[3.24] 🏹Replica Badge of The Brotherhood Frenzy Stack [Frenzy + Split Arrow] [1-100mil+ SHAPER DPS]

Akantorsuka 님이 작성:
I really like your build and i want to try it but i really dont get where you get your strenght from since you dont have it in your items nor in your tree

From Lethal Pride.
Hey, thanks for show your build.

what content do you make to earn some currency?

the version 2, what is it capable of doing?(harvest, abyss, legion, etc)

i dont know how i farm with the build .-.

dx001 님이 작성:
Hey, thanks for show your build.

what content do you make to earn some currency?

the version 2, what is it capable of doing?(harvest, abyss, legion, etc)

i dont know how i farm with the build .-.


I do various things, valdos, beast farm, lab, jun, harvest, as it gets stronger it can farm nearly everything with good performance. Apart from like blight and simulacrum.

Showcase soon.
Will you be updating this build for the current league?
TenshiMari 님이 작성:
Will you be updating this build for the current league?

In the future, very likely.

As of right now i am not playing much.
From what i saw there's not many changes. There's a sniper's mark nerf, haven't noticed anything else.
Updated links for 3.24

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