[3.24] 💥💫 The (Arch)Blade Blast Unloader 🗡️🔪🔫 - Screenwide 30m-55m Pinnacle DPS? Say yes to FUN!

So I've been playing some version or another of BBoU for a couple months now. Started league as ice nova archmage, did some min maxing, then decided I didn't much like the build and sold the gear for a ton of currency while it was still meta, so that I could play Ben's version of the phys BBoU. At this point I've probably played 3-4 slightly different versions of the phys blade blast. Most somewhat based around the skeleton of Ben's BBoU sabo passive tree. At some point I got forbidden jewels and moved to assassin.

Eventually I got to thinking of moving away from wand/shield to a spellcaster bow, since at the time I had a lot of currency and saw ckaiba had an insane spellcaster bow available to mirror for no fee. I also dropped entropic devastation gloves in favor of phys to cold gloves. Also got the idea to turn all the cold damage to chaos damage with Original Sin.

In the past 2 months I've recrafted my gear several times because every time I would get some new upgrade, my resistances or my attributes would get screwed and both of those were very tight on this build. For example when I moved from boots with strength to boots with more health and chaos res, I had to recraft my ring to have strength instead. Jewels in particular I've swapped a ton. I am finally at the point where pretty much all my armour is great, even traded up to uniques with good corruptions. My jewels are not perfect, but they are as good as I could craft/get. I think the only reasonable upgrades I have left are 1 passive voices, but I don't have the currency for them and I'm pretty worn on the league.

I've been enjoying the build for the most part and I think my one complaint about it is how much socket pressure there is. You pretty much need at least 12 socket investment just to cast BBoU comfortably, which is why I moved onto an unset ring. I think the ring and my boots were the most annoying to craft because I couldn't use gravecrafting. For the ring I bought an unset ring base with chaos leech and then crafted it from there. For the boots I bought 4-5 pairs of ilvl 86 fugitive boots, spammed greed essence for 96 life then used fracturing orbs until I fractured the max life, then crafted from there.

I've invested a ton of time into the build. Not sure if I coulda had a better build if I had instead invested the time into some other build, but no use thinking about that. I will link my POB below. The build is pretty unique because it uses a bow/quiver, petrified blood, righteous fire, and original sin. It is also bleed immune(100% phys taken as ele), stun immune(tattoos), poison immune(ring corruption), and ailment immune(purity of elements). Even though the eHP on the POB doesn't seem super high, the max hit numbers themselves for phys and ele are very high, it's just that the eHP is not boosted by grace/determination or a guard skill.

Is there a way to improve the archmage version, or is the third build pretty much maxed out? I'm finding the damage to be really nice, if not as absurd as super meta builds. Still incredibly squishy though, especially when arcane cloak is down.

Here's where I got with the build:
Agent956 님이 작성:
So I've been playing some version or another of BBoU for a couple months now. Started league as ice nova archmage, did some min maxing, then decided I didn't much like the build and sold the gear for a ton of currency while it was still meta, so that I could play Ben's version of the phys BBoU. At this point I've probably played 3-4 slightly different versions of the phys blade blast. Most somewhat based around the skeleton of Ben's BBoU sabo passive tree. At some point I got forbidden jewels and moved to assassin.

Eventually I got to thinking of moving away from wand/shield to a spellcaster bow, since at the time I had a lot of currency and saw ckaiba had an insane spellcaster bow available to mirror for no fee. I also dropped entropic devastation gloves in favor of phys to cold gloves. Also got the idea to turn all the cold damage to chaos damage with Original Sin.

In the past 2 months I've recrafted my gear several times because every time I would get some new upgrade, my resistances or my attributes would get screwed and both of those were very tight on this build. For example when I moved from boots with strength to boots with more health and chaos res, I had to recraft my ring to have strength instead. Jewels in particular I've swapped a ton. I am finally at the point where pretty much all my armour is great, even traded up to uniques with good corruptions. My jewels are not perfect, but they are as good as I could craft/get. I think the only reasonable upgrades I have left are 1 passive voices, but I don't have the currency for them and I'm pretty worn on the league.

I've been enjoying the build for the most part and I think my one complaint about it is how much socket pressure there is. You pretty much need at least 12 socket investment just to cast BBoU comfortably, which is why I moved onto an unset ring. I think the ring and my boots were the most annoying to craft because I couldn't use gravecrafting. For the ring I bought an unset ring base with chaos leech and then crafted it from there. For the boots I bought 4-5 pairs of ilvl 86 fugitive boots, spammed greed essence for 96 life then used fracturing orbs until I fractured the max life, then crafted from there.

I've invested a ton of time into the build. Not sure if I coulda had a better build if I had instead invested the time into some other build, but no use thinking about that. I will link my POB below. The build is pretty unique because it uses a bow/quiver, petrified blood, righteous fire, and original sin. It is also bleed immune(100% phys taken as ele), stun immune(tattoos), poison immune(ring corruption), and ailment immune(purity of elements). Even though the eHP on the POB doesn't seem super high, the max hit numbers themselves for phys and ele are very high, it's just that the eHP is not boosted by grace/determination or a guard skill.


Hi have u sold your build already? how much it was total? Wanna go back to bbou once again:)
on1ysuffer 님이 작성:

Hi have u sold your build already? how much it was total? Wanna go back to bbou once again:)

I have swapped some gear around, but mostly haven't sold anything. I think the build as was posted in that POB was probably between 4-6 mirrors. The uniques probably hard to find at this point in the league with so few playing. For the rares, I crafted them all myself, including the corrupted cluster jewels.
Agent956 님이 작성:
on1ysuffer 님이 작성:

Hi have u sold your build already? how much it was total? Wanna go back to bbou once again:)

I have swapped some gear around, but mostly haven't sold anything. I think the build as was posted in that POB was probably between 4-6 mirrors. The uniques probably hard to find at this point in the league with so few playing. For the rares, I crafted them all myself, including the corrupted cluster jewels.

oof hit me up if u gonna sell it, mb i'll be able to buy like 50-70% of it xD
Original Sin?

Nah.. got better stuff to spend my currency on

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