and curse doesn't apply?)

Got to say that it definetly wasn't the easiest to league start with but the guide was good. There was a noticable bump in performance after fixing mana issues and getting rid of eldritch battery. Also another huge bump after getting nimis.

Cheers, cnfnd.
I messed up the URL: https://pobb.in/CWlfmaeCP_h1

That one should work.

cnfnd 님이 작성:
Can someone take a look of my build? https://pobb.in/T23Hy8H6QhmW

I'm having hard time figuring out the following things:
- What should the next upgrade be? (saboteur flame/flesh still expensive, mageblood expensive too)
- I think that I can't inflict cold exposure (even though have a cluster jewel skill granting it - is it because arcanist brand is not a cold skill and curse doesn't apply?)

Got to say that it definetly wasn't the easiest to league start with but the guide was good. There was a noticable bump in performance after fixing mana issues and getting rid of eldritch battery. Also another huge bump after getting nimis.

Cheers, cnfnd.

You can inflict exposure - you get it from level 5 Awakened Cold Pen; you don't need the cluster notable.

Improve your flasks. You shouldn't have to run a second life flask once you have leech / instant leech. I don't run one at all in the final build. Trade out the second life flask for a quartz flask. You don't need the ES leech suffix on your flask; you have ES leech already from the Light Eater wheel on the tree. That makes room for something defensive like "% reduced curse effect on you."

Getting +1 max curse is a big upgrade for you. You can drop "Influence" (but keep the reservation efficiency node next to it) and repath at the start of your tree to the small int nodes instead of the % ele damage nodes. Then drop the small life node below Discipline and Training. That gives you 4 points to get to Whispers of Doom and work in Sniper's Mark; that will be a huge single-target damage upgrade for you.

The next thing you can think about is getting a Militant Faith with % reduced mana cost. Right now you're using 3 jewels to get 15% reduced mana cost, but Militant Faith at the Pain Attunement jewel socket can get 8-10% by itself (depending on your pathing near it).

The way you have your mana costs set up, I don't think you're generating Inspiration Charges. I'm pretty sure all your skills linked to Inspiration are zero mana cost so you're missing out on the 25% more multiplier from having the max of 5. Play around with your skills in your hideout and verify that you see the 5 charges building at the buff bar on the top left. The icon looks like the one shown here: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Inspiration_charge

I would swap out The Eye To Eye + Repeater medium cluster for another Aerodynamics + Streamlined. I think you're only at ~70% proj speed + Vengeant Cascade which means the eyes won't necessarily be disipating at your character's location.

Sorry about the price on the forbidden jewels. I did NOT expect them to be so expensive. They were max 4 div last league.
Thank you so much for taking time to respond!

I did:
- Flask upgrade
- +1 Curse (Sniper's mark)
- 2nd Aerodynamics + Streamlined
- Dropped levels on Inspiration support in order to get charges

Especially single target dmg shot to the roof compared to the previous.

I think I will do the Militant Faith when I buy the Forbidden Jewels next. Yeah, the price came as a surprise. I think they were 2 div two leagues ago and 4 div last league so didn't really expect. Maybe someone is watching your guides! ;)

Happy new year!

- cnfnd

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