[3.24] Tarekis' Facetank Flicker Trickster - Ultra Tanky All-Rounder - CI ES Stacker

Emireliana 님이 작성:
His imporovements were mostly way more expensive gear I couldn't afford, and in his lastest upgrade he was able to fit Opportunistic, which makes him do ~48m shaper DPS, vs my ~43 at lvl 100 IIRC, if you want to check it out:

I'd love to compare, but I think you forgot a link there ^^

And yeah I do have around 120 div + Headhunter I could sell now, but I think I won't go for MB. I'll finish up challenges with the build and take a break then. Thanks!

Yeah, seems I messed up the links, they got completely deleted.

My PoB

His PoB
One more question, is there a reason for the Quicksilver? I don't feel like I need MS, Basalt or Stibnite seem way better to me. Am I missing something?
Emireliana 님이 작성:
One more question, is there a reason for the Quicksilver? I don't feel like I need MS, Basalt or Stibnite seem way better to me. Am I missing something?

Preference, you can go Basalt/Stibnite for sure.

In maps I find it neat to have the MS, in areas like Simulacrum it's kinda pointless.
Tarekis 님이 2024. 1. 16. 오후 4:42:50에 마지막으로 편집
Hi there, great guide! I'm currently trying to follow your steps to make a CI Flicker strike as well. I was wondering what your solution is for being stunned? Or will that even be a problem at all?
IGN: FlickNg
Birtz 님이 작성:
Hi there, great guide! I'm currently trying to follow your steps to make a CI Flicker strike as well. I was wondering what your solution is for being stunned? Or will that even be a problem at all?

Thanks, hope you're having fun!
For handling stuns you go Brine King in Pantheon forstun immunity after blocking a stunning a hit + having ES (aka being alive) gives 50% stun avoid
Tarekis 님이 2024. 1. 19. 오후 2:47:32에 마지막으로 편집
My "final" version of this build for the league : https://pobb.in/y4NEk0Pz1D1R
About 400div invested into the character I think.

- Lightning strike of Arcing instead of flicker strike, coz I prefer the gameplay especially in juiced maps. Can do Ubers without annoying gem swaps.

- about 25M single target DPS (Nimis return mechanic doubles the effective damage without having to carefully manage distance to enemy)

- 80% reduced curse effect and ailment immunity to ignore even more map mods

- 120% IIR coz why not, doesnt cost a lot (a single flask slot)

- leveled to 100 doing 8k+ wisp maps solo

And to reply to the latest post regarding stuns, IMO the best way to handle it this league is a "cannot be stunned while leeching" charm suffix.

Enjoy !
Heinarc 님이 2024. 1. 23. 오후 2:25:55에 마지막으로 편집
This is the first time i have played Flicker Strike in my 10+ years playing poe.
I have to say i love and hate Flicker Strike, but this has been really fun to play and craft gear for. Currently lvl99, will go for lvl100 for the first time with this build. 10/10 will play this next league too.

Started this build as budget league starter, midleague when everything was expensive... went CI in maps...

I have to say when everything started to click, this is most fun I have had for a while in PoE
Great build, my first flicker char and i am happy with it, awesome guide.(both here and yt)
Hello, I want to try this build next league, my question is can i leaguestart this? Like, using some skill till I get all thigs set up for it, or is it better to leaguestart something else as trickster and respec later?

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