[3.24] Bow Attack Autobomber - A Manaforged Arrows League Starter

This is my take on a speedy autobomber with excellent coverage! A league start viable autobomber that triggers an initial bow attack which triggers multiple Manaforged Arrow setups as we run through the map!

League start POB (what's used in video and gif): https://pobb.in/F_6GTpmpJ8S0
Delirious Forge of the Phoenix: https://youtu.be/7i-2UnxYxTE

Pros & Cons

+ Extremely fast mapper
+ Great scaling potential (magic find option as well!)
+ Autobomber
+ League start viable
+ No mana issues
+ No temporary league power is used in any of the showcases (see tab for league specific suggestions)

- Not SSF viable (need Replica Maloney's Mechanism at least)
- Not HC viable
- Have to level as something else (guide included)
- Will get one shot (not often but it will happen)
- Have to hold down a key


Necropolis League Specific
From the new haunted modifiers, aim on attack hit and critical strike multiplier are solid modifiers for the build. Crafting makes better rares more accessible, elemental bows are especially easy to craft. Tattoos are also back and there are quite a few solid ones for this build (accuracy, movement speed, evasion and mark effect).


Build Mechanics

Initial Bow Attack Trigger
The core idea of this build is to trigger bow attacks as we run through the map.

The only way to trigger a bow attack without having already attacked with a bow is Replica Maloney's Mechanism, which triggers a bow attack when you cast a spell with a one second cooldown. If we use an instant spell, we can we can hold down the key its bound to (many ways to do this, choose whichever is easiest for you) and have it trigger automatically whenever it’s off cooldown. The instant skill we use is Call to Arms (linked to a warcry so we can use it), since its .6 cooldown is the shortest of the instant skills. Replica Maloney's Mechanism's has a 1 second cooldown, but this is independent for each of the bow skills socketed and it only triggers one bow skill at a time. This lets us socket two bow skills into Replica Maloney's Mechanism's and trigger one of them every .6 seconds (which is still still above Manaforged Arrows .5 second cooldown). Now we’ve got a way to trigger a bow attack without ever needing to stop moving!

Triggering Manaforged Arrows
Now we’ve got a way to trigger a bow attack while running through the map! But unfortunately it’s only one attack in a 3-link, which won’t be nearly enough damage. Fortunately (for us at least), triggered attacks (and spells) spend mana and that lets us use Manaforged Arrows to trigger more attacks. To trigger Manaforged Arrows we need to spend three times the cost of the skill we want to trigger on other bow attacks, which is difficult since our initial triggered bow attack is in a 3-link and can’t be a channeled bow skill. Luckily, if we link Lifetap to our Manaforged Arrows setup we only need to spend 1 mana on other bows skills to trigger the Manaforged Arrows setup! Eventually we'll want to pivot to linking Inspiration to the skills linked to Manaforged Arrows instead of Lifetap and reduce their mana cost to 0 or 1 while keeping the mana cost of the bow skills in Replica Maloney's Mechanism at least 1 or 3 (see Upgrades for ways to accomplish this). Since we can have as many Manaforged Arrows setups as we have sockets for (just can’t have duplicates of the same skill gem), we can now simultaneously trigger almost every bow skill in the game!

Sustaining Lifetap Costs
Since we're triggering so many skills with Lifetap, we need a way to recover life. Fortunately, with the number of projectiles we fire each second, we can use life gain on attack hit and instant leech to fully sustain our Lifetap costs as well as getting a solid recovery method on top of it!

I recommend taking the small pantheon that gives reduced effect of shock and the large pantheon that gives freeze immunity and stun/chill mitigation.


Starter Gear
Mandatory Uniques:
Replica Maloney's Mechanism

Recommended Items:
The Taming (2x)
Hyrri's Truth
Belt with at least 15% cooldown recovery rate
Boots with 5% increase cooldown recovery rate from implicit

General Rares: Prioritize getting elemental resistance capped and life. Spell suppression, intelligence and strength once your elemental resistances are capped. For weapon I recommend an flat elemental damage essence crafted Solarine bow (note we don't care about attack speed).
Flasks: Our clear speed is limited by our movement speed, so a quicksilver flask is highly recommended. Diamond helps with damage and Quartz and Jade with defenses.


