Something is wrong with my build

Hi, I'm new to this game and started with the most popular build I saw in, so, Tornado Shot Deadeye. Maybe this was my first error :)
But I tried to follow different guides I have seen and noone gave me enough survability nor damage. I die in every map several times.
And I see other people's pobs and I see millions of dps, and mine is 90k, and I don't understand a thing. I even copied their trees and items and I never get anything even near to 100k dps.
I am completely lost here...
This is my pob:

Thank you in advance!
Necrorisen 님이 2024. 2. 25. 오전 10:54:35에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2024. 4. 15. 오전 4:38:53
When it comes to PoB you need to go to the Configuration tab and manually set which flags apply to your build. Frenzy Charges should be on, Onslaught on, Tailwind on, Adrenaline on, Flask active on, Enemy is shocked on - because those are all things your build does automatically and/or constantly upon kill, so you can expect them to be present frequently while you zoom around maps.
You also need to go to the Items tab and toggle the flasks on by clicking the little checkboxes next to them.

Even more complicated is setting the right amount of projectiles you shoot and hit with. That requires going to the Calc tab and advanced understanding of mechanics. Projectile mechanics have different priorities and those are too complicated to model. I think the order was split, pierce, fork, chain and return.
In your case you should be aware that Tornado Shot is able to shotgun (means it can hit the same enemy multiple times with multiple projectiles from certain mechanics). I'm no Tornado Shot expert though and don't know which portions can multi-hit under which scenarios, so I can't advise on what amount of projectiles to setup in the Tornado Shot amount counter (which greatly affects your DPS).

Also keep in mind that when people quote DPS values from PoB for their builds they often like to "cheat" a little by toggling every possible beneficial effect on, even though it might not have reasonable uptime, any uptime during boss encounters at all or is lost during tavel time between packs. There's no gold standard when it comes to this and that means you should always carefully toggle viable options in the settings to see what affects DPS the most and draw your own assumptions about practical uptimes and the viability of a build. The same goes for enemy tiers, to see if you can still reliably hit, crit and how much defenses the enemy has left for you to remove with curses, penetration, etc.

I'm not a Ranger expert but perhaps you can find some value in my musings about your build in general:

It's important to point out that many of the buffs and synergies your build relies on are short-lived. 4 seconds of Onslaught or 3 seconds of Adrenaline are quickly lost when you don't have a fast way of travelling from pack to pack or can't get a kill on something killable to get the buffs rolling again. That inherently makes it a build that will greatly struggle against bosses, especially resilient ones without other minions, and only works if you hop from pack to pack quickly.

Not to turn this into an off-topic discussion about how far to play a league on a mapper before levelling a bossing character to unlock Atlas map favorite slots and voidstones (for easier high tier map farm), but just know that at some point you hit a progression ceiling for certain content with any zoomy glascannon build and then either avoid certain content or have to level another character (provided you can't transition into a different build on the same one).
Furthermore, depending on the league mechanic you want to get into, every build just might have limitations. Your current build is not one do to bosses on and it's not one to do high damage survival content on either (no Ultimatums, no Delirium farming, no high level Delves and so forth).

That said, I ran an identical build to yours to start the league and personally found spamming Blink Arrow (with Second Wind as support) and the cooldown from Bow Mastery (I took Farsight) very convenient, as it greatly shortened travel times to get to the next pack - or across unwieldy map terrain.

Since, as mentioned before, Tornado Shot and its splits are able to hit the same enemy with one attack multiple times this in itself impacts expected real DPS. What I do know is that the amount of projeciles you shoot greatly improves real DPS - to a certain point. It's why +projectiles on bow and arrow are such coveted endgame mods. How much DPS you'd get is hard to account for in PoB, as there are many assumptions to make about distance and size of the enemy, positioning, impact angle, relative frequency of various scenarios and then deriving average hits per enemy hitbox size. Such things one can only ballpark and that means you can add quite a bit of damage to whatever number you see.

Since it's a glass-cannon build with life and mana-on-hit (by getting 10% of leech instantly) I suggest you ditching the life flask and slotting a Granite Flask instead, specifically one with additional armor during effect. That makes you far less likely to get one-shot by physical damage (which is a major weakness).
The moment one has to start playing slower and more defensively it's better to drop a map tier or start avoiding map mods or enemies that give one trouble but perhaps the Granite flask might help you avoid that.

As for the gear I'd like to point out that your crit chance is fairly low, which greatly affects damage and synergies. While part of that comes down to the bow and quiver you first should upgrade to a Diamond flask with additional increased critical strike chance during effect. Perhaps socketing crit support is also mandatory at your gear levels.

Utility flasks are very easy and fairly cheap to craft oneself, so if you need help with that, just say the word.

It's personal preference and it's certainly situational but I'm not too keen on giving up a second ring with added damage and, more importantly, mana cost reduction to non-channeling skills just to get a conditional buff that only works on kill (means the pack is usually either dead or one has to spam for more than 3 seconds because the damage is not nearly high enough anyway). Flat mana cost reduction meanwhile does make a big difference when one has to cram in all the auras - which then might even save you skill points up north near the mana node.
If you feel like it, go consult PoB and see if -7 to -9 reduced cost to skills on both rings would help you with clawing some points from mana nodes back, just to you see if that's even an option. While you try it out, remove Dread Banner as well - I'm fairly certain it doesn't contribute a lot to DPS. If cost reduction rings and removal of Dread Banner get you the mana-node skillpoints back, you could put them in damage nodes - or get closer to speccing into jewels. Good damage nodes at the end (and of course jewels) are a big jump in consistient performance and mapclear of a build. Figuring good combinations out will take a bit of trial-and-erroring in PoB but you have many great bow and crit notables in reach, so you can test the viable combinations (by looking at the tooltip for total DPS).

As far as skillpoints in general go: All builds scale up damage significantly with every level towards the end, so the most important thing is not dying, to prevent losing XP - even if it means doing lower or easier content for a while. With the last levels up to 95 one gets to take ever more damage nodes or can consider transitioning to cluster jewels. The damage difference is usually pretty significant. Cluster jewels, thanks to their abundant notables (and pleasant attributes/resistances they give on the side) have significant impact on expected damage and gearing choices. If you have enough basic currency laying around it's even relatively affordable to buy a base at lower item level (to prevent unnecessary higher tiers from being in the pool of rollable options) then making a 3-notable large cluster and 2-notable medium cluster jewel oneself. I'm slowly getting off-topic here though, so I'll stop confusing you with talk about crafting.
Vellsi 님이 2024. 3. 27. 오전 6:37:41에 마지막으로 편집
Wow! Thank you very much for all the insight given, Vellsi. I didn't read it until now because I played very late on the last league and I just started the new one.
Thank you so much for such a detailed review, I will follow it in the standard league!

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