First Manaforged 6-link
Manaforged Arrows - Lifetap - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Lightning Arrow - Ice Shot - Elemental Hit

Second Manaforged 6-link
Manaforged Arrows - Lifetap - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Increased Critical Damage - Burning Arrow - Tornado Shot

Utility Manaforged
Manaforged Arrows - Lifetap - Frenzy - Power Charge on Critical

Replica Maloney's Mechanism
Tornado Shot - Lightning Arrow - Increased Critical Damage

Grace, Anger

Lifetapped skills
Lifetap - Mark on Hit - Sniper’s Mark - Flame Dash

Instant Skill
Call to Arms - Infernal Cry


Leveling and Transition
Leveling as the standard elemental bow, which is excellent on league start and doesn't require any respec points outside what we get from mainline quests. We use Caustic Arrow before we get Rain of Arrows.

Crouching Tuna elemental bow leveling video

Leveling POB: https://poe.ninja/pob/hly

Transition when you have enough currency to afford Replica Maloney's Mechanism (depends on economy but has never been more than 20c) and allocated Endless Munitions. Elemental Rain of Arrows (or Lightning Arrow depending on preference) is a strong build for atlas progression so don't worry about swapping as soon as you get to maps. Recommended items are all pretty common/cheap and generally should be your first upgrades.


Upgrades (loosely ordered)
1. Start to quality stuff (gems, flasks, catalyze)
2. Add eldritch implicits to rares
3. Craft a better Solarine bow (flat elemental damage, critical strike chance, critical strike multiplier, chance to deal double damage, + number of arrows)
4. Get a Dying Sun (and a Divination Distillate if going magic find)
5. Thread of Hope with large radius near Acrobatics and drop travel points
6. Use freed passive points to get a cluster jewel setup
7. Get enough accuracy and critical strike chance to drop Hyrri's Truth
8. Get a six link Hyrri's Ire (Greed's Embrace if magic find)
9. Craft Stygian Vise with 20% increased cooldown recovery rate and get an Abyss jewel with increased cooldown recovery rate
10. Get rare rings with 5/6 good modifiers to replace The Taming (make sure to get -# to mana cost of skills for the next upgrade) (Ventor's Gamble if going magic find)
11. Swap Lifetap to Inspiration (20/20) in links use some combination of -# mana cost to skills on rings, anointing Dreamer/Tireless, allocating the % mana cost reduction mastery, swapping supports in the Manaforged Arrow links for bow skills and lowering the level of bow skills if necessary to reduce the mana cost of the bow skills linked to Manaforged Arrow (except frenzy) to 0 or 1 while keeping the mana cost of the bow skills socketed in Replica Maloney's Mechanism at least 3 or 1 by swapping Inspiration for Greater Multiple Projectiles.
12. Craft boots with the Shaper/Crusader modifier 15% increased cooldown recovery rate (elevated double influenced with pierce/elusive ideally) (Goldwyrm if going magic find)
13. Corruption hunt on uniques
14. Get a good Watcher's Eye
15. Get Crystallized Omniscience, a well rolled Black Sun Crest and rares to stack attributes/% attributes
16. Awakened Support Gems, Enlighten, Empower


Other Autobomber Guides
Juminoh 님이 2024. 6. 13. 오후 1:48:31에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2024. 5. 18. 오후 10:58:57
Currently playing this through the acts, I have swapped to manaforge/maloney's at level 45 and it is a real struggle not to kill myself lol

Mostly between packs to be fair but yes, it is a struggle, might be worth transitioning later when you have more hp?
loony29 님이 작성:
Currently playing this through the acts, I have swapped to manaforge/maloney's at level 45 and it is a real struggle not to kill myself lol

Mostly between packs to be fair but yes, it is a struggle, might be worth transitioning later when you have more hp?

Oh ya, would definitely be hesitant to transition before maps since so much of our sustain just isn't available until then. If you do want to transition early I might just bind movement to another key (I use space bar) and use that when you're running between objectives while levelling.
Hey Juminoh. Sweet build. Figured I'd give it a shot.
I'm having a little bit of trouble. Life just depletes too fast and sometimes I'll be running for a couple seconds with 1/4 health. Just not smooth.
Hit 81. I'm not sure if I'm missing shots and it's just struggling.

Could it be the 11 points between 81 and 92?
It's the Evasion, Suppressed and Marked nodes.

Afterwards, which flask would you replace the Dying Sun with?
Recommendations for Eldritch Implicits?
For CDR, I'm assuming it's 12% minimum and don't go over 17%?
Do you run 3 auras? Precision, Anger and Grace?
I'm not able to get a 3rd up and running. Are you using reservation charms?
Is Endless Munitions and Focal Point required for it to function? I just haven't attempted the labs yet because the build was a bit squishy.

Could you take a look and see if there's something I'm missing?


chrischoi 님이 2024. 1. 15. 오전 6:52:07에 마지막으로 편집
chrischoi 님이 작성:
Hey Juminoh. Sweet build. Figured I'd give it a shot.
I'm having a little bit of trouble. Life just depletes too fast and sometimes I'll be running for a couple seconds with 1/4 health. Just not smooth.
Hit 81. I'm not sure if I'm missing shots and it's just struggling.

Could it be the 11 points between 81 and 92?
It's the Evasion, Suppressed and Marked nodes.

Afterwards, which flask would you replace the Dying Sun with?
Recommendations for Eldritch Implicits?
For CDR, I'm assuming it's 12% minimum and don't go over 17%?
Do you run 3 auras? Precision, Anger and Grace?
I'm not able to get a 3rd up and running. Are you using reservation charms?
Is Endless Munitions and Focal Point required for it to function? I just haven't attempted the labs yet because the build was a bit squishy.

Could you take a look and see if there's something I'm missing?



Thanks! Biggest problem is lacking Endless Munitions as that is a big multiplier for our damage, clear and recovery. Build should definitely be capable of 3rd lab with the budget you're at, I'd just run an extra life flask instead of Diamond/Dying Sun and rebind movement to another key if you're worried about dying to life costs + traps in lab. Outside of lab, I'd recommend dropping Diamond flask for Dying Sun (add Diamond back for Quartz when you cap spell suppression). For cooldown recovery we just want as much as we can get (endgame gear gets 38%). Relevant breakpoints are 12,17,22,27,32,38 but in between values won't hurt the build. Being able to fit in all 3 auras is purely a function of being a higher level which gives more flat mana to reserve precision on. I'd recommend getting/crafting a flat mana roll on one of your gear pieces temporarily until you get a few more levels. Definitely want Endless Munitions (this is the core problem tbh) and you'll want to get Focal Point asap, but it isn't as mandatory.
Juminoh 님이 2024. 1. 15. 오후 11:06:17에 마지막으로 편집
I am not understanding something; you say in the POB that the attack rate should be ignored because POB doesn't calculate it correctly, but the reality is that since you trigger things every 1 second give or take, the attack rate is 1.something, which is lower than the estimation from POB for about each of the attacks. Does this mean that the build is completely zdps or am I tripping?
Stoyicker 님이 작성:
I am not understanding something; you say in the POB that the attack rate should be ignored because POB doesn't calculate it correctly, but the reality is that since you trigger things every 1 second give or take, the attack rate is 1.something, which is lower than the estimation from POB for about each of the attacks. Does this mean that the build is completely zdps or am I tripping?

Definitely should ignore the POB attack rate and while the actual attack rate doesn't differ much for some skills (e.g. burning arrow) it does for others (e.g. tornado shot). You can see the delirious forge of the phoenix video for the best league start dps estimate. It'll never have the highest single target, but it can comfortably reach 10m dps while being an extraordinarily fast mapper with good defenses (and able to go magic find).
Juminoh 님이 2024. 3. 25. 오전 2:54:41에 마지막으로 편집
Okay so doing this build on console and flasking is hard so what Instilling enchantments do you recommend for flask?
DoomTucan 님이 작성:
Okay so doing this build on console and flasking is hard so what Instilling enchantments do you recommend for flask?

I recommend the "Use when charges reach full" enchant!
I see two Tornado Shot, one in quiver and another in the 6link. Do they not share a cooldown?

Quiver Triggers TS first
Which then triggers:
Secondary TS.
jokervueboi1 님이 2024. 4. 6. 오전 10:07:50에 마지막으로 편집

